Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

More from the 'infallible' Bible

Matthew 13:31 Another parable put he [Jesus] forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

Matthew 13:32:1 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.[4].

Except of course- the mustard is not the smallest of all seeds- and it doesn't grow into a tree.

Except for that of course.

Matthew 13:31 Another parable put he [Jesus] forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:

Matthew 13:32:1 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.[4].

Salvadora persica - Wikipedia
Salvadora persica is a small tree or shrub with a crooked trunk, seldom more than one foot in diameter. Its bark is scabrous and cracked, whitish with pendulous extremities. The root bark of the tree is similar to sand, and the inner surfaces are an even lighter shade of brown. It has a pleasant fragrance, of cress or mustard, as well as a warm and pungent taste. The leaves break with a fine crisp crackle when trodden on. The tree grows to a maximum height of three meters

Can you show me any photo's of a farmer sowing his fields with the seeds of the Mustard Tree?
Tell me all about these:
But all other winged creatures that have four legs you are to detest

What are the winged creatures that have four legs?
Bats? 2 legs
Birds? 2 legs
Insects? 6 legs

God is warning us not to eat bats. It walks on fours. You learn something new every day. I didn't know how they walked.

Are you and Fort Fun Indiana prepared to go to hell now?

So Bats don't have 2 legs and 2 wings- you are saying that Bats have 4 legs?


You said a bat had 2 legs, but you are wrong. It's walking on fours, so the bat's wings are legs. .

Does a bat have 2 wings and 2 legs or 4 legs?


Ah the dance the literalists must dance in order to rationalize how the Bible cannot be fallible.

I've already explained this. The bat walks on fours, so it's one of the flying creatures with four legs.y.

You have certainly offered an 'explanation' - which requires explaining how the bat has 4 legs- and no wings?

Tell me all about these:
But all other winged creatures that have four legs you are to detest

What are the winged creatures that have four legs?
Bats? 2 legs
Birds? 2 legs
Insects? 6 legs

God is warning us not to eat bats. It walks on fours. You learn something new every day. I didn't know how they walked.

Are you and Fort Fun Indiana prepared to go to hell now?

So Bats don't have 2 legs and 2 wings- you are saying that Bats have 4 legs?


You said a bat had 2 legs, but you are wrong. It's walking on fours, so the bat's wings are legs. .

Does a bat have 2 wings and 2 legs or 4 legs?


Ah the dance the literalists must dance in order to rationalize how the Bible cannot be fallible.

My advice is to stop the mockery and continue reading the Bible with an open mind.

I can find video evidence of how God's Words are true. .

I mock you for your rationalizations- I really don't care what your personal beliefs are- only that you want to promote a fairy tale creation story as a substitute for science.

I am sure you can find 'video's' that are 'evidence' of anything. Youtube is a great place for hoaxters.
But if you want to provide real evidence- not video's- sure- go for it.
But if you want to provide real evidence- not video's- sure- go for it.
And there you have it. He has not a shred of evidence, nor is anyone producing any. All of the evidence stands against his magical nonsense...which is precisely why the accepted scientific theories do the same.
We do not want to be bored to tears, so I'll claim victory for creation science and the believers that humans and apes are separate species and never the twain will they meet. Even if they do, the hybrid cannot survive more than one generation. We still have monkeys, apes and gorillas who walk on fours and humans who are bipedal creatures. These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. Science backs up the Bible once again and the Bible and science shows us the way.
We do not want to be bored to tears, so I'll claim victory for creation science and the believers that humans and apes are separate species and never the twain will they meet. Even if they do, the hybrid cannot survive more than one generation. We still have monkeys, apes and gorillas who walk on fours and humans who are bipedal creatures. These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. Science backs up the Bible once again and the Bible and science shows us the way.

Among the living primates, humans are most closely related to the apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans). These so-called hominoids — that is, the gibbons, great apes and humans — emerged and diversified during the Miocene epoch, approximately 23 million to 5 million years ago. (The last common ancestor that humans had with chimpanzees lived about 6 million to 7 million years ago.)

Fossil Reveals What Last Common Ancestor of Humans and Apes Looked Liked

Science absolutely DOES NOT back up the Bible
These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. .

And by 'racist ideas' of course Jimmy means the incredibly 'racist' idea that all humans are descended from a common ancestor and that races are essentially irrelevant.

As opposed to the Christian history of racism......
We do not want to be bored to tears, so I'll claim victory for creation science and the believers that humans and apes are separate species and never the twain will they meet. Even if they do, the hybrid cannot survive more than one generation. We still have monkeys, apes and gorillas who walk on fours and humans who are bipedal creatures. These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. Science backs up the Bible once again and the Bible and science shows us the way.

Among the living primates, humans are most closely related to the apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans). These so-called hominoids — that is, the gibbons, great apes and humans — emerged and diversified during the Miocene epoch, approximately 23 million to 5 million years ago. (The last common ancestor that humans had with chimpanzees lived about 6 million to 7 million years ago.)

Fossil Reveals What Last Common Ancestor of Humans and Apes Looked Liked

Science absolutely DOES NOT back up the Bible

Creation science thinks those fossils were apes, not ape humans nor any common ancestor. Besides, today's apes would have evolved the same way and we would have ape humans. However, we can't have ape humans beyond one generation. Evos make up stuff in order to fit their theories. They already committed fraud in regards to apes to humans with fossils, so they lost real science cred. Thus, science backs up the Bible in that God created adult humans, creatures and plants. If we saw evolution like what the evos say, then it would be different but all they got is fossils they made to fit their hypothesis.
We do not want to be bored to tears, so I'll claim victory for creation science and the believers that humans and apes are separate species and never the twain will they meet. Even if they do, the hybrid cannot survive more than one generation. We still have monkeys, apes and gorillas who walk on fours and humans who are bipedal creatures. These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. Science backs up the Bible once again and the Bible and science shows us the way.

Among the living primates, humans are most closely related to the apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans). These so-called hominoids — that is, the gibbons, great apes and humans — emerged and diversified during the Miocene epoch, approximately 23 million to 5 million years ago. (The last common ancestor that humans had with chimpanzees lived about 6 million to 7 million years ago.)

Fossil Reveals What Last Common Ancestor of Humans and Apes Looked Liked

Science absolutely DOES NOT back up the Bible

Creation science thinks those fossils were apes, not ape humans nor any common ancestor. Besides, today's apes would have evolved the same way and we would have ape humans. However, we can't have ape humans beyond one generation. Evos make up stuff in order to fit their theories. They already committed fraud in regards to apes to humans with fossils, so they lost real science cred. Thus, science backs up the Bible in that God created adult humans, creatures and plants. If we saw evolution like what the evos say, then it would be different but all they got is fossils they made to fit their hypothesis.

Total nonsense.

Here is some reality
The emergence of humans
We do not want to be bored to tears, so I'll claim victory for creation science and the believers that humans and apes are separate species and never the twain will they meet. Even if they do, the hybrid cannot survive more than one generation. We still have monkeys, apes and gorillas who walk on fours and humans who are bipedal creatures. These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. Science backs up the Bible once again and the Bible and science shows us the way.

Among the living primates, humans are most closely related to the apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans). These so-called hominoids — that is, the gibbons, great apes and humans — emerged and diversified during the Miocene epoch, approximately 23 million to 5 million years ago. (The last common ancestor that humans had with chimpanzees lived about 6 million to 7 million years ago.)

Fossil Reveals What Last Common Ancestor of Humans and Apes Looked Liked

Science absolutely DOES NOT back up the Bible

Creation science thinks those fossils were apes, not ape humans nor any common ancestor. Besides, today's apes would have evolved the same way and we would have ape humans. However, we can't have ape humans beyond one generation. Evos make up stuff in order to fit their theories. They already committed fraud in regards to apes to humans with fossils, so they lost real science cred. Thus, science backs up the Bible in that God created adult humans, creatures and plants. If we saw evolution like what the evos say, then it would be different but all they got is fossils they made to fit their hypothesis.

Total nonsense.

Here is some reality
The emergence of humans

Ha ha. It not reality, but theory. That website is where I learned evolution and is from my alma mater. Around 2011, I started to question some of its findings such as evolving from apes. Then I learned what the Bible stated from 2012. And I compared the two. The Bible version and creation science came out on top.

If it's reality, then why are apes still walking on fours? Please answer my question in your own words instead of links and others do the work for you.
We do not want to be bored to tears, so I'll claim victory for creation science and the believers that humans and apes are separate species and never the twain will they meet. Even if they do, the hybrid cannot survive more than one generation. We still have monkeys, apes and gorillas who walk on fours and humans who are bipedal creatures. These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. Science backs up the Bible once again and the Bible and science shows us the way.

Among the living primates, humans are most closely related to the apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans). These so-called hominoids — that is, the gibbons, great apes and humans — emerged and diversified during the Miocene epoch, approximately 23 million to 5 million years ago. (The last common ancestor that humans had with chimpanzees lived about 6 million to 7 million years ago.)

Fossil Reveals What Last Common Ancestor of Humans and Apes Looked Liked

Science absolutely DOES NOT back up the Bible

Creation science thinks those fossils were apes, not ape humans nor any common ancestor. Besides, today's apes would have evolved the same way and we would have ape humans. However, we can't have ape humans beyond one generation. Evos make up stuff in order to fit their theories. They already committed fraud in regards to apes to humans with fossils, so they lost real science cred. Thus, science backs up the Bible in that God created adult humans, creatures and plants. If we saw evolution like what the evos say, then it would be different but all they got is fossils they made to fit their hypothesis.

Total nonsense.

Here is some reality
The emergence of humans

Ha ha. It not reality, but theory. That website is where I learned evolution and is from my alma mater. Around 2011, I started to question some of its findings such as evolving from apes. Then I learned what the Bible stated from 2012. And I compared the two. The Bible version and creation science came out on top.

If it's reality, then why are apes still walking on fours? Please answer my question in your own words instead of links and others do the work for you.

If it's reality, then why are apes still walking on fours? Please answer my question in your own words instead of links and others do the work for you

Because the apes (chimps, gorillas, orangs, etc) have followed a different evolutionary path. Chimps still knuckle walk because they have remained creatures of the jungle and spend a lot of time in trees. Same for orangs. We humans left the jungle as climate changes led to loss of forests and more areas of grasslands and savannah. Natural selection favored those that adapted to the changing conditions and we evolved. A more upright posture, freed hands, larger brains, homo sapiens.

And there are lots of links available that explain it much better than I can.
We do not want to be bored to tears, so I'll claim victory for creation science and the believers that humans and apes are separate species and never the twain will they meet. Even if they do, the hybrid cannot survive more than one generation. We still have monkeys, apes and gorillas who walk on fours and humans who are bipedal creatures. These are facts, but evos want to stick to their old racist ideas and myths. Science backs up the Bible once again and the Bible and science shows us the way.

Among the living primates, humans are most closely related to the apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans). These so-called hominoids — that is, the gibbons, great apes and humans — emerged and diversified during the Miocene epoch, approximately 23 million to 5 million years ago. (The last common ancestor that humans had with chimpanzees lived about 6 million to 7 million years ago.)

Fossil Reveals What Last Common Ancestor of Humans and Apes Looked Liked

Science absolutely DOES NOT back up the Bible

Creation science thinks those fossils were apes, not ape humans nor any common ancestor. Besides, today's apes would have evolved the same way and we would have ape humans. However, we can't have ape humans beyond one generation. Evos make up stuff in order to fit their theories. They already committed fraud in regards to apes to humans with fossils, so they lost real science cred. Thus, science backs up the Bible in that God created adult humans, creatures and plants. If we saw evolution like what the evos say, then it would be different but all they got is fossils they made to fit their hypothesis.

Total nonsense.

Here is some reality
The emergence of humans

Ha ha. It not reality, but theory. That website is where I learned evolution and is from my alma mater. Around 2011, I started to question some of its findings such as evolving from apes. Then I learned what the Bible stated from 2012. And I compared the two. The Bible version and creation science came out on top.

If it's reality, then why are apes still walking on fours? Please answer my question in your own words instead of links and others do the work for you.

If it's reality, then why are apes still walking on fours? Please answer my question in your own words instead of links and others do the work for you

Because the apes (chimps, gorillas, orangs, etc) have followed a different evolutionary path. Chimps still knuckle walk because they have remained creatures of the jungle and spend a lot of time in trees. Same for orangs. We humans left the jungle as climate changes led to loss of forests and more areas of grasslands and savannah. Natural selection favored those that adapted to the changing conditions and we evolved. A more upright posture, freed hands, larger brains, homo sapiens.

And there are lots of links available that explain it much better than I can.
Why on earth would an animal want to remain outdoors in all sorts of weather when it could build a house and move north.
Among the living primates, humans are most closely related to the apes, which include the lesser apes (gibbons) and the great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans). These so-called hominoids — that is, the gibbons, great apes and humans — emerged and diversified during the Miocene epoch, approximately 23 million to 5 million years ago. (The last common ancestor that humans had with chimpanzees lived about 6 million to 7 million years ago.)

Fossil Reveals What Last Common Ancestor of Humans and Apes Looked Liked

Science absolutely DOES NOT back up the Bible

Creation science thinks those fossils were apes, not ape humans nor any common ancestor. Besides, today's apes would have evolved the same way and we would have ape humans. However, we can't have ape humans beyond one generation. Evos make up stuff in order to fit their theories. They already committed fraud in regards to apes to humans with fossils, so they lost real science cred. Thus, science backs up the Bible in that God created adult humans, creatures and plants. If we saw evolution like what the evos say, then it would be different but all they got is fossils they made to fit their hypothesis.

Total nonsense.

Here is some reality
The emergence of humans

Ha ha. It not reality, but theory. That website is where I learned evolution and is from my alma mater. Around 2011, I started to question some of its findings such as evolving from apes. Then I learned what the Bible stated from 2012. And I compared the two. The Bible version and creation science came out on top.

If it's reality, then why are apes still walking on fours? Please answer my question in your own words instead of links and others do the work for you.

If it's reality, then why are apes still walking on fours? Please answer my question in your own words instead of links and others do the work for you

Because the apes (chimps, gorillas, orangs, etc) have followed a different evolutionary path. Chimps still knuckle walk because they have remained creatures of the jungle and spend a lot of time in trees. Same for orangs. We humans left the jungle as climate changes led to loss of forests and more areas of grasslands and savannah. Natural selection favored those that adapted to the changing conditions and we evolved. A more upright posture, freed hands, larger brains, homo sapiens.

And there are lots of links available that explain it much better than I can.
Why on earth would an animal want to remain outdoors in all sorts of weather when it could build a house and move north.

Maybe it has something to do with the availability of free fruit?

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