DeSantis once again succinctly rips Governor Newsom who spent 10 minutes on Fox news talking about him.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
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On a hill
Gotta love him, the man just gets right to the point.
Newsom is allowed by Fox news to go on for 20 minutes bitching about DeSantis, who obviously wasn't there to defend himself.

"Why don't you quit pussyfooting around this, are you going to go up against Biden or go on TV and chirp?"

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Newsome vs VP DeSantis sounds like a good matchup for 2028. Then after his two terms, VP Ramaswami can move right in. MAGA
Gotta love him, the man just gets right to the point.
Newsom is allowed by Fox news to go on for 20 minutes bitching about DeSantis, who obviously wasn't there to defend himself.

"Why don't you quit pussyfooting around this, are you going to go up against Biden or go on TV and chirp?"

DeSantis seems to be an actual "strictly business" type of guy. Any honest. I like that. None of this running around on his family, constantly on the golf course or stirring up drama.

It's refreshing. Glad to see him in the #2 spot. Because when Trump get's that one felony conviction, it'll put him in the top spot. The question is then, are the Trumpbots going to cry like babies and vote 3rd party, handing the white house over to another democrat? Or are they going to put their big girl panties on and do what's right for the country?
Gotta love him, the man just gets right to the point.
Newsom is allowed by Fox news to go on for 20 minutes bitching about DeSantis, who obviously wasn't there to defend himself.

"Why don't you quit pussyfooting around this, are you going to go up against Biden or go on TV and chirp?"

That was the best comeback against Newsom that he could come up with?

Maybe he should stick to his war on Woke
Gotta love him, the man just gets right to the point.
Newsom is allowed by Fox news to go on for 20 minutes bitching about DeSantis, who obviously wasn't there to defend himself.

"Why don't you quit pussyfooting around this, are you going to go up against Biden or go on TV and chirp?"

His use of the word "like"
He sounds like a "valley boy" Hah!
That was the best comeback against Newsom that he could come up with?

Maybe he should stick to his war on Woke
It is a fantastic comeback. Anyone not cow tailing to Newsom sees it right away.
He called out Newsom for doing what he is doing, running for President without running for President. Newsom is a team player (obviously). And the team he is on isn't ready to trash Biden yet.
So Newsom has began his campaign (obviously) without saying he is, but everyone knows he is.
But, because he hasn't said so - he doesn't have to debate anyone.
DeSantis called him out on that and said - either put up or shut up.
As well as it is a damning thing that he doesn't even have to say how bad of a governor Newsom is, all he has to do is say "there are problems in California - why doesn't he fix that instead of chirping about me on TV where he is safe"
DeSantis is so damned whiny. I think that's what anyone watching took away. I mean, "chirping"? Who says that?

All conservative leaders get whinier as time goes on. They have to. Conservatism is a victimhood cult, so you can't get conservative votes unless you're whining. And since all conservative leaders are whining, each one has to be that much more whiny to stand out.
DeSantis is so damned whiny. I think that's what anyone watching took away. I mean, "chirping"? Who says that?

All conservative leaders get whinier as time goes on. They have to. Conservatism is a victimhood cult, so you can't get conservative votes unless you're whining. And since all conservative leaders are whining, each one has to be that much more whiny to stand out.
Newsom is on the TV circuit, and spent 20 minutes whining about DeSantis, which is hilarious considering he is a HIGHLY successful governor vs. Newsom is a disaster, anyway - DeSantis is asked a question.. and he gives a 5-6 sentence answer - and this is who you call out for being whiney??
Bias much?
Gotta love him, the man just gets right to the point.
Newsom is allowed by Fox news to go on for 20 minutes bitching about DeSantis, who obviously wasn't there to defend himself.

"Why don't you quit pussyfooting around this, are you going to go up against Biden or go on TV and chirp?"

DeSantis doesn't "rip" anyone. :heehee:

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