Disinformation is enemy #1.

Barr Pushed DOJ To Publicize Bogus Voter Fraud Claim Before 2020 Election, IG Finds

Senior Trump DOJ officials issued multiple statements weeks before the 2020 election suggesting anti-Trump election fraud in a critical swing state, knowing all the while that no crime had likely been committed and that the main suspect faced a severe mental disability, a DOJ Inspector General report found.

The article goes on to say Billy the Bagman hyped a story about discarded ballots even though he knew the person responsible was........FBI agents had interviewed the subject two days before the DOJ began to issue public statements; per the IG report, the agents found the subject “‘100% disabled’ due to a ‘vehicle accident'” and that the person was “not capable of following simple instructions.”
TPM the latest in TDS news!!!!!

Newly Exposed Russian Disinfo Sites Echoed GOP’s False Narratives About Non-Citizen Voting​

On April 8, a shocking article appeared under the banner of the “Washington Post.” The headline declared that President Joe Biden, who was at the time running for a second term, “needs migrants” to win the election. It went on to allege that Biden and the Democratic Party had “smuggled over 320,000 illegals by plane through several airports last year” to secure victory and further a nefarious agenda.

“The Democrats are determined to win elections at any cost so they can continue to fuel wars around the world. Therefore, they promote uncontrolled illegal migration in every possible way,” the article said.

The report would have been a blockbuster … if it were true. It was, however, completely fake. It included wholly made up quotes that appear in no other search results and faked Washington Post branding to advance the thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory that non-citizens are voting en masse for Democrats in U.S. elections. While the page the story was posted on looked exactly like the Washington Post and featured the byline of one of the newspaper’s journalists, it was actually hosted on “washingtonpost.pm,” a web domain that the Justice Department has linked to a “Russian government-directed” influence campaign known as “Doppelganger.”

An FBI affidavit filed in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania that was unsealed earlier this month flagged the spoof Washington Post site as one of 32 domains that were seized by law enforcement after the U.S. government identified them as part of the Kremlin propaganda push.

How interesting it is that RUSSIA was the big, scary monster everybody was shrieking about in 2016, then completely disappeared in 2020, only to pop up again now. Obviously, TRUMP! had shut them down so completely they weren't even a factor and Quid Pro Joe allowed them to step it up again.
The Democrats are FLOODING Arizona with non stop Abortion propaganda against Trump, and Kari Lake. The DEMS have no credibility the gaslighting goes on by direct mail, Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, TV and Radio. In 40 years I have NEVER seen a disinformation campaign like this.
The Democrats are FLOODING Arizona with non stop Abortion propaganda against Trump, and Kari Lake. The DEMS have no credibility the gaslighting goes on by direct mail, Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, TV and Radio. In 40 years I have NEVER seen a disinformation campaign like this.
Yeah, I just got an email from Medicare---a letter from Biden bragging about the inflation reduction act and reduced drug prices. These stinking democrats using taxpayer money to campaign is BS! The sooner democrats are gone from DC the better off the country will be.

Misinformation running rampant on Facebook has officials concerned about election disruptions​

Derek Bowens has never had such an important job. He’s the director of elections in Durham County, North Carolina, one of the most-populous areas of a state that’s increasingly viewed as crucial to the 2024 presidential contest.

So when a former precinct official emailed Bowens in July to warn him of a post containing voting misinformation that was spreading virally on Facebook, Bowens quickly recognized that he may be facing a crisis.

The post, written as if from an authority on the subject, said voters should request new ballots if a poll worker, or anyone else, writes anything on their form, because it would be invalidated. The same incorrect message was spread on Facebook during the 2020 election, but the platform flagged the content at the time as “false information” and linked to a story that debunked the rumor by Facebook’s fact-checking partner, USA Today.

Bowens said no such tag appeared on the post, which was widespread enough that the North Carolina State Board of Elections had to issue a press release on Aug. 2, informing voters that false “posts have been circulating for years and have resurfaced recently in many N.C. counties.”

If it's this bad on FB think about how bad it is on X where Musk foments disinformation, lies, and participation by Nazis and white supremacists.
How interesting it is that RUSSIA was the big, scary monster everybody was shrieking about in 2016, then completely disappeared in 2020, only to pop up again now. Obviously, TRUMP! had shut them down so completely they weren't even a factor and Quid Pro Joe allowed them to step it up again.
A new report by the U.S. intelligence community on Tuesday says Russia sought to help former President Donald Trump in last year's presidential election. But the document also emphasized there was no indication Russia or any other country attempted to alter actual votes.

Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized "influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden's candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process and exacerbating socio-political divisions in the U.S," says the report by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

The unclassified document is the most comprehensive look the intelligence community has released regarding foreign efforts to meddle in the 2020 election.

Yeah, I just got an email from Medicare---a letter from Biden bragging about the inflation reduction act and reduced drug prices. These stinking democrats using taxpayer money to campaign is BS! The sooner democrats are gone from DC the better off the country will be.

The irony being a medicare card ( been there for only a few years now) can probably get us crack at the local pharmacy Concerned One


Newly Exposed Russian Disinfo Sites Echoed GOP’s False Narratives About Non-Citizen Voting​

On April 8, a shocking article appeared under the banner of the “Washington Post.” The headline declared that President Joe Biden, who was at the time running for a second term, “needs migrants” to win the election. It went on to allege that Biden and the Democratic Party had “smuggled over 320,000 illegals by plane through several airports last year” to secure victory and further a nefarious agenda.

“The Democrats are determined to win elections at any cost so they can continue to fuel wars around the world. Therefore, they promote uncontrolled illegal migration in every possible way,” the article said.

The report would have been a blockbuster … if it were true. It was, however, completely fake. It included wholly made up quotes that appear in no other search results and faked Washington Post branding to advance the thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory that non-citizens are voting en masse for Democrats in U.S. elections. While the page the story was posted on looked exactly like the Washington Post and featured the byline of one of the newspaper’s journalists, it was actually hosted on “washingtonpost.pm,” a web domain that the Justice Department has linked to a “Russian government-directed” influence campaign known as “Doppelganger.”

An FBI affidavit filed in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania that was unsealed earlier this month flagged the spoof Washington Post site as one of 32 domains that were seized by law enforcement after the U.S. government identified them as part of the Kremlin propaganda push.

What a surprise
Still stuck on Russian Collusion? Even your Democrats gave up on that BS.
Nah man. I'm just mocking your hysterics. "Democrats are pure evil!! Baby eating fiends!!!"

You nitwit two-party goons have your panties in such a wad that you actually believe the "other side" is more dangerous than our foreign enemies.
Nah man. I'm just mocking your hysterics. "Democrats are pure evil!! Baby eating fiends!!!"

You nitwit two-party goons have your panties in such a wad that you actually believe the "other side" is more dangerous than our foreign enemies.
Which foreign enemies would that be?

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