Dems even threw Obammy under the bus for 2020


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Democratic candidates took shots at Obama’s record Wednesday while clashing with former Vice President Joe Biden, the current front runner.
Julian Castro, the former secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Obama, claimed Biden hadn’t learned from “the lessons of the past,” because Biden opposes decriminalizing unauthorized border crossings.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also attacked Biden for the roughly 3 million deportations carried out under the Obama administration

Julian Castro is an anti-Anglo racist Democrat who wants to change America into Latino country. DeBlasio is typical despicable racist demagogue Democrat politician. He regards middle class Americans to be his tax slaves and he constantly cultivates racial hatred for his power.
This Moon Bat circular firing squad is a hoot and a half to watch, isn't it?
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio

He is a joke...he will be out by early January 2020.

There are some Dems still think Obama has Biden's back... :auiqs.jpg:


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