Do Libertarians support pit bull and chicken fighting?

When stating a fact, one should be willing to support it with evidence.

When stating an opinion, supporting evidence is optional if even available.

You claimed, as a matter of fact, that I offered my views on narco-libertarians.

I challenged you to support your statement of fact with evidence.

You pussied out.

You fail. :thup:
Yeah, you did.

I believe there is nothing in libertarian ideology that would preclude mandatory drug testing of everyone in the U.S.

I guess in your warped opinion he did, since you're the only one here who made up the term narco-libertarian and insists on continuing to use said fictitious label.

It's my opinion. that seems to be all we're posting here. Facts, references, support of any kind is now unncessary, thanks to Manifold.

The observation of this thread that you would be in that group that doesn't provide those things either.
When stating a fact, one should be willing to support it with evidence.

When stating an opinion, supporting evidence is optional if even available.

You claimed, as a matter of fact, that I offered my views on narco-libertarians.

I challenged you to support your statement of fact with evidence.

You pussied out.

You fail. :thup:

Right. So your opinion that narco libertarians support restrictions on what they can do with their animals is just an opinion.
My opinion that libertarians support controls on dangerous narcotics is also an opinion. So it doesn't need support.
I guess in your warped opinion he did, since you're the only one here who made up the term narco-libertarian and insists on continuing to use said fictitious label.

It's my opinion. that seems to be all we're posting here. Facts, references, support of any kind is now unncessary, thanks to Manifold.

The observation of this thread that you would be in that group that doesn't provide those things either.

You're either stupid or lying. Which is it?
I've not offered any opinion about what narco-libertarians would or would not support.

And that's a fact, Jack! :thup:
A "purist" Libertarian would let market forces rule any transaction. Let the buyer be ware.

Uncut heroin to gradeschool kids? Why not? :lol::lol:
That's pretty much my thought. If someone wants to torture animals then by golly we'll just tell them they are wrong headed and boycott them.

Kind of like the entire not serving blacks at a restaurant thing.

Sure, not being served at a restaurant is equivalent to torture. :thup:

Talk about intellectual dishonesty. :rolleyes:

The basic principle and dynamics are the same. The only thing intellectually dishonest here are your posts.
But that's just my opinion and I dont need to support it.
So the question is do I oppose the torture of animals and a violent game with no rules or safety restrictions were animals are forced to maim and kill each other for amusement? Yes, I am vehemtly opposed to treating anything living thing in such a manner and view laws that restrict such things as legitimate.
A "purist" Libertarian would let market forces rule any transaction. Let the buyer be ware.

Uncut heroin to gradeschool kids? Why not? :lol::lol:

Unlikely. Do libertarians not recognize the legal concept of adulthood? Do they not recognize that a child's capacity for intelligent decision making is not the same as an adult?

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