DNC Swine Attacks Victims Families


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
You know there comes a point in some low life lives that they actually strive to set even a LOWER standard. Well the latest round of finger pointing and blame has started as DNC Swinestress Hillary Clinton is once again on the attack.


You would think after ESCAPING what could have been a number of charges she would have learned to shut her damn mouth. But as Forrest Gump would say "Stupid is as stupid does".

You would THINK anybody with a brain bigger then a piss ant would leave this subject the hell alone. But its more important to the swinestress that America sees her as correct and honest in her eyes DESPITE things like facts. Thus the swine brings it up once again taunting families.


Burned, beatin, raped and tortured for seven hours and she ARMED them AND excused them AND ran cover for them blaming a damn video no one ever heard of.


The families of those men above want to know what the hell happened and they were promised the TRUTH. But the Swinestress after seeing this....

Said this....


"Loser Benghazi victim families".....The ONLY words I have for that remark are NOT to be used here at USMB. This swine is totally devoid of anything that even comes CLOSE to ethics, morality and honesty. She IS however a BOUGHT and PAID FOR snot rag of islamic state TERRORISTS.

Her "Clinton Foundation" is bulging at the seems from money donated by some of the same countries and people who back islamic state. What you ARE looking at in here is an Angela Merkel hybred ready to rip the guts out of the Christian faith for manna.

Hillary Clinton has been to the garden late at night and met Satan eye to eye and held out her hand to take her earth bound reward. She HAS gotten her 13 pieces of silver for EVERY Christian life in this country. I myself have long held Democrats wanted to kill God in order to become God.

Oh THIS video is from December 11 2015......

Obama delivered you into the garden where Hillary sold you. And Islam {Satan} demands submission or death. With the soon coming law/mandate FROM democrats you will NO LONGER be able to use FREE SPEECH to defend YOUR faith. {Some member drop a link okay}. With the expected mandates coming this next week you MAY no longer be able to defend YOURSELF.

2016 is not about politics, its about the life and promise of Christ. And the biggest question is not comb overs. The BIGGEST question in 2016 IS..."Is this the year Christ died in America?"


Hillary sold her soul a long time ago. It seems she has had this lust for power her whole life. There are very few people in the world who start out as evil but Hillary, I believe, has always been evil. She is as much of a sociopath as Obama, probably more. Making her president would be disastrous in every way imaginable.
What's disgusting is using that picture of the dead embassador for anti HILLARY propaganda .

The right are such scumbags . You don't care about the dead in Benghazi , or the thousands killed in the Mid East before them. You just want to use them as a tool to smear Clinton.

Disgraceful .
Of all her misfeasance and malfeasance over a long disgusting career of coat-tail riding on her lecherous husband--this sordid LIE standing in front of the coffins of the dead----is the one which most surely disqualifies her from the Presidency.

Thanks for posting this video....every sane person should consider it when contemplating if she is qualified to be President.
What's disgusting is using that picture of the dead embassador for anti HILLARY propaganda .

The right are such scumbags . You don't care about the dead in Benghazi , or the thousands killed in the Mid East before them. You just want to use them as a tool to smear Clinton.

Disgraceful .

Yeah, its not like they are a liberal trying to make a point about Bush.
What's disgusting is using that picture of the dead embassador for anti HILLARY propaganda .

The right are such scumbags . You don't care about the dead in Benghazi , or the thousands killed in the Mid East before them. You just want to use them as a tool to smear Clinton.

Disgraceful .

So you think lying to the families about why their loved ones died, while telling her own what really happened is acceptable?

And you call other people scumbags. Grab a mirror.
What's disgusting is using that picture of the dead embassador for anti HILLARY propaganda .

The right are such scumbags . You don't care about the dead in Benghazi , or the thousands killed in the Mid East before them. You just want to use them as a tool to smear Clinton.

Disgraceful .

So you think lying to the families about why their loved ones died, while telling her own what really happened is acceptable?

And you call other people scumbags. Grab a mirror.

Lying ? You act like they knew everything the instant the attack happend .

I know some real undisputed lies . Like the pat Tillman story . Did that bother u as much ?
That picture is not Ambassador Stevens. But hey, if it fits the narrative why not. You are some patriot.
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Meanwhile, HiLIARy wants to let those folks in. I wonder if they will be bringing cattle prods with them.
Any one still supporting the liar is in fact a liar. Calling those who lost family members liar is about as low as a person can go.
You know there comes a point in some low life lives that they actually strive to set even a LOWER standard. Well the latest round of finger pointing and blame has started as DNC Swinestress Hillary Clinton is once again on the attack.


You would think after ESCAPING what could have been a number of charges she would have learned to shut her damn mouth. But as Forrest Gump would say "Stupid is as stupid does".

You would THINK anybody with a brain bigger then a piss ant would leave this subject the hell alone. But its more important to the swinestress that America sees her as correct and honest in her eyes DESPITE things like facts. Thus the swine brings it up once again taunting families.


Burned, beatin, raped and tortured for seven hours and she ARMED them AND excused them AND ran cover for them blaming a damn video no one ever heard of.


The families of those men above want to know what the hell happened and they were promised the TRUTH. But the Swinestress after seeing this....

Said this....


"Loser Benghazi victim families".....The ONLY words I have for that remark are NOT to be used here at USMB. This swine is totally devoid of anything that even comes CLOSE to ethics, morality and honesty. She IS however a BOUGHT and PAID FOR snot rag of islamic state TERRORISTS.

Her "Clinton Foundation" is bulging at the seems from money donated by some of the same countries and people who back islamic state. What you ARE looking at in here is an Angela Merkel hybred ready to rip the guts out of the Christian faith for manna.

Hillary Clinton has been to the garden late at night and met Satan eye to eye and held out her hand to take her earth bound reward. She HAS gotten her 13 pieces of silver for EVERY Christian life in this country. I myself have long held Democrats wanted to kill God in order to become God.

Oh THIS video is from December 11 2015......

Obama delivered you into the garden where Hillary sold you. And Islam {Satan} demands submission or death. With the soon coming law/mandate FROM democrats you will NO LONGER be able to use FREE SPEECH to defend YOUR faith. {Some member drop a link okay}. With the expected mandates coming this next week you MAY no longer be able to defend YOURSELF.

2016 is not about politics, its about the life and promise of Christ. And the biggest question is not comb overs. The BIGGEST question in 2016 IS..."Is this the year Christ died in America?"


Hillary Nailed Again on Benghazi Lie in New Hampshire

Sun Columnist Tom McLaughlin said she told an Egyptian diplomat the Benghazi attack was planned and not a protest but that she told family members of the deceased that the attack was the result of a demonstration. He said she then told George Stephanopoulos that she didn't tell the families the attack was a demonstration about a film.

Somebody is lying," said McLaughlin."Who is it?

Clinton replied, "Not me, that's all I can tell you."

At the time, Clinton said, everyone was emotionally distraught. She said some families didn't know their sons were working for the CIA or were in Benghazi. Clinton said the information she had about the attack was from the intelligence community.

"What happened is people were doing the best they could with information that was changing," said Clinton. "The CIA wrote and approved the talking points that were used. It was also true that from Egypt to Tunisia to Pakistan, the video was the primary spark that was sending people into protesting against our facilities. All of this was happening simultaneously."

Continuing to press, McLaughlin said three family members of the victims said that Clinton told him that the attack was the result of the video and or that the filmmaker should be arrested.

Clinton replied that other family members believe differently and stressed she had sympathy for all involved. "I can't recite for you everything that was in a conversation where people were sobbing, where people were distraught, the president and the vice president, we were all making the rounds talking to people, listening to people," said Clinton. "I was in a very difficult position because we have not yet said two of the four dead were CIA ... This was a part of the fog of war."

What a joke, she gets her information from Facebook. Rivera defends her, he's a hack.
What's disgusting is using that picture of the dead embassador for anti HILLARY propaganda .

The right are such scumbags . You don't care about the dead in Benghazi , or the thousands killed in the Mid East before them. You just want to use them as a tool to smear Clinton.

Disgraceful .

And just think, had she done her job the ammo wouldn't be there to be used....
So..what happened to the video maker?

Mark Nakoula went to jail for violating his probation. The dude was a scum bucket and a grifter long before the Innocence of Muslims.
Well, whomever it is, it was not a pleasant death. And it still doesn't excuse HiLIARy's claims it was over a video when she knew full well it was not.
Once upon a time, Hillary, I think, may have been a good potus. But it is way too late for her now. She's sold her soul to the devil and if she wins, kiss all our asses goodbye. She is bought and paid for...just like Merkel.
What's disgusting is using that picture of the dead embassador for anti HILLARY propaganda .

The right are such scumbags . You don't care about the dead in Benghazi , or the thousands killed in the Mid East before them. You just want to use them as a tool to smear Clinton.

Disgraceful .
And how about Hillary attacking the families of the victims calling them losers and liars?

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