Do Libertarians support pit bull and chicken fighting?

Do all republicans agree on every issue? NO

Do all democrats agree on every issue? NO

Why would anyone assume libertarians would be any different?

This thread has gone off the rails.
The fact remains that there is nothing inherent in libertarian ideology to suggest support for an individual's right to torture animals.

^^Truth^^ :thup:

Yet another straw man. No one suggested that. Try posting support for your views.

That is my view. If you don't disagree, then I guess we've been in violent agreement all along.

I accept responsibility for my part in the misunderstanding. Have a nice day. :thup:

I'd ask you to post support for your view that narco libertarians want laws governing how they treat their own animals. But you have steadfastly refused and when pushed admitted it is your own personal bias.
You have no credibility on this thread anymore.
Yet another straw man. No one suggested that. Try posting support for your views.

That is my view. If you don't disagree, then I guess we've been in violent agreement all along.

I accept responsibility for my part in the misunderstanding. Have a nice day. :thup:

I'd ask you to post support for your view that narco libertarians want laws governing how they treat their own animals. But you have steadfastly refused and when pushed admitted it is your own personal bias.
You have no credibility on this thread anymore.

That you want such a quote, citation, whatever suggests you believe libertarians support the abuse of animals. Which YOU have provided no evidence of. At the very least, you are no better than him.
Yet another straw man. No one suggested that. Try posting support for your views.

That is my view. If you don't disagree, then I guess we've been in violent agreement all along.

I accept responsibility for my part in the misunderstanding. Have a nice day. :thup:

I'd ask you to post support for your view that narco libertarians want laws governing how they treat their own animals. But you have steadfastly refused and when pushed admitted it is your own personal bias.
You have no credibility on this thread anymore.

Would it be fair to say that you have a closed mind on the subject?
Yet another straw man. No one suggested that. Try posting support for your views.

That is my view. If you don't disagree, then I guess we've been in violent agreement all along.

I accept responsibility for my part in the misunderstanding. Have a nice day. :thup:

I'd ask you to post support for your view that narco libertarians want laws governing how they treat their own animals. But you have steadfastly refused and when pushed admitted it is your own personal bias.
You have no credibility on this thread anymore.

A) Your reading comprehension sucks balls.

B) Your opinion about my credibility means exactly fuck all. :thup:
The fact remains that there is nothing inherent in libertarian ideology to suggest support for an individual's right to torture animals.

^^Truth^^ :thup:

Because you say so. And when challenged with a narco-libertarian source that says the opposite you dismiss it.

I think there is nothing in libertarian ideology that suggests the state cannot draft people in war time.
Every libertarian who supports legalizing drugs is a narco-libertarian.
Real libertarians don't.

Ah, no. There is nothing counter to 'typical' libertarian logic in legalizing drugs. It falls under the veil of not establishing laws regulating people's behavior when said behavior only effects them. The fact is there would be many benefits to legalizing drugs. We woud alleviate are prison overcrowding problem. We could generate a ton of tax revenue. Countries that have legalized things like marijauna have actually seen decreases in its use. It is also likely drugs would become safer as they could then be regulated by the FDA.

You seem to have some overly warped bias againsts drugs in general. Why is that?
I never expressed any views whatsoever about narco-libertarians.

Yeah, you did.

I believe there is nothing in libertarian ideology that would preclude mandatory drug testing of everyone in the U.S.

I guess in your warped opinion he did, since you're the only one here who made up the term narco-libertarian and insists on continuing to use said fictitious label.
Every libertarian who supports legalizing drugs is a narco-libertarian.
Real libertarians don't.

Drugs are legal now.
Only a few, most of them no where as dangerous as the legal ones, are illegal.
Wake up man. Your right wing ideology has blinded you to the facts.
Under your own definition you are a "narco conservative".
I never expressed any views whatsoever about narco-libertarians.

Yeah, you did.

I believe there is nothing in libertarian ideology that would preclude mandatory drug testing of everyone in the U.S.

I guess in your warped opinion he did, since you're the only one here who made up the term narco-libertarian and insists on continuing to use said fictitious label.

It's my opinion. that seems to be all we're posting here. Facts, references, support of any kind is now unncessary, thanks to Manifold.

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