Did Kamala Harris lie about working at McDonald’s in an attempt to connect with the poors?

If you ran for President and you said you worked there, I damn sure bet someone would remember you. She has a kind of hard name to forget.
Fair point.

I still don’t think she’s lying about it.

She got a part time job in fast food as a kid like many do. Even upper middle class parents often make their kids get such jobs to earn their own pocket money

It’s not some outrageous, improbable story or anything
Her first job was a minimum wage job, so she should be President?


So was mine. I was a lifeguard in Gainesville. That qualifies me to be POTUS?
True. So?

Trump withdrew 3 times the number of soldiers that Biden did under the terms of his agreement with the Taliban. An agreement that essentially tossed the Afghans under the bus. The 2,500 troops that remained upon Trump's exit from the White House is half the number of Taliban prisoners which Trump committed to release.

Trump supporters have stated that if Biden didn't like the deal he inherited, he could have renegotiated it. Yeah right. At that point our leverage was gone.
Maybe because it is true? And, you really think working at McDonald' is going to get her extra votes? From whom? McDee staff?
From the lower classes that she is pretending to care about. Who else?
First, you retards were shocked that she is Black, now that she claimed a stint at McD? LOL
No, we always knew she was Indian.
Nope, your desperation is not showing. :itsok:
No, desperation would be insisting that she's going to crash the economy, start WWIII and make people wear white after Labor Day, then when it doesn't happen in the first term, insist it's going to happen in the second.
Trump withdrew 3 times the number of soldiers that Biden did under the terms of his agreement with the Taliban. An agreement that essentially tossed the Afghans under the bus. The 2,500 troops that remained upon Trump's exit from the White House is half the number of Taliban prisoners which Trump committed to release.

Trump supporters have stated that if Biden didn't like the deal he inherited, he could have renegotiated it. Yeah right. At that point our leverage was gone.
I wish you would stop reading alternate histories. Biden pulled those 2500 troops out causing the Taliban takeover.
From the lower classes that she is pretending to care about. Who else?

No, we always knew she was Indian.

No, desperation would be insisting that she's going to crash the economy, start WWIII and make people wear white after Labor Day, then when it doesn't happen in the first term, insist it's going to happen in the second.
In other words…you are proud to be a retard? Got it.
Her LIE is still being played in her fraudulent ads. After 5 years NO ONE can verify where, when and how long she supposedly worked at a McDonalds. Just another phony narrative for the phony Democrat candidate.
Is there anything at all she is actually running on that hasn't been lied about? I mean, it's quite remarkable...
Is there anything at all she is actually running on that hasn't been lied about? I mean, it's quite remarkable...
The Democrats have turned this election into a gaslighting experiment. They knew they would lose with Biden so they kicked him out and are turning Kamala into Trump Lite. It's really quite something to see how good they are at creating fantasy.

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