Desperate liberals still trying to pretend waterboarding and sleep deprivation is "torture"

The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Go fuck yourself, loser.
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Picking a screen name was the maximum limit of his wit.
You condone drone strikes that murder children.
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Picking a screen name was the maximum limit of his wit.
You condone drone strikes that murder children.

of course
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone

the dedicated leftists do not care about that
Was Ronald Reagan a leftist?
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Go fuck yourself, loser.
Nope. Instead, I'll point out how quickly you ran away from the OP.
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone

the dedicated leftists do not care about that
Was Ronald Reagan a leftist?

Reagan had a drone program

The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone

the dedicated leftists do not care about that
Was Ronald Reagan a leftist?
Does Obama murder children with drone strikes?
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Go fuck yourself, loser.
Nope. Instead, I'll point out how quickly you ran away from the OP.
The OP is leftist propaganda. Obama murders children and you whine about water up a murderers nose. You're filthy trash.
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Picking a screen name was the maximum limit of his wit.
You condone drone strikes that murder children.
No, I do not. What does that have to do with torture, other than a deflection from the topic of this thread? There are ongoing threads related to drone strikes. Why not make comments on those threads instead of trying to change the subject of this one?
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Go fuck yourself, loser.
Nope. Instead, I'll point out how quickly you ran away from the OP.
The OP is leftist propaganda. Obama murders children and you whine about water up a murderers nose. You're filthy trash.
Oh, I'm soon concerned what a rightie thinks of me. I'm heartbroken. Meanwhile, your attempts to derail the OP only exhibit you can't refute it. Your surrender is accepted.
The governing law in regards to torture, including water boarding is this one. It was promoted, pushed and signed by President Reagan. It made any interrogation technique that depended on "degrading" illegal.
Obama is murdering children.

Obama s Drones Have Killed at Least 176 Children in Pakistan Alone
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Picking a screen name was the maximum limit of his wit.
You condone drone strikes that murder children.
No, I do not. What does that have to do with torture, other than a deflection from the topic of this thread? There are ongoing threads related to drone strikes. Why not make comments on those threads instead of trying to change the subject of this one?
Because no one is physically harmed by our method that gathered useful information. You're upset at a piece of filthy trash being harmed while Obama murders children. What the fuck is wrong with you.
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Go fuck yourself, loser.
Nope. Instead, I'll point out how quickly you ran away from the OP.
The OP is leftist propaganda. Obama murders children and you whine about water up a murderers nose. You're filthy trash.
Oh, I'm soon concerned what a rightie thinks of me. I'm heartbroken. Meanwhile, your attempts to derail the OP only exhibit you can't refute it. Your surrender is accepted.
Whatever. You're defending a child killer.
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Picking a screen name was the maximum limit of his wit.
You condone drone strikes that murder children.
No, I do not. What does that have to do with torture, other than a deflection from the topic of this thread? There are ongoing threads related to drone strikes. Why not make comments on those threads instead of trying to change the subject of this one?
Because no one is physically harmed by our method that gathered useful information. You're upset at a piece of filthy trash being harmed while Obama murders children. What the fuck is wrong with you.
Pretty fucking stupid since torture is not limited to physical pain.
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Go fuck yourself, loser.
Nope. Instead, I'll point out how quickly you ran away from the OP.
The OP is leftist propaganda. Obama murders children and you whine about water up a murderers nose. You're filthy trash.
Oh, I'm soon concerned what a rightie thinks of me. I'm heartbroken. Meanwhile, your attempts to derail the OP only exhibit you can't refute it. Your surrender is accepted.
Whatever. You're defending a child killer.
Also pretty fucking stupid as I didn't defend him.
Your surrender on the subject of waterboarding being torture is accepted.
Picking a screen name was the maximum limit of his wit.
You condone drone strikes that murder children.
No, I do not. What does that have to do with torture, other than a deflection from the topic of this thread? There are ongoing threads related to drone strikes. Why not make comments on those threads instead of trying to change the subject of this one?
Because no one is physically harmed by our method that gathered useful information. You're upset at a piece of filthy trash being harmed while Obama murders children. What the fuck is wrong with you.
It's not a question of being upset at what happens to terrorist to educe information. It is a matter of using methods that work. The torture methods implemented by the Bush administration ignored time tested methods and instead used methods that didn't work and at the same time gave propaganda and recruitment benefits to our enemies. The statement you make at the beginning of your post shows how poorly informed you are on this topic.
although water boarding and sleep deprivation are torture (of a degree) the Muslim scum should be thankful that we didn't subject them Roseanne Barr/Tom Arnold porn.

And rumor is that G5000 was willing to loan his personal stash to the CIA too.

No sir... they're not torture. Torture is injurious, it is sadistic...

To make the claim that such is torture, you must then claim that US Military training is torture and that considering the twisted reasoning of the Ideological Left is torture.
And yet, we tried and convicted Japanese of torture for waterboarding.

The level of your knowledge is really .... uhhhh .... shallow. You are quoting an old Mother Jones article in which the information was taken out of context from a comment by John McCain, and then conflated in order to support a preconceived agenda.

Saying that we executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding is like saying we executed a serial killer because he drove too fast. Yes, they waterboarded ... yes, they were convicted ... but, they were convicted of crimes orders of magnitude worse than waterboarding.

You're probably not aware, for example, that Japanese soldiers considered the liver of POWs especially potent ... and they would keep them alive while they flayed their skin, cutting off pieces of thighs, arms, ears, and eating them ... all the while ensuring they kept the victim alive for days so that they could eat the liver at the moment of death.

It is disingenuous to say they were executed for waterboarding ... they were also convicted of keeping POWs locked up ... were they executed because of that?
Spectacularly wrong. My information comes from neither mother Jones nor John McCain...

U.S. Military Commission, Yokohama, May 1-28, 1947

That between 1 April, 1943 and 31 December, 1943, the accused Yukio Asano, did, willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture John Henry Burton, an American Prisoner of War, by beating him; and by fastening him head downward on a
stretcher and forcing water into his nose.”​

So yes, there were convictions for waterboarding, which was classified as torture.

LOL --- went and did some more research when pinned, huh? You're going to take a single sentence out of a 1,600 page report written 67 years ago - you didn't know that, did you? You didn't actually review the report, did you? You just accepted somebody else's reference to it, that's why you copied and pasted, instead of linking to it, right? - and try to build a whole case out of the slimmest of threads?

C'mon, man ... I know you're desperate to prove an unjustifiable position ... but surely, you can do better than that.
No sir... they're not torture. Torture is injurious, it is sadistic...

To make the claim that such is torture, you must then claim that US Military training is torture and that considering the twisted reasoning of the Ideological Left is torture.
And yet, we tried and convicted Japanese of torture for waterboarding.

The level of your knowledge is really .... uhhhh .... shallow. You are quoting an old Mother Jones article in which the information was taken out of context from a comment by John McCain, and then conflated in order to support a preconceived agenda.

Saying that we executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding is like saying we executed a serial killer because he drove too fast. Yes, they waterboarded ... yes, they were convicted ... but, they were convicted of crimes orders of magnitude worse than waterboarding.

You're probably not aware, for example, that Japanese soldiers considered the liver of POWs especially potent ... and they would keep them alive while they flayed their skin, cutting off pieces of thighs, arms, ears, and eating them ... all the while ensuring they kept the victim alive for days so that they could eat the liver at the moment of death.

It is disingenuous to say they were executed for waterboarding ... they were also convicted of keeping POWs locked up ... were they executed because of that?
Spectacularly wrong. My information comes from neither mother Jones nor John McCain...

U.S. Military Commission, Yokohama, May 1-28, 1947

That between 1 April, 1943 and 31 December, 1943, the accused Yukio Asano, did, willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture John Henry Burton, an American Prisoner of War, by beating him; and by fastening him head downward on a
stretcher and forcing water into his nose.”​

So yes, there were convictions for waterboarding, which was classified as torture.

You're going to take a single sentence out of a 1,600 page report written 67 years ago - (you didn't know that, did you? You didn't actually review the report, did you? You just accepted somebody else's reference to it, that's why you copied and pasted, instead of linking to it, right?) - and try to build a whole case out of the slimmest of threads?

You didn't bother to actually review the formal report, and try to find out if this was a single charge in a much larger prosecution, did you? You didn't check to see that Yukio Asano was actually convicted of 31 other charges as well, did you? You didn't actually check if Asano was executed because of waterboarding, did you? Instead, you chose to visit anti-waterboarding propaganda sites, and just quote their carefully selected and carefully edited quotes, didn't you?

C'mon, man ... I know you're desperate to prove an unjustifiable position ... but surely, you can do better than that.
Spectacularly wrong again. You're on a roll. No, in reality, I posted that same link yesterday. Again, as then, it has nothing to do with mother Jones or John McCain. And I posted the sentence which called it torture, which is why I posted it. You can deny history all you want, but you can't make it go away. Japanese were charged with, and convicted of torture for waterboarding.

I deny nothing ... except your perceived right to manipulate history to fit your purposes. Selective use of historical data is a crime against intellect ... when you fail to consider historical information in context, you are being intellectually dishonest ... and THIS is one of those cases.
No sir... they're not torture. Torture is injurious, it is sadistic...

To make the claim that such is torture, you must then claim that US Military training is torture and that considering the twisted reasoning of the Ideological Left is torture.
And yet, we tried and convicted Japanese of torture for waterboarding.

The level of your knowledge is really .... uhhhh .... shallow. You are quoting an old Mother Jones article in which the information was taken out of context from a comment by John McCain, and then conflated in order to support a preconceived agenda.

Saying that we executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding is like saying we executed a serial killer because he drove too fast. Yes, they waterboarded ... yes, they were convicted ... but, they were convicted of crimes orders of magnitude worse than waterboarding.

You're probably not aware, for example, that Japanese soldiers considered the liver of POWs especially potent ... and they would keep them alive while they flayed their skin, cutting off pieces of thighs, arms, ears, and eating them ... all the while ensuring they kept the victim alive for days so that they could eat the liver at the moment of death.

It is disingenuous to say they were executed for waterboarding ... they were also convicted of keeping POWs locked up ... were they executed because of that?
Spectacularly wrong. My information comes from neither mother Jones nor John McCain...

U.S. Military Commission, Yokohama, May 1-28, 1947

That between 1 April, 1943 and 31 December, 1943, the accused Yukio Asano, did, willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture John Henry Burton, an American Prisoner of War, by beating him; and by fastening him head downward on a
stretcher and forcing water into his nose.”​

So yes, there were convictions for waterboarding, which was classified as torture.

LOL --- went and did some more research when pinned, huh? You're going to take a single sentence out of a 1,600 page report written 67 years ago - you didn't know that, did you? You didn't actually review the report, did you? You just accepted somebody else's reference to it, that's why you copied and pasted, instead of linking to it, right? - and try to build a whole case out of the slimmest of threads?

C'mon, man ... I know you're desperate to prove an unjustifiable position ... but surely, you can do better than that.
And yet, we tried and convicted Japanese of torture for waterboarding.

The level of your knowledge is really .... uhhhh .... shallow. You are quoting an old Mother Jones article in which the information was taken out of context from a comment by John McCain, and then conflated in order to support a preconceived agenda.

Saying that we executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding is like saying we executed a serial killer because he drove too fast. Yes, they waterboarded ... yes, they were convicted ... but, they were convicted of crimes orders of magnitude worse than waterboarding.

You're probably not aware, for example, that Japanese soldiers considered the liver of POWs especially potent ... and they would keep them alive while they flayed their skin, cutting off pieces of thighs, arms, ears, and eating them ... all the while ensuring they kept the victim alive for days so that they could eat the liver at the moment of death.

It is disingenuous to say they were executed for waterboarding ... they were also convicted of keeping POWs locked up ... were they executed because of that?
Spectacularly wrong. My information comes from neither mother Jones nor John McCain...

U.S. Military Commission, Yokohama, May 1-28, 1947

That between 1 April, 1943 and 31 December, 1943, the accused Yukio Asano, did, willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture John Henry Burton, an American Prisoner of War, by beating him; and by fastening him head downward on a
stretcher and forcing water into his nose.”​

So yes, there were convictions for waterboarding, which was classified as torture.

You're going to take a single sentence out of a 1,600 page report written 67 years ago - (you didn't know that, did you? You didn't actually review the report, did you? You just accepted somebody else's reference to it, that's why you copied and pasted, instead of linking to it, right?) - and try to build a whole case out of the slimmest of threads?

You didn't bother to actually review the formal report, and try to find out if this was a single charge in a much larger prosecution, did you? You didn't check to see that Yukio Asano was actually convicted of 31 other charges as well, did you? You didn't actually check if Asano was executed because of waterboarding, did you? Instead, you chose to visit anti-waterboarding propaganda sites, and just quote their carefully selected and carefully edited quotes, didn't you?

C'mon, man ... I know you're desperate to prove an unjustifiable position ... but surely, you can do better than that.
Spectacularly wrong again. You're on a roll. No, in reality, I posted that same link yesterday. Again, as then, it has nothing to do with mother Jones or John McCain. And I posted the sentence which called it torture, which is why I posted it. You can deny history all you want, but you can't make it go away. Japanese were charged with, and convicted of torture for waterboarding.

I deny nothing ... except your perceived right to manipulate history to fit your purposes. Selective use of historical data is a crime against intellect ... when you fail to consider historical information in context, you are being intellectually dishonest ... and THIS is one of those cases.
Not at all. I posted the charges of one of his crimes which called, "fastening him head downward on a
stretcher and forcing water into his nose,"

I understand your eagerness to attempt to dismiss it, but you can't. It happened and it was documented. It's not going away simply because it interferes with your agenda.
No sir... they're not torture. Torture is injurious, it is sadistic...

To make the claim that such is torture, you must then claim that US Military training is torture and that considering the twisted reasoning of the Ideological Left is torture.
And yet, we tried and convicted Japanese of torture for waterboarding.

The level of your knowledge is really .... uhhhh .... shallow. You are quoting an old Mother Jones article in which the information was taken out of context from a comment by John McCain, and then conflated in order to support a preconceived agenda.

Saying that we executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding is like saying we executed a serial killer because he drove too fast. Yes, they waterboarded ... yes, they were convicted ... but, they were convicted of crimes orders of magnitude worse than waterboarding.

You're probably not aware, for example, that Japanese soldiers considered the liver of POWs especially potent ... and they would keep them alive while they flayed their skin, cutting off pieces of thighs, arms, ears, and eating them ... all the while ensuring they kept the victim alive for days so that they could eat the liver at the moment of death.

It is disingenuous to say they were executed for waterboarding ... they were also convicted of keeping POWs locked up ... were they executed because of that?
Spectacularly wrong. My information comes from neither mother Jones nor John McCain...

U.S. Military Commission, Yokohama, May 1-28, 1947

That between 1 April, 1943 and 31 December, 1943, the accused Yukio Asano, did, willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture John Henry Burton, an American Prisoner of War, by beating him; and by fastening him head downward on a
stretcher and forcing water into his nose.”​

So yes, there were convictions for waterboarding, which was classified as torture.

LOL --- went and did some more research when pinned, huh? You're going to take a single sentence out of a 1,600 page report written 67 years ago - you didn't know that, did you? You didn't actually review the report, did you? You just accepted somebody else's reference to it, that's why you copied and pasted, instead of linking to it, right? - and try to build a whole case out of the slimmest of threads?

C'mon, man ... I know you're desperate to prove an unjustifiable position ... but surely, you can do better than that.
And yet, we tried and convicted Japanese of torture for waterboarding.

The level of your knowledge is really .... uhhhh .... shallow. You are quoting an old Mother Jones article in which the information was taken out of context from a comment by John McCain, and then conflated in order to support a preconceived agenda.

Saying that we executed Japanese soldiers for waterboarding is like saying we executed a serial killer because he drove too fast. Yes, they waterboarded ... yes, they were convicted ... but, they were convicted of crimes orders of magnitude worse than waterboarding.

You're probably not aware, for example, that Japanese soldiers considered the liver of POWs especially potent ... and they would keep them alive while they flayed their skin, cutting off pieces of thighs, arms, ears, and eating them ... all the while ensuring they kept the victim alive for days so that they could eat the liver at the moment of death.

It is disingenuous to say they were executed for waterboarding ... they were also convicted of keeping POWs locked up ... were they executed because of that?
Spectacularly wrong. My information comes from neither mother Jones nor John McCain...

U.S. Military Commission, Yokohama, May 1-28, 1947

That between 1 April, 1943 and 31 December, 1943, the accused Yukio Asano, did, willfully and unlawfully, brutally mistreat and torture John Henry Burton, an American Prisoner of War, by beating him; and by fastening him head downward on a
stretcher and forcing water into his nose.”​

So yes, there were convictions for waterboarding, which was classified as torture.

You're going to take a single sentence out of a 1,600 page report written 67 years ago - (you didn't know that, did you? You didn't actually review the report, did you? You just accepted somebody else's reference to it, that's why you copied and pasted, instead of linking to it, right?) - and try to build a whole case out of the slimmest of threads?

You didn't bother to actually review the formal report, and try to find out if this was a single charge in a much larger prosecution, did you? You didn't check to see that Yukio Asano was actually convicted of 31 other charges as well, did you? You didn't actually check if Asano was executed because of waterboarding, did you? Instead, you chose to visit anti-waterboarding propaganda sites, and just quote their carefully selected and carefully edited quotes, didn't you?

C'mon, man ... I know you're desperate to prove an unjustifiable position ... but surely, you can do better than that.
Spectacularly wrong again. You're on a roll. No, in reality, I posted that same link yesterday. Again, as then, it has nothing to do with mother Jones or John McCain. And I posted the sentence which called it torture, which is why I posted it. You can deny history all you want, but you can't make it go away. Japanese were charged with, and convicted of torture for waterboarding.

I deny nothing ... except your perceived right to manipulate history to fit your purposes. Selective use of historical data is a crime against intellect ... when you fail to consider historical information in context, you are being intellectually dishonest ... and THIS is one of those cases.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Did Asano waterboard Americans? Yes

Was he charged for that? Yes

Was it called torture? Yes

Was he found guilty of that charge as well as other offenses? Yes

Was he convicted for that charge along with the others? Yes

G'head ... tell me again how you're not denying that and how I'm the one manipulating history.

:eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:

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