Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

Just checked....

.....nope, still no such thing as "creation science".

Weren't you the one who could not figure out how science backs up the Bible? You got some bad sources and would not be able to comprehend it even if it hit you on the head. Creation science and Gregor Mendel showed Darwin's ToE was wrong.

There are such things as god of the world and prince of the air and sons of God. I'm sure you'll learn when the time comes when they run wild and try to take over the planet.

Generally speaking, it’s a bad idea to attempt to reconcile religious scriptures with observed empirical data. Any claim that literal scripture is supported by scientific data is just too easy to disprove and it makes for an unproductive discussion.

However, there are many areas where science cannot provide a reasonable explanation - example, pre-Big Bang or reconciliation of the infinity of the universe vs the finite nature of physical space that aren’t in conflict with a metaphorical interpretation of scripture.

At the end of the day, it’s not as important what people believe as it is to accept that people believe differently and to always engage in respectful dialogue when discussing those differences.

I would think that it's secular scientists who try to gather data to fit their theories instead of making theories to fit the data. For example, we find that Darwin's theories have fallen by the wayside. His version of natural selection is slow while creationists' natural selection is rapid. We are able to observe changes to species as scientists know what to look for. His ToE has a tree of life and we are finding that it is more bushes of life. Finally, his theory of change due to heritable physical or behavioral traits due to environment has been replaced by epigenetics. ToE is now neo-Darwinism.

As for your assertion that creation scientists attempt to reconcile religious scripture, it is not correct. Scripture is used as hypothesis for what we find in nature. For example, gravity is considered a strong force when including distance. OTOH, secular science usually refers to it as the weakest force because magnetic force can overcome earth's pull of gravity. There is no place in the universe that any object can escape gravitational forces. One can't escape it in a vacuum. In 2017, science discovered that the chicken came before the egg. This is because the protein OV-17 is coated on the eggshell and this protein is only produced by the chicken. Proteins cannot be produced outside the cell due to chilarity. The Bible states God created adult animals, plants and trees. Secular science tries to contradict this finding, but they have no evidence to back up their revision to their hypothesis that the egg came before the chicken. They cannot produce the protein OV-17 outside the chicken.
There is no place in the universe that any object can escape gravitational forces. One can't escape it in a vacuum.

some liberals

some left wing know

yes they came from baboons

in fact

baboons are too intelligent for liberals

liberals - idiots came from excrement...that's it.
Yes, we're all related due to evolution!

Had God Created Spontaneous Creation, we would not share those similar genetic traits.

You and I are not related and we have 99% similar DNA and 1% difference. The 1% is enough to show no relationship.
Heck yes we are related. As much as we argue, you are me. And I am you. Had God created everything spontaneously, we would have much different variations in our DNA.

Makin me superior of course....

No, my point was to show that even though we have similar DNA, out immediate families aren't related. As for what you are referring to, God didn't create us all spontaneiously. We came from a common ancestor of humans, Adam and Eve. Who is the common ancestor in your explanation?
I'm sorry but I have no idea what you were trying to say there.

Did God create life spontaneously or through evolution? And if evolution, did he create Adam an Eve spontaneously, and their offspring are the humans today?

And if so, why are some people different colors?

I think you need to clarify first because you started this subtopic.

You said, "Yes, we're all related due to evolution!

Had God Created Spontaneous Creation, we would not share those similar genetic traits."

How do you explain you and I are related through evolution? And what is spontaneous creation?

I've heard of spontaneous generation, but it's been demonstrated to be pseudoscience.

JB, it's what you roll with. You can't turn around and deny it now. It's either POOF we're here, or it took billions of years to evolve.
using enough force to escape the Earth's gravitational pull does not mean you escaped gravity..

Escaping gravity does not mean you escaped gravity?

Wrong again. One does not escape gravity. One is weightless in space due to speed. Without the speed...

Technically, velocity.

No. Speed. Velocity is a vector quantity so needs direction, Mr. Billion of Years.

Creation scientists are the ones who use experiments and observational science. Evo scientists tells us to use observational science, but hypocritically, they use historical science which involves interpreting past events through a preconceived worldview. That's why you can get wrong hypothesis such as humans evolved from monkeys or the egg came before the chicken..
Here's a list of evolution that we have seen. The rest you can say is pseudoscience and BS.

8 Examples of Evolution in Action - Listverse

No that is a list an anonymous person put on the internet. Whoever the author is never says that they are the only examples we have seen.

But certainly they are examples of evolution in action. Which demonstrates that the mechanism of evolution is an observable fact.

It's examples that YOU couldn't provide. It shows how weak your arguments and beliefs are because you have no examples of macroevolution nor ape humans.. The observable fact is you believe in fairy tales and science myths. The fossil evidence is science myths. All of these show natural selection which creation science came up with.

It's why I already claimed victory in this thread for creation scientists.

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And to raise creation science vs evolution science.

Creation Science= Homeopathic Astonomy
This is the kind of things atheist scientists do to apes. Had they actually evolved into humans, then they probably would be walking among us now.
This is the kind of thing that that Christians do to humans. Had they actually evolved into humans, they probably would be walking among us now.

using enough force to escape the Earth's gravitational pull does not mean you escaped gravity..

Escaping gravity does not mean you escaped gravity?

Wrong again. One does not escape gravity. One is weightless in space due to speed. Without the speed...

Technically, velocity.

Creation scientists are the ones who use experiments and observational science. ..
using enough force to escape the Earth's gravitational pull does not mean you escaped gravity..

Escaping gravity does not mean you escaped gravity?

Wrong again. One does not escape gravity. One is weightless in space due to speed. Without the speed...

Technically, velocity.

No. Speed. Velocity is a vector quantity so needs direction, Mr. Billion of Years.

Creation scientists are the ones who use experiments and observational science. Evo scientists tells us to use observational science, but hypocritically, they use historical science which involves interpreting past events through a preconceived worldview. That's why you can get wrong hypothesis such as humans evolved from monkeys or the egg came before the chicken..

LOL Creation 'scientists' believe that every animal in the world is descended from a pair of animals that all shared a boat with Noah that floated over the Himilayas and then landed on Mt. Ararat and hopped and walked to Australia, South America and the Galapagos Islands.

And that the world is only about 6,000 years old.

EVO 'scientists' refuse to accept science and believe blindly in a 'literal' interpretation of the their holy book even when the science contradicts it.
Velocity is a vector quantity so needs direction, Mr. Billion of Years.
Correct genius, which is why velocity is the correct quantity to consider. Gravity has direction. That speed is no good to escape earths gravity, if you are heading toward the center of the Earth.
Duh. Your knowledge of evolution wod get you laughed out of a 6th grade science class, while your knowledge of physics would get you laughed out of a 10th grade science class.
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This is the kind of things atheist scientists do to apes. Had they actually evolved into humans, then they probably would be walking among us now.
This is the kind of thing that that Christians do to humans. Had they actually evolved into humans, they probably would be walking among us now.

Ah the roots of racism in America attributed to your people the libs. You need to provide some background since Darwin later thought these were the first ape-human humans. Saint Augustine described slavery as being against God's intention and resulting from sin.

"God ... did not intend that His rational creature, who was made in His image, should have dominion over anything but the irrational creation - not man over man, but man over the beasts ... the condition of slavery is the result of sin ... It [slave] is a name .. introduced by sin and not by nature ... circumstances [under which men could become slaves] could never have arisen save [i.e. except] through sin ... The prime cause, then, of slavery is sin, which brings man under the dominion of his fellow [sinful man] ... But by nature, as God first created us, no one is the slave either of man or of sin."

Slavery existed in the times of Jesus and the Roman Empire. It was one of the reasons why the RE thrived so much in addition to its superior military. If you were homeless, then you were recruited into slavery. In the Americas, indentured service began with white immigrants.
Velocity is a vector quantity so needs direction, Mr. Billion of Years.
Correct genius, which is why velocity is the correct quantity to consider. Gravity has direction. That speed is no good to escape earths gravity, if you are heading toward the center of the Earth.
Duh. Your knowledge of evolution wod get you laughed out of a 6th grade science class, while your knowledge of physics would get you laughed out of a 10th grade science class.

Yet, I was the one who had to point out to you Mr. BOY. I do not know why I have to explain the most basic of science to you a second or even third time. Only you have the lack of sense to point the rocket in a proper direction ha ha. It's speed in order to get into space and then orbit the earth which causes the weightlessness.

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