DHS Releases 4 Terrorists Caught Entering Illegally After Promising to Deport Them


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
4 known terrorists entered the country illegally on September 10. Luckily, they were caught. Should have been the end of the story. The four men should have been deported immediately. That didn't happen. Despite promises that the terrorists would be deported, they were treated like any other illegal and 2 were released. Here is a follow up to the incident. Some members of congress were inquiring as to the current location of the terrorists.

Here is the exchange between congress members and the DHS chief:

"Did you deport them?" the Utah representative asked Johnson.
"Uh, no. Not at this point," Johnson answered.

"What is the disposition of those four people," Chaffetz pressed.

"Two are detained, the two others were released by the judge — uh, not my preference — they were released by the judge and they fled to Canada and they are seeking asylum in Canada," the homeland secretary responded, and then tried to place the blame on an immigration judge for releasing two of the four men.

This is nonsense. Under the 1996 Immigration Law, ICE (now part of DHS) can hold any individual indefinitely if they are considered a security risk.

Chaffetz then asked if the U.S. was aware of the location in Canada the two fled to.

"I’m not sure about their exact whereabouts, sir," Johnson answered, and then addied that he wanted the two brought back to the U.S.

"Mr. Secretary, this is the problem," Chaffetz said. "You come, and you say — you tell the world that you’re going to deport these four people tied to — these are terrorists and you don’t. They get released."

This is your national security on Obama — who claims DHS will do "full background checks" on every illegal alien given amnesty via his royal decree. Sure they will. They cannot even handle 4 known terrorists in their possession!

Feel safer already?

Terrorists are given the same consideration as the supposedly 'unaccompanied children' at the border. Hey, a future Democrat voter is valuable no matter their past, right?
The only surprise would be if terrorists weren't planning to take advantage of our lack of border security.
The only surprise would be if terrorists weren't planning to take advantage of our lack of border security

"IF" ... big word.
ISIS ... bringing fear to every RW'r breathing.
The 2 released into the US are affiliated with the group responsible for bombing our embassy in Turkey. Wonderful. What was that judge thinking?
when .. if ... ???

living with fear in a world of constant conjecture must really suck
You guys really love the word "terrorist", don't you?

As soon as you hear the word, you start salivating like Pavlov's dogs.
When they wipe out entire families in your neighborhood you take notice.

It already happened. I'm a New Yorker.

And yet, I still chose not to live in the constant state of hysterical fear that you guys seem to.
You guys really love the word "terrorist", don't you?

As soon as you hear the word, you start salivating like Pavlov's dogs.
When they wipe out entire families in your neighborhood you take notice.

It already happened. I'm a New Yorker.

And yet, I still chose not to live in the constant state of hysterical fear that you guys seem to.
I'm a Marylander. What's your point? Being pragmatically suspicious is not hysterical fear, Dr U.R. Hyperbolic.
You guys really love the word "terrorist", don't you?

As soon as you hear the word, you start salivating like Pavlov's dogs.
When they wipe out entire families in your neighborhood you take notice.

It already happened. I'm a New Yorker.

And yet, I still chose not to live in the constant state of hysterical fear that you guys seem to.
I'm a Marylander. What's your point? Being pragmatically suspicious is not hysterical fear, Dr U.R. Hyperbolic.

No, we're just looking at it from a different perspective. From where I sit, it certainly looks like hysterical fear.

The fact that your first response was "Just wait till the terrorists come for you" just drives the point home that much harder.
DHS admits it released 2 terrorists who entered US Watch the video - Yahoo News

The 2 released into the US are affiliated with the group responsible for bombing our embassy in Turkey. Wonderful. What was that judge thinking?


You're going to have to provide a better source than Greta saying "maybe apparently as I understand it blah blah I can't get straight answers it's suspicious."

Do you believe everything that the people on TV tell you?
Typical event under the current administration. Let as many terrorists into the country as possible and when they are successful in killing several thousand Americans and demolishing our country's most famous landmarks in the process, the idiot in the White House will sleep better at night.

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