Disney to tackle grown up stuff

Is it really necessary to slam the Christian religion?

Yes. It's always necessary to slam any religion. Christianity gets it in this thread because it's Christianity that serves as the basis of modern homophobia in the US today. Then the bigots hide behind Christianity, pretending that their religious beliefs are genuine when we all know they aren't.

Were you raped by a nun? Not shown love by a Christian brother? What makes you think your opinion matters? If you're a Jew, Muslims or Athiest, keep your opinion to yourself if you want respect in return, dork.

Eat a bag of dicks, loser. If my opinion didn't matter, you wouldn't be trying so hard to pretend it doesn't.
Were you raped by a nun? Not shown love by a Christian brother? What makes you think your opinion matters? If you're a Jew, Muslims or Athiest, keep your opinion to yourself if you want respect in return, dork.

You know, this tendency of the LGBT cult to employ verbal abuse to keep the unfaithful in line is a bit much. Hey you stupid fag, don't verbally abuse your opponents. If you can't win on substance of your argument, you don't get to deflect to a flame war and belittling as a substitute. Keep it up and I'll report you, asshole. Your message to the poster was "keep your mouth shut and your freedom of speech clamped down or I'll justify further abuse of you". Have you been arrested for domestic violence? Just curious cuz you fit the profile.

Let me guess, you'll run to your mommy now and cry crocodile tears that you were "gay bashed" and need 10 years of therapy on the taxpayer's dime..
Were you raped by a nun? Not shown love by a Christian brother? What makes you think your opinion matters? If you're a Jew, Muslims or Athiest, keep your opinion to yourself if you want respect in return, dork.

You know, this tendency of the LGBT cult to employ verbal abuse to keep the unfaithful in line is a bit much. Hey you stupid fag, don't verbally abuse your opponents. If you can't win on substance of your argument, you don't get to deflect to a flame war and belittling as a substitute. Keep it up and I'll report you, asshole. Your message to the poster was "keep your mouth shut and your freedom of speech clamped down or I'll justify further abuse of you". Have you been arrested for domestic violence? Just curious cuz you fit the profile.

Let me guess, you'll run to your mommy now and cry crocodile tears that you were "gay bashed" and need 10 years of therapy on the taxpayer's dime..

You think AvgGuyIA is a member of the LGBT cult!? :lol:
Teaching hate is abuse.

Teaching sexual perversion and immorality to children is certainly abuse.
Using a contract (gay marriage) to permanently ban children from either a mother or father for life is also child abuse. And illegal per the Infancy Doctrine which outlines children and contracts. Anyone who aids or abets such a contractual ban is also guilty of child abuse. The Gay Marriage vs Children's Rights Impending Legal-Collision Looms Closer
Homosexuals want to shove their ways down kids throats

All I hear from right-winger after right-winger is this business about having stuff "shoved down [your] throats".

Something you want to tell us...?

I don't want religion shoved down my throat but these idiots want the government to do just that. Weird how anything that promotes hatred of American citizens is seen as acceptable by assholes like tank.
I wonder how long it will take the tolerant left to label those who disagree with this and use their freedom of speech to express it bigots and homophobes? As we have seen before from both sides freedom of speech is only acceptable to many if they agree with what is being said.
I don't want religion shoved down my throat but these idiots want the government to do just that. Weird how anything that promotes hatred of American citizens is seen as acceptable by assholes like tank.
Science says homosexuality is wrong
The reactions to this thread underline the need to demystify this subject. I hope that this initiative is the first of many and that it helps gay youngsters.
Adolescences Are incapable of deciding such things such a early age. You dumb fucker

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