Disney to tackle grown up stuff

The Disney Channel will have its first ever gay character - and love story

This is excellent news. Educating the kids will help eradicate the backward homophobias of the older generations. The world will becom a better place.
Let's do butt-sex lessons in 1rst grade. Why not?
Isn't it odd how straights look at gay people and what pops into their heads right away? Gay sex! When I look at straight people, that doesn't happen for me. How odd.

Bill Nye, the vagina guy says differently.........(snicker)....isn't this so LIBERAL?????

The Disney Channel will have its first ever gay character - and love story

This is excellent news. Educating the kids will help eradicate the backward homophobias of the older generations. The world will becom a better place.

Walt Disney was a pedophile and a 33rd degree free-mason that was also involved in military intelligence. His "DisneyLand" was subsidized by the government and used in trauma based MK-Ultra mind control experiments. Ever take a gander at the subliminal sexual messages in these alleged innocent Disney movies? It makes me sick to think that I spent good money to have that filth in front of my kids. I have plenty more to show but perhaps this will arouse some intellectual curiosity to the power of subliminal messaging.

Too freak'n funny

Can't make this stuff up

Did you watch the video? Here is another.......so you were saying????

Don't you hate it when some malcontent fucks with you?

Homosexuals want to shove their ways down kids throats

All I hear from right-winger after right-winger is this business about having stuff "shoved down [your] throats".

Something you want to tell us...?
Ya, fags love to fuck children
Actually, that seems to be more the domain of straight males......sad to say, a lot of them molest their own daughters, their own sisters, their own granddaughters, their own friends' daughters.......

Actually, the child of choice for the elite pedophiles are little boys. Are you familiar with NAMBLA? The only reason that the LGBTQ freaks distanced themselves from them was strictly for political reasons....not because they disagreed with the premise. Edward Heath? Heard of him? Jimmy Savile? John Wayne Gacy, John Sandusky,, etc, etc......
Homosexuals want to shove their ways down kids throats

All I hear from right-winger after right-winger is this business about having stuff "shoved down [your] throats".

Something you want to tell us...?
Ya, fags love to fuck children
Actually, that seems to be more the domain of straight males......sad to say, a lot of them molest their own daughters, their own sisters, their own granddaughters, their own friends' daughters.......

Actually, the child of choice for the elite pedophiles are little boys. Are you familiar with NAMBLA? The only reason that the LGBTQ freaks distanced themselves from them was strictly for political reasons....not because they disagreed with the premise. Edward Heath? Heard of him? Jimmy Savile? John Wayne Gacy, John Sandusky,, etc, etc......
I'm sorry that you cannot see the difference between consenting sex and love between law-abiding and tax-paying citizens..........and an adult taking advantage of a child. Anyone who cannot distinguish the difference should definitely not be around children.....or animals.

How come you don't mention Dennis Hastert.....the guy that Republicans chose as the Speaker of the House?
Especially when talk is so cheap.

I'm sorry but that's where thus stuff is headed. Unfortunately not everyone has the time or resources to homeschool or put their kids in private schools. Eventually some parent is going to get fed up with the sex ed or social engineering BS in the classroom and the lack of ability to control what their child is being taught and then something very unpleasant us going to happen; **** a fire-bombed school or an overly lead infused teacher.
The Disney Channel will have its first ever gay character - and love story

This is excellent news. Educating the kids will help eradicate the backward homophobias of the older generations. The world will becom a better place.

Walt Disney was a pedophile and a 33rd degree free-mason that was also involved in military intelligence. His "DisneyLand" was subsidized by the government and used in trauma based MK-Ultra mind control experiments. Ever take a gander at the subliminal sexual messages in these alleged innocent Disney movies? It makes me sick to think that I spent good money to have that filth in front of my kids. I have plenty more to show but perhaps this will arouse some intellectual curiosity to the power of subliminal messaging.

That video might be more effective if the creators told us what to look for BEFORE showing the image. That's why these are subliminal messages,
Especially when talk is so cheap.

I'm sorry but that's where thus stuff is headed. Unfortunately not everyone has the time or resources to homeschool or put their kids in private schools. Eventually some parent is going to get fed up with the sex ed or social engineering BS in the classroom and the lack of ability to control what their child is being taught and then something very unpleasant us going to happen; **** a fire-bombed school or an overly lead infused teacher.
If you cannot afford to homeschool or put your kid in private school and you do not participate in LOCAL public school decisions, why did you have children in the first place? Everyone knows that public school has always been the default decision....for those who are willing to accept the state's education. Parents who are "fed up" should have thought about it before having their children.
Just another in the myriad of great reasons to cancel your cable and dish service.

Rabbit ears!

Nope...I'm off all broadcast television since the biased media lost their collective minds after the 2016 elections. Washed my hands of them. I watch some Netflix to go to bed to and get my news streaming from One America News Network with Klowdtv.com for $8/mo... zero commercials. The only commercials I get now are on Youtube videos...and I can skip most of those.
That's unfortunate. Guess i wont be seeing The Last Jedi after all. No more Disney for my family. I will not support a company that promotes this type of immorality to children and young axults.

Oh...I'll watch it...eventually. It will be on Netflix...or I'll add it on one of the nights the Redbox offers me a second movie for 50 cents.

I haven't seen a movie in a theater since 1997...George of the Jungle with Brendan Frazier.
Teaching children sexual perversion. How leftist of them.
Two people who love each other
Father and daughter? Two brothers? Grandpa and granddaughter?

You are a perverted freak.

Nice try ...but children are not being taught incest is acceptable. Quite the opposite. They are taught to report it
Oh, so you lied when you said when two people love each other.
If you cannot afford to homeschool or put your kid in private school and you do not participate in LOCAL public school decisions, why did you have children in the first place?

Just because you are active in your child's school or ed department decisions doesn't mean the school is going to listen to you.
If you cannot afford to homeschool or put your kid in private school and you do not participate in LOCAL public school decisions, why did you have children in the first place?

Just because you are active in your child's school or ed department decisions doesn't mean the school is going to listen to you.

Maybe because you would be in the minority of parents.......that's how things work with a PUBLIC school system. If you were part of the majority and your majority expressed their desires, those things would happen. So, what you are really complaining about is being in the minority.

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