Disney to tackle grown up stuff

Teaching children sexual perversion. How leftist of them.
Two people who love each other
Father and daughter? Two brothers? Grandpa and granddaughter?

You are a perverted freak.

Nice try ...but children are not being taught incest is acceptable. Quite the opposite. They are taught to report it
Oh, so you lied when you said when two people love each other.
It is always a concern of mine when people posting here show that they cannot discern the difference between consenting adults .... and .... an adult taking advantage of those who cannot consent, like children. Those people shouldn't be allowed around children......or animals.....or the physically/mentally helpless.
That's unfortunate. Guess i wont be seeing The Last Jedi after all. No more Disney for my family. I will not support a company that promotes this type of immorality to children and young axults.

Oh...I'll watch it...eventually. It will be on Netflix...or I'll add it on one of the nights the Redbox offers me a second movie for 50 cents.

I haven't seen a movie in a theater since 1997...George of the Jungle with Brendan Frazier.
No wonder you've not watched a movie since then.
Father and daughter? Two brothers? Grandpa and granddaughter?

Why is it your mind automatically jumps to incest? Probably something you're not telling us about yourself...
There are certainly people whose train of thought is a bit creepy.....particularly all those who just have to look at a gay person and their mind becomes completely controlled by images of gay sex. Is that a straight thing? Or just a creepy people thing?
There are certainly people whose train of thought is a bit creepy.....particularly all those who just have to look at a gay person and their mind becomes completely controlled by images of gay sex. Is that a straight thing? Or just a creepy people thing?

I think it's insecurity. I think these people are so insecure in their own sexuality that they have to lash out at gay people because otherwise they'd be forced to reconcile their own sexual deficiencies.

Homosexuality has nothing to do with you unless you're gay.
Maybe because you would be in the minority of parents.......that's how things work with a PUBLIC school system...

Which is why I've never believed thst the Majority/minority parDigm is the proper one. I much prefer thr Right/Wrong paradigm.
And how is that "right/wrong" paradigm determined? By the Golden Rule, right?
Which is why I've never believed thst the Majority/minority parDigm is the proper one. I much prefer thr Right/Wrong paradigm.

If being a Christian means you accept that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins, then why would any Christian refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding? Wouldn't God forgive them for doing so? If not, then God doesn't forgive and Jesus died for nothing.
There are certainly people whose train of thought is a bit creepy.....particularly all those who just have to look at a gay person and their mind becomes completely controlled by images of gay sex. Is that a straight thing? Or just a creepy people thing?

It's a Conservative thing.
Because homosexuality has been around a lot longer than Christianity, which is the real perversion
Is it really necessary to slam the Christian religion? Were you raped by a nun? Not shown love by a Christian brother? What makes you think your opinion matters? If you're a Jew, Muslims or Athiest, keep your opinion to yourself if you want respect in return, dork.
That's unfortunate. Guess i wont be seeing The Last Jedi after all. No more Disney for my family. I will not support a company that promotes this type of immorality to children and young axults.

Oh...I'll watch it...eventually. It will be on Netflix...or I'll add it on one of the nights the Redbox offers me a second movie for 50 cents.

I haven't seen a movie in a theater since 1997...George of the Jungle with Brendan Frazier.
No wonder you've not watched a movie since then.

:lol: Ain't that the truth. Talk about going out on a low note.

In all honesty, it was paying for lousy movies like that one that drove me away from the theater...not politics...I wasn't very politically motivated back then. The 9/11 attack and the Iraq War were the political catalysts for me.

But..it was one of the first dates my wife and I went on...so something good did come of it.
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They are not the ones sexually abusing one in four girls.
Are there homosexual pedophiles?

Paedophilia transcends politics and religion and sexual orientation.

There are homosexual paedophiles who like little boys, there are heterosexual paedophiles who like little girls, there are bisexual paedophiles who like little boys and little girls.

All of them should be executed, take them out and shoot them. Zero Tolerance for paedophiles.
The Disney Channel will have its first ever gay character - and love story

This is excellent news. Educating the kids will help eradicate the backward homophobias of the older generations. The world will becom a better place.
Yes, it's excellent when deviant sexualized content winds up being crafted to share with impressionable children.

Next up, Disney will feature a story where an old man and a young boy fall in love and "get married". It's coming. Mark my words. Put a stop to it by refusing to see this film. Make it flop like an old fag's dick after he's done with his twink.

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