Diamond Member
How Toxic Diet Culture is Rooted in Racism & White Supremacy
Toxic diet culture is a pervasive and insidious influence on our lives. Diet culture is fatphobic and upholds White supremacy while perpetuating systemic racism.
Suggesting that people who are overweight should try dieting to improve their health is now racist.
"Toxic diet culture is a pervasive and insidious influence on our lives. Many people may recognize its connection to fatphobia and its harmful consequences on body image, mental health, and eating patterns. But they may be less aware of its racist and White supremacist history and how diet culture continues to uphold White supremacy and perpetuate systemic racism to this day."
"When you or someone you know refers to a certain food as “good” or “bad,” this is diet culture at work. Diet culture harms us by wanting us to feel ashamed for eating foods we enjoy simply because they are labeled “junk.”
Here are some other common examples of toxic diet culture:
Any diet, “cleanse,” or “healthy eating lifestyle” that limits food intake, promotes fasting, or omits certain foods, food groups, or ingredients
Food labels saying “guilt-free,” “fat-free,” “low-carb,” “keto-approved,” “paleo-friendly,” etc.
Advertisements and programs for quick weight loss “cures”
The prevalence and success of social media fitness influencers
Before and after photos of weight loss
Weight loss apps, including those that promote eating and exercise programs that restrict food in any way as “lifestyle changes”
Restaurant menus that include calories next to food items
Weight loss competitions at the gym or work
Feeling ashamed or guilty for eating food you enjoy
Complimenting people for their weight loss
Conflating weight loss and “being your best self”
Society celebrating thin women celebrating body positivity while rejecting people in larger bodies who do the same.
This is now a mainstream concept, not just a few loony people. NPR spent an hour discussing it today.
These days everything that requires effort and/or responsibility is rooted in racism, white supremacy, and colonialism.....Clown World.