Did Elizabeth Warren Open the Door to a Presidential Run?

She's perfect. Another dilettante Democrat with zero experience in the private sector.


Bush proved that experience in the private sector is not a guarantee of a competent president.

and you people proved you can be DUPED by some community organizer who never held a real job in his pathetic life

and all of us are now PAYING AND SUFFERING for it
If all the republicans have is her indian story then its gonna be a lonngggggg season for their candidates come 2016. As usual they will march out the laughing stock of the US and the democrats will have professional and sane candidates...I am reading her Biography right now very interesting.

Bubba and The Fragile One have proven that lying is not a demerit to the democrat politician. In fact, it seems to be a resume enhancer, if anything.
They're calling her the Female Obama! She clearly lied about her background and hates free enterprise as much as Obama
They're calling her the Female Obama! She clearly lied about her background and hates free enterprise as much as Obama

and she is another commie/socialist lite, muslim terrorist sympathizer just like Obama and the whole democrat party

that's why their radical base of little fascist love them so
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The fact that this country elected an incompotent, inexperienced, and little known on the national stage, black guy tells me anything can happen.

That said, I would be surprised if Warren was able to wrench the nomination away from Hillary this time around.

Warren is good at communicating the us versus them mentality, and she would definitely have a good following. I don't see it this time around though.
I'm going on record here: Hillary won't get the nomination and Liz Warren is just plain nuts.


Saved with your other gems:

My prediction: Obama does not seek a second term

You geniuses still haven't figured out that LBJ had MLK and Malcolm X killed?

Hillary is too mainstream for today's Democrat Party and has no chance at getting the nomination

Bernie Sanders/Raoul Castro is more likely
"Let me make one thing clear. Your Native American issue has not been put to rest." - Twila Barnes, Cherokee Geneaologist
People are talking about it, but today she made statements that were encouraging to some of us.

WATCH: Elizabeth Warren And Thomas Piketty Discuss Nature, Causes Of Economic Inequality

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and French economist Thomas Piketty sat down together with The Huffington Post for a nearly hour-long interview being broadcast on HuffPost Live for the first time Monday evening.

The event was taped before a standing-room audience at Boston's Old South Meeting House, where many of the key meetings leading to the American Revolution were held.

Warren, a Democrat, and Piketty each have authored books on inequality that have surged to the top of Amazon and The New York Times bestseller lists. Warren, a former professor whose work focused on bankruptcy, wrote A Fighting Chance, a memoir of her political rise and a plea for a playing field no longer tilted in favor of big banks, the wealthy and global corporations.

If she did open the door to a presidential run, I hope someone slams it shut quick. Hillary will do that to any Dems if they are serious about taking her coveted spot in the WH. Hillary would have a field day with Warren.
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People are talking about it, but today she made statements that were encouraging to some of us.

WATCH: Elizabeth Warren And Thomas Piketty Discuss Nature, Causes Of Economic Inequality

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and French economist Thomas Piketty sat down together with The Huffington Post for a nearly hour-long interview being broadcast on HuffPost Live for the first time Monday evening.

The event was taped before a standing-room audience at Boston's Old South Meeting House, where many of the key meetings leading to the American Revolution were held.

Warren, a Democrat, and Piketty each have authored books on inequality that have surged to the top of Amazon and The New York Times bestseller lists. Warren, a former professor whose work focused on bankruptcy, wrote A Fighting Chance, a memoir of her political rise and a plea for a playing field no longer tilted in favor of big banks, the wealthy and global corporations.

Two people who know less than nothing about economics sat down to talk about "income inequality"


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