Disinformation is enemy #1.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

Disinformation is the foundation of the Democrat Party....

1. Co2 FRAUD
2. Murderous Fraud Vax
3. Dominion Voting Machines
4. Dick Cheney
5. Jussie Smollett
6. Big Mike

Truth is the one thing the Democrat Party never tolerates.
The media never picked up on the Russian interference during the run up to the 2016 until after the election was well over.

I remember hearing whispers about Russian interference and thought it would create a furor. It didn’t
Yet in 2020, crickets. The democrat won, so there was no need to look for problems.

Misinformation running rampant on Facebook has officials concerned about election disruptions​

Derek Bowens has never had such an important job. He’s the director of elections in Durham County, North Carolina, one of the most-populous areas of a state that’s increasingly viewed as crucial to the 2024 presidential contest.

So when a former precinct official emailed Bowens in July to warn him of a post containing voting misinformation that was spreading virally on Facebook, Bowens quickly recognized that he may be facing a crisis.

The post, written as if from an authority on the subject, said voters should request new ballots if a poll worker, or anyone else, writes anything on their form, because it would be invalidated. The same incorrect message was spread on Facebook during the 2020 election, but the platform flagged the content at the time as “false information” and linked to a story that debunked the rumor by Facebook’s fact-checking partner, USA Today.

Bowens said no such tag appeared on the post, which was widespread enough that the North Carolina State Board of Elections had to issue a press release on Aug. 2, informing voters that false “posts have been circulating for years and have resurfaced recently in many N.C. counties.”

If it's this bad on FB think about how bad it is on X where Musk foments disinformation, lies, and participation by Nazis and white supremacists.
Bug can’t stop lying.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

Our MSM spreads more disinformation than almost any of our adversaries.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

Funny. U r democracked and want to discuss misinformation as u point your finger right.

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