Desperate liberals still trying to pretend waterboarding and sleep deprivation is "torture"

"Such tactics" had nothing to do with the intel to find OBL, and even if they had, it would still be wrong.

Too late now Doc. Democrats touting it as an election point proved how little they cared about those tactics, even if they weren't used. And besides, we only have only one side of the story, a report crafted by mostly Democrats.
"Such tactics" had nothing to do with the intel to find OBL, and even if they had, it would still be wrong.

Too late now Doc. Democrats touting it as an election point proved how little they cared about those tactics, even if they weren't used. And besides, we only have only one side of the story, a report crafted by mostly Democrats.

Torture isn't a partisan thing, no matter how much the CEC has hyped it as one.
What about the people who were tortured that weren't "terrorists"?

What? You think we just started rounding up innocent people and started torturing them? Utterly preposterous.

Well, yeah. That's actually exactly what we did. Did you bother to read the report?

Exactly...............and according to the report, there were something like 26 innocent people locked up and tortured.
"Such tactics" had nothing to do with the intel to find OBL, and even if they had, it would still be wrong.

Too late now Doc. Democrats touting it as an election point proved how little they cared about those tactics, even if they weren't used. And besides, we only have only one side of the story, a report crafted by mostly Democrats.

Torture isn't a partisan thing, no matter how much the CEC has hyped it as one.

I never said it was. I'm just saying that if indeed those interrogation techniques led to OBL, Democrats themselves wouldn't have cared, since Obama brought the guy down, it would have helped him politically. The same would have been true if Bush had brought him down before his election in 2004...
Hmm, how about chaining a half naked man to a cold concrete slab long enough for him to die of hypothermia?

Who cares.


One of the points is that they didn't get any useful information through torture.
"Such tactics" had nothing to do with the intel to find OBL, and even if they had, it would still be wrong.

Too late now Doc. Democrats touting it as an election point proved how little they cared about those tactics, even if they weren't used. And besides, we only have only one side of the story, a report crafted by mostly Democrats.

Torture isn't a partisan thing, no matter how much the CEC has hyped it as one.

I never said it was. I'm just saying that if indeed those interrogation techniques led to OBL, Democrats themselves wouldn't have cared, since Obama brought the guy down, it would have helped him politically. The same would have been true if Bush had brought him down before his election in 2004...

How do you know what Democrats would have cared about in your hypothetical?
Well, yeah. That's actually exactly what we did. Did you bother to read the report?

No. That report is utterly partisan in nature. I will not play party to type this political grandstanding. It puts lives in danger.

Aha, so you don't actually know what you're talking about. Good to know.

How can you have an opinion about a report that you haven't read?
According some reports, some of the best information that we got from high profile prisoners was gotten when we found out one of them was diabetic, and they gave him some cookies that he could eat, and while eating the cookies, he gave up some pretty decent info.

Waterboarding? Nope.....................we didn't get squat out of those interrogations.

After Waterboarding How to Make Terrorists Talk - TIME

"The most successful interrogation of an Al-Qaeda operative by U.S. officials required no sleep deprivation, no slapping or "walling" and no waterboarding. All it took to soften up Abu Jandal, who had been closer to Osama bin Laden than any other terrorist ever captured, was a handful of sugar-free cookies."
One of the points is that they didn't get any useful information through torture.

Of course not. Gin it up as an ineffective tactic, then bring down those who used it to an effective means. What of those cases where it did get the needed information? Did it ever occur to you that the report left out those instances? If I recall, aids for the SSIC went over and sorted through 6 million pages of documentation, pretty easy to leave out things that would harm such a narrative that 'torture is ineffective.'
Well, yeah. That's actually exactly what we did. Did you bother to read the report?

No. That report is utterly partisan in nature. I will not play party to type this political grandstanding. It puts lives in danger.

Aha, so you don't actually know what you're talking about. Good to know.

How can you have an opinion about a report that you haven't read?
Fox, as usual, told him what to think, and repeat.
Aha, so you don't actually know what you're talking about. Good to know.

Sure, do you expect me to simply endorse one side of a story? How myopic of you.

Well, that's actually exactly what you're doing, since you refuse to read the "other side" of the story, and instead just using emotional hyperbole about how evil the terrorists are.
One of the points is that they didn't get any useful information through torture.

Of course not. Gin it up as an ineffective tactic, then bring down those who used it to an effective means. What of those cases where it did get the needed information? Did it ever occur to you that the report left out those instances? If I recall, aids for the SSIC went over and sorted through 6 million pages of documentation, pretty easy to leave out things that would harm such a narrative that 'torture is ineffective.'

What makes you think there were any times that torture provided "the needed information"?
Well, that's actually exactly what you're doing, since you refuse to read the "other side" of the story

I refuse to hear one side without hearing the other. Why can't you see that? I want to compare them. Cross reference them with available information. It's called being objective, Doc. So please refrain from lecturing me, please.
Well, that's actually exactly what you're doing, since you refuse to read the "other side" of the story

I refuse to hear one side without hearing the other. Why can't you see that? I want to compare them. Cross reference them with available information. It's called being objective, Doc. So please refrain from lecturing me, please.

Refusing to read the report because you disagree with it is far from being "objective", it's actually the complete opposite.

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