Dick Cheney will vote for Kamala Harris for president

Republicans do everything out of fear. They weren’t afraid of Nikki. Trump can only get a couple of all his cabinet members to support him.

The thing with Republicans is that those who are out of politics all oppose him openly.
Those who still have to win elections are afraid to anger him.

MAGA is that strong
Republicans do everything out of fear. They weren’t afraid of Nikki. Trump can only get a couple of all his cabinet members to support him.

That's the 911 Zionist Fascist crowd of 100% pure TRAITORS...
The thing with Republicans is that those who are out of politics all oppose him openly.
Those who still have to win elections are afraid to anger him.

MAGA is that strong

Do you support reopening the 911 investigation??
Thank you, Dick!

Indeed, thank you, Dick Cheney, for proving the ONLY 6 THINGS YOU CARE ABOUT ARE

1. no reopening the 911 investigation
2. no reopening the 911 investigation
3. no reopening the 911 investigation
4. no reopening the 911 investigation
5. no reopening the 911 investigation
6. no reopening the 911 investigation
The thing with Republicans is that those who are out of politics all oppose him openly.
Those who still have to win elections are afraid to anger him.

MAGA is that strong
That’s what the gop has become. Bush pulled all this shit too. He questioned and investigated election integrity. He sold the country on the economic lie of trickle down and the military lie of wmd while saying, the country doesn’t care about deficits or bringing OBL to Justice or climate change. They were a scam like Trump is now. He’s just crude. and brings the neo Nazi mentality into crowd of deniers.
The ones hand picked by Trump ?

He did his first term.

Wray, Sessions, Milley... all Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" traitors

The only hope for America is that he actually learned something from those errors...

The former vice president has called Donald Trump the greatest threat to the American republic in history.

Vice President Kamala Harris just nabbed a major Republican endorsement in her mad dash for the White House: former Vice President Dick Cheney will be voting for her, according to his daughter.

Speaking at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin on Friday, former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (R) announced her arch-conservative father’s support for the Democratic nominee.

“Dick Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris,” she said to massive applause from the crowd.

More at the link below...

Liz Cheney Says Dick Cheney Is Voting For Kamala Harris

Great news! Thank you Liz! Thank you Dick! What do you think?

Isn't Cheney, HITLER?
He did his first term.

Wray, Sessions, Milley... all Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican" traitors

The only hope for America is that he actually learned something from those errors...
The only hope for America is to have yo mama kick you out of her basement and take away your access to the net.
That’s what the gop has become. Bush pulled all this shit too. He questioned and investigated election integrity. He sold the country on the economic lie of trickle down and the military lie of wmd while saying, the country doesn’t care about deficits or bringing OBL to Justice or climate change. They were a scam like Trump is now. He’s just crude. and brings the neo Nazi mentality into crowd of deniers.
You're talking about Bush and CHENEY, the man you admire?

lmao :p

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