Despite Everything, Trump STILL Beats Clinton In Latest Poll

Why worry about polls? The only poll that counts is the one we had last November and crazy angry nut case lefties can't accept that one.
Trumpsters cant find anything positive to say about their fuhrer so it's...
back to Hillary again.
Like a dog chasing its own tail.
What a wonderful poll!

The very fact that Hillary said the worst MASS shooting in U.S. HISTORY had NOTHING to do with Islam eventhough the shooter yelled "Allah Akbar" & pledged allegiance to ISIS shows she belongs in the NUT house not the White house!!
The only poll that matters is the one that occurred on November 8, 2016.

3,000,000 more people voted for Corrupt Hillary than Corrupt Donald...

Corrupt Donald, however, won the Electoral College majority, due to the nuances of our system, and Democratic arrogance regarding Middle America...

With respect to the Support of the People, however, Trump already lost that round, and has been losing even more ground, steadily, ever since.
Hillary was last year, Trump is right now and he is sucking at his job, worry about that and allow Hillary to fade into obscurity where she belongs. Continuing to beat up on her as if it somehow makes Trump not suck is not going to work.

That seems to be the general consensus among Democrats: Hillary turned out to be the biggest disappointment in the history of the party, and they just want to sweep her disastrous presidential run under the rug.

And her crimes along with her.
How is he "sucking" at his job?

The eternal democratic modality is to SAY he sucks at his job. Then send people out to put sugar in his tank, sand in his locks, let the air out of his tires, break his windows and accuse his car of being stolen, then put people on the View to say he sucks, put people on all the hack media sites to say he sucks and can't go anywhere. Then use their own actions as proof of their original claims!
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Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and ran the worst campaign in US history.

Forget the fake Russian collusion story, the only reason she made it to the election was because the Obama administration and the Fake News liberal media prevented her from being indicted and prosecuted for the crimes she committed.

Snowflakes actually openly wept for her when she lost.

Freakin' PATHETIC...
Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and ran the worst campaign in US history.

Forget the fake Russian collusion story, the only reason she made it to the election was because the Obama administration and the Fake News liberal media prevented her from being indicted and prosecuted for the crimes she committed.

Snowflakes actually openly wept for her when she lost.

Freakin' PATHETIC...

People are taking note of every lie, every false action being done by the Left. Just wait until they are back in office, their candidate won't be able to go to the bathroom to pee. I was studying election charts during the course of this nation and from its beginning up until the early 90's, states voted by the candidate, meaning that there were no "BLUE" or "RED" states---- any state might be blue or red during any given election depending on the candidates and situation.

THEN THE CLINTONS CAME ALONG and ever since, California and New York for starters were BLUE and have stayed locked blue ever since come hell or high water. They no longer vote based on the candidate but their politicians have taken their populations hostage, pumped them up large as possible with aliens and illegals and have locked them into being democratic. Can you EVER imagine California voting Republican now? They used to!

And there is the great lie in how the radicals have stolen the Democratic party and manipulated key states into being bases of power and control for them.

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