DeSantis is right, keep marijuana illegal

Liberal Democrats want weed to be legal. They have succeeded in blue states, hopefully DeSantis can keep it illegal in the red state of Florida. We all know the problems with gateway drugs.

---DeSantis said Florida will have a 'big problem' with weed smell if marijuana law passes---

Missouri is red and MJ is legal.
Liberal Democrats want weed to be legal. They have succeeded in blue states, hopefully DeSantis can keep it illegal in the red state of Florida. We all know the problems with gateway drugs.

---DeSantis said Florida will have a 'big problem' with weed smell if marijuana law passes---

Gateway drugs like booze, tobacco and caffeine
It's legal here and I hate that. The whole thing screams of defeatism. The police are unwilling or unable to deal with marijuana users, so let's all just throw our arms in the air and legalize it so we don't have to deal with it anymore. Pathetic.
It's not a sin anymore since the government approves.
Cannabis is worse than alcohol. Alcohol works like a dimmer switch and cannabis is an on/off switch. You’re inebriated or not. You can drink a beer or glass of wine and not be inebriated. One dose of pot can cause a psychotic episode.
Cannabis causes anxiety disorders, psychosis, clinical depression, suicidal ideation, schizophrenia and is addictive.
Three in ten pot users have a pot usage disorder. One in ten drinkers become alcoholic. Alcoholism is the driver for alcohol’s bad effects.
Wrong, so fucking wrong.
It's legal here and I hate that. The whole thing screams of defeatism. The police are unwilling or unable to deal with marijuana users, so let's all just throw our arms in the air and legalize it so we don't have to deal with it anymore. Pathetic.
The police have better things to do than to harass some guy smoking pot.
Pot has been prohibited to one degree or another in various jurisdictions since 1937. How has that prohibition served society?

DeSantis is an Israeli, and thus he serves Israeli interests.

He refuses to confiscate the contraband shots, refuses to enforce Florida Statute 770.166 regarding toxic injections that his Surgeon General says should not be administered to humans, but he wants to prohibit pot, a plant with no known fatal dose. DeSantis is an idiot.
But Israel is big on pot and has done most of the research on medicinal uses. But you're right he is an idiot.

With all the lawsuits he has filed for this and that and frivolous spending that has taken place in this state in the past few years Florida will need the revenue and jobs in the next couple of years.
No such thing. Another pot ruse. The McHenry County, IL lawsuit defeated that BS, too. Pot dealers have to remove any ads or social media suggestions of any medical benefits from pot because there are none.
i thought so to until i seen 2 people with physical impediments really benefit from the have your head up your ass roshan....

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