Desperate liberals still trying to pretend waterboarding and sleep deprivation is "torture"

Hmm, how about chaining a half naked man to a cold concrete slab long enough for him to die of hypothermia? want to give those TERRORISTS tea and crumpets??????!!!!!
No, just not abandon our ethics and commitment to protecting human rights just because they are the current enemy.

You are EXACTLY abandoning our ethics.
You are EXACTLY supporting the police state. Damn, you must really want the state in your closet. I have taken it to bed a few times, then that is a lot more fun

What are you talking about? You seem confused.
Hmm, how about chaining a half naked man to a cold concrete slab long enough for him to die of hypothermia? want to give those TERRORISTS tea and crumpets??????!!!!!
No, just not abandon our ethics and commitment to protecting human rights just because they are the current enemy.

You are EXACTLY abandoning our ethics.
You are EXACTLY supporting the police state. Damn, you must really want the state in your closet. I have taken it to bed a few times, then that is a lot more fun

What are you talking about? You seem confused.
You had better ask the state, if you speak loud enough into your closet the CIA or NSA might hear you.
I think I could make a pretty strong argument that washing WTC dust out of my hair for days after is "more traumatizing" than watching it on TV.

Whether washing the dust out of your hair, or watching people commit suicide from 100+ stories with your very eyes, both experiences equally as traumatizing, Doc. Not the point. Agreed.

But that's really not my point - my point is that you're using that trauma as an emotional justification for your views - and if I can avoid doing that, you can too.

You've employed argumentum ab auctoritate. Just because a report issued by a group of elected officials says something occurred doesn't automatically mean it did. As such, I cannot trust nor justify a report released by just one side of the political spectrum.

The vote was 11-3 in favor of declassifying the report. The committee had 7 Democrats and 7 Republicans.

All 7 democrats and only 3 of 7 Republicans voted in favor. Not very bipartisan now is it? Besides, it wouldn't have mattered how the Republicans voted; the Republicans would have been in the minority even if ALL of them voted against it.

Check this out:

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Huh?? Not bipartisan? That's 43% of Republican support in favor. Compare that to the 2002 Authorization to Use Military Force bill which the right says passed with bipartisan support -- and that was with 42% of Democrats voting for it.

You righties sure are selective. :eusa_doh:
I think I could make a pretty strong argument that washing WTC dust out of my hair for days after is "more traumatizing" than watching it on TV.

Whether washing the dust out of your hair, or watching people commit suicide from 100+ stories with your very eyes, both experiences equally as traumatizing, Doc. Not the point. Agreed.

But that's really not my point - my point is that you're using that trauma as an emotional justification for your views - and if I can avoid doing that, you can too.

You've employed argumentum ab auctoritate. Just because a report issued by a group of elected officials says something occurred doesn't automatically mean it did. As such, I cannot trust nor justify a report released by just one side of the political spectrum.

The vote was 11-3 in favor of declassifying the report. The committee had 7 Democrats and 7 Republicans.

All 7 democrats and only 3 of 7 Republicans voted in favor. Not very bipartisan now is it? Besides, it wouldn't have mattered how the Republicans voted; the Republicans would have been in the minority even if ALL of them voted against it.

Check this out:

U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Huh?? Not bipartisan? That's 43% of Republican support in favor. Compare that to the 2002 Authorization to Use Military Force bill which the right says passed with bipartisan support -- and that was with 42% of Democrats voting for it.

You righties sure are selective. :eusa_doh:
Doubt it matters, as facts get in the way of the partisan narrative. ;)
Which war? Who were the soldiers?
It wasn't a war and they weren't soldiers; they were convicts and the sheriff's were using the waterboarding to elicit confessions.

George W. Bush’s Justice Department said subjecting a person to the near-drowning of waterboarding was not a crime and didn’t even cause pain, but Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department thought otherwise, prosecuting a Texas sheriff and three deputies for using the practice to get confessions.

Federal prosecutors secured a 10-year sentence against the sheriff and four years in prison for the deputies
Waterboarding is torture and it's not a debatable issue, just like climate change.
Well we know liberal tactics, just kill them with no trial. Those drone attacks has killed thousands of innocent people.

Oh look! It's a plane! It's a drone! It's a deflection!
So no drones has killed?

Different subject. Start a new thread.

Take some English composition classes first, please.
No it isn't, their terrorist which under Bush would've went to gitmo. Obama is just killing them without a trial. Oh, don't get me wrong, this is one thing I support Obama on. Your just a hypocrite. Bush water boarded, Obama puts them in boards six feet under.

Let me put it in a way you can understand.

It a differnt subjekt. The terrorist that you our talkin abowt are knot them that have been ever taking prisoner by our men. Them ones are being attacked on the battlefield of operashuns. Not the same thing.
So instead of taking them as prisoners, you are okay with killing them?
. It's ironic that John McCain who endured real torture at the hands of our new friends in North Vietnam offers no enlightenment to the difference between psychological warfare and real physical torture. Maybe it's because McCain broke under real torture and signed propaganda documents and he doesn't want to bring up the subject.

I just read John McCain's account (from Faith of Our Fathers) of the torture he was subjected too.

Using the standards of today, John McCain was not tortured. They beat him, they put him in solitary. All things that we do now and don't think it torture.

You got to rip fingernails out and dislocate shoulders, burn with cigs etc etc to be torture. Because of who John was (an Admirals son) he didn't have any of those things done to him.

Is John wrong about torture?
Hmm, how about chaining a half naked man to a cold concrete slab long enough for him to die of hypothermia?

Who cares.


So we throw away our ideals of due process and cruel and unusual punishment because of one tragic event? No we should, no, we must as a nation be better than that. If we are the country that proclaims to be the land of the free and where people are treated with dignity and respect, then rectal feeding and letting a person die of hypothermia is not our ideals. We do not stoop to their levels, ever. We are better than that.
I see there's been a resurgence of the old, tired lie by the usual leftist fanatics, that the waterboarding and sleep deprivation our interrogators used on terrorist prisoners, was "torture".

Apparently enough time has gone by since this fib was refuted, that the liberals think they can start reciting it again as though it were true, without people remembering.

So, once again: Torture causes pain, damage, disfigurement, and even death. Some countries put people on racks and stretch their joints until they tear apart, Others put red-hot irons to people's arms, faces, or feet. Still others cut off fingers or toes one at a time.

Waterboarding, OTOH, is just putting someone flat on a board and pouring water into his mouth and nose. It's uncomfortable and even painful and can create fear of drowning. But no one drowns, and as soon as the water stops and the guy coughs it out of his mouth and nose, he's fine again within minutes.

Paying your taxes is painful, too, and can create fear of drowning (in debt) without end. And unlike waterboarding, it goes on forever, and comes back year after year. And paying taxes can cause as much sleep deprivation as our interrogators ever did, again continuing for months instead of a few days. I'd wager that a lot of American would prefer waterboarding on April 15 over paying taxes, if they could save the one-quarter of their pay that government takes in income taxes, excises, sales taxes etc. that keep nibbling away at everything they own without end.

"Waterboarding is torture" only to people who have never thought much about what torture really is... or even what waterboarding is.

No, wrong as usual. Water boarding is a war crime. That's why Japanese officers were hanged for doing exactly that.

Your historical knowledge is wrong --- you need to go back and study ---- Japanese officers were hanged, by their own government, for crimes much worse than 'waterboarding'. Take a look at the cannibalism of Japanese troops on Iwo Jima, Manchuria, Philippines, and other areas. Waterboarding was an interrogation technique used by the Japanese, but it was not the reason for war-crime executions.

Most of us who have gone thru Escape and Evasion training have been subjected to waterboarding ... we use it, and other techniques so irrationally called torture, for training.
History supports McCain s stance on waterboarding PolitiFact

" ... following World War II war crime trials were convened. The Japanese were tried and convicted and hung for war crimes committed against American POWs. Among those charges for which they were convicted was waterboarding."
John McCain on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 in a campaign event in St. Petersburg

It is disingenuous, and historically inaccurate, to even hint that waterboarding was the reason for the executions. That's like saying a hangnail was the reason they cut your finger off.
Hmm, how about chaining a half naked man to a cold concrete slab long enough for him to die of hypothermia?

Who cares.


So we throw away our ideals of due process and cruel and unusual punishment because of one tragic event? No we should, no, we must as a nation be better than that. If we are the country that proclaims to be the land of the free and where people are treated with dignity and respect, then rectal feeding and letting a person die of hypothermia is not our ideals. We do not stoop to their levels, ever. We are better than that.

Due process and cruel and unusual punishment are not applicable during acts of war. Only winning is ...
Hmm, how about chaining a half naked man to a cold concrete slab long enough for him to die of hypothermia?

Who cares.


So we throw away our ideals of due process and cruel and unusual punishment because of one tragic event? No we should, no, we must as a nation be better than that. If we are the country that proclaims to be the land of the free and where people are treated with dignity and respect, then rectal feeding and letting a person die of hypothermia is not our ideals. We do not stoop to their levels, ever. We are better than that.

Due process and cruel and unusual punishment are not applicable during acts of war. Only winning is ...

Yes, yes. The perpetual "War on Terror". This shit makes me sick. Go suck off GW.
Well, such is the nature of evil.

I had a few videos of Iraq's torture of their OWN civilians posted up in another thread and one of the "TORTURE!" advocates had it removed because it demonstrated how foolish they are by claiming such.

She then came back into the thread to brag that she had the record cleansed of contradictory evidence.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.
Hmm, how about chaining a half naked man to a cold concrete slab long enough for him to die of hypothermia?

Who cares.


So we throw away our ideals of due process and cruel and unusual punishment because of one tragic event? No we should, no, we must as a nation be better than that. If we are the country that proclaims to be the land of the free and where people are treated with dignity and respect, then rectal feeding and letting a person die of hypothermia is not our ideals. We do not stoop to their levels, ever. We are better than that.

Due process and cruel and unusual punishment are not applicable during acts of war. Only winning is ...

Yes, yes. The perpetual "War on Terror". This shit makes me sick. Go suck off GW.
Are you denying the incidents? Are we just making them up?

Or ... are you ignoring inconvenient facts?
History supports McCain s stance on waterboarding PolitiFact

" ... following World War II war crime trials were convened. The Japanese were tried and convicted and hung for war crimes committed against American POWs. Among those charges for which they were convicted was waterboarding."
John McCain on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 in a campaign event in St. Petersburg

It is disingenuous, and historically inaccurate, to even hint that waterboarding was the reason for the executions. That's like saying a hangnail was the reason they cut your finger off.

You are grossly misinformed.

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