Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

using enough force to escape the Earth's gravitational pull does not mean you escaped gravity..

Escaping gravity does not mean you escaped gravity?

Wrong again. One does not escape gravity. One is weightless in space due to speed. Without the speed...

Technically, velocity.

No. Speed. Velocity is a vector quantity so needs direction, Mr. Billion of Years.

Creation scientists are the ones who use experiments and observational science. Evo scientists tells us to use observational science, but hypocritically, they use historical science which involves interpreting past events through a preconceived worldview. That's why you can get wrong hypothesis such as humans evolved from monkeys or the egg came before the chicken..

LOL Creation 'scientists' believe that every animal in the world is descended from a pair of animals that all shared a boat with Noah that floated over the Himilayas and then landed on Mt. Ararat and hopped and walked to Australia, South America and the Galapagos Islands.

And that the world is only about 6,000 years old.

EVO 'scientists' refuse to accept science and believe blindly in a 'literal' interpretation of the their holy book even when the science contradicts it.

Yes, that's the basic theory and which give atheist scientists such problems that they had to systematically eliminate it from their science. Thus, was born today's atheist science or evo science. It's no accident that the topic is creation vs evolution. Again, I have to point out to you that creation science is based on observation and experiments while evo science is historical science with very little observational science. That's why Fort Fun Indiana is Mr. BOY. You're going to be Mr. Repetition. You don't get creation science or real science, so it will constantly have to be repeated for you for billions of years..
Velocity is a vector quantity so needs direction, Mr. Billion of Years.
Correct genius, which is why velocity is the correct quantity to consider. Gravity has direction. That speed is no good to escape earths gravity, if you are heading toward the center of the Earth.
Duh. Your knowledge of evolution wod get you laughed out of a 6th grade science class, while your knowledge of physics would get you laughed out of a 10th grade science class.

Yet, I was the one who had to point out to you Mr. BOY. I do not know why I have to explain the most basic of science to you a second or even third time. Only you have the lack of sense to point the rocket in a proper direction ha ha. It's speed in order to get into space and then orbit the earth which causes the weightlessness.
You don't have to point it in a particular direction, except for into the ground.

But you knew that....just kidding, you don't know what he hell you are talking about at all...
So, let's review our latest episode of "Juju Bond the Voodoo Shaman talks Science":

1) one cannot escape gravity. Ever.

2) but, when one DOES escape gravity, it is only speed that matters, not velocity

Won't all of the physicists calculating the escape velocity of the next rocket be so surprised!
So, let's review our latest episode of "Juju Bond the Voodoo Shaman talks Science":

1) one cannot escape gravity. Ever.

2) but, when one DOES escape gravity, it is only speed that matters, not velocity

Won't all of the physicists calculating the escape velocity of the next rocket be so surprised!

LMAO. You still do not get it, BOY. You do not understand what escape velocity is. To escape earth's gravitational pull, one needs an escape velocity of 11.2 km/s. Please explain it since you brought it up. It has to do with speed numb nuts.

If one hits escape velocity speeds in their rocket ship, then they aren't returning to earth, but still under the effect of gravity.

What does escape velocity have to do with weightlessness?

Again, one does not ever escape the influence of gravity. What one escapes, in your case, is the gravitational pull of the Earth. We still have gravity holding the planets and moons in our solar system in place.

How fast do you have to go to escape the sun's gravitational pull? It's ginormous speeds, but God put the Earth just at the right distance so that it continues to orbit the sun and not get pulled into it. This is observational and testable science. Not like the irrational humans from apes and apes became bipedal assertions.
one needs an escape velocity of 11.2 km/s
Velocity is speed and direction. In this case, this must be the component of the velocity perpendicular to the surface of the Earth.

Not that you understand component vectors of velocity, anyway.

Seriously, you are embarrassing yourself. You don't even know what the term "velocity" means. Which should come as no surprise to anyone who has read any of the other ridiculously stupid things you have said in this thread.
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We're primates that developed from a common ancestor 5-7 million years ago that yes was an ape.

That is a fact....The evidence is very strong.

Not a fact, it is a theory, big difference. And if we descended from an ape, why are there still apes?

If you're on a highway and the highway splits where one side turns south and the other side proceeds east, and you choose to go east --- why are there still people going south?

Stupid question, sorry.
This is the kind of things atheist scientists do to apes. Had they actually evolved into humans, then they probably would be walking among us now.
This is the kind of thing that that Christians do to humans. Had they actually evolved into humans, they probably would be walking among us now.

Ah the roots of racism in America attributed to your people the libs. .

Racism existed in America long before 'liberals'- i.e. the Founding Fathers.

You Christians imported it with you.
Along with your instructions on how to keep your slaves.

Escaping gravity does not mean you escaped gravity?

Wrong again. One does not escape gravity. One is weightless in space due to speed. Without the speed...

Technically, velocity.

No. Speed. Velocity is a vector quantity so needs direction, Mr. Billion of Years.

Creation scientists are the ones who use experiments and observational science. Evo scientists tells us to use observational science, but hypocritically, they use historical science which involves interpreting past events through a preconceived worldview. That's why you can get wrong hypothesis such as humans evolved from monkeys or the egg came before the chicken..

LOL Creation 'scientists' believe that every animal in the world is descended from a pair of animals that all shared a boat with Noah that floated over the Himilayas and then landed on Mt. Ararat and hopped and walked to Australia, South America and the Galapagos Islands.

And that the world is only about 6,000 years old.

EVO 'scientists' refuse to accept science and believe blindly in a 'literal' interpretation of the their holy book even when the science contradicts it.

. Again, I have to point out to you that creation science is based on observation and experiments while evo science is historical science with very little observational science. .

Again I point out that your post is the equivalent of saying that the sun rises in the West.

Science is based upon observation, experiments and involves theories. Creationism/Christianity is based upon a big book of fairy tales that Creation Cultists blindly believe in.
This is the kind of things atheist scientists do to apes. Had they actually evolved into humans, then they probably would be walking among us now.
This is the kind of thing that that Christians do to humans. Had they actually evolved into humans, they probably would be walking among us now.

Ah the roots of racism in America attributed to your people the libs. .

Racism existed in America long before 'liberals'- i.e. the Founding Fathers.

You Christians imported it with you.
Along with your instructions on how to keep your slaves.

I believe most fervent Christians accepted indentured servitude but were against lifetime slavery. Most slave traders were at best hedonistic and would have been among the atheists/agnostics of that day. In other words; they liked bars, brothels, binges, and brawls --- they didn't make a habit of attending church... They really had no care where the slave went when he died. A good example is Thomas Jefferson, who possessed slaves, didn't free any when he died, and cut up his own bible to reflect his own brand of irreligious considerations. I'm not happy that so many look at Jefferson's regard for separation of church and State with a feeling that he represents the "best" the Founding Father's had to offer. Sorry, he was not, and unless he accepted Christ as his personal savior, is in the same place as the pagans. Jefferson may have written the Constitution; however, he didn't dream it up all by himself. He was influenced by many others, and at least some of them were truly Christian.
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one needs an escape velocity of 11.2 km/s
Velocity is speed and direction. In this case, this must be the component of the velocity perpendicular to the surface of the Earth.

Not that you understand component vectors of velocity, anyway.

Seriously, you are embarrassing yourself. You don't even know what the term "velocity" means. Which should come as no surprise to anyone who has read any of the other ridiculously stupid things you have said in this thread.

Just as I thought. You do not understand escape velocity by your explanation. I was looking for the following, 1) If one has a rocket and fuel to climb upwards, they will continue to go up, but if they do not reach near escape velocity, then they will come back down when the fuel runs out. 2) They will not be able to reach a point where their orbital speed is constant and let the space ship orbit the earth. And it isn't a direction perpendicular to the surface of the earth they are going. It is usually a trajectory path in order to reach orbit. Look up orbital spaceflight to see what it entails. 3) If they just continue at 11.2 km/sec in a perpendicular direction, as stated, then they won't be returning to earth.
This is the kind of things atheist scientists do to apes. Had they actually evolved into humans, then they probably would be walking among us now.
This is the kind of thing that that Christians do to humans. Had they actually evolved into humans, they probably would be walking among us now.

Ah the roots of racism in America attributed to your people the libs. .

Racism existed in America long before 'liberals'- i.e. the Founding Fathers.

You Christians imported it with you.
Along with your instructions on how to keep your slaves.


You're quoting the racist preachers hired by the plantation owners to hold fake services in order to prevent them from running away. Too much ignorance on your part.

For those who are smart enough to figure this out, the slaves had a secret religion for themselves -- real Christianity.

The Secret Religion of the Slaves

Let's get back to discussing Darwin's racism leading to the first humans coming from apes. The historical science shows that it lead to social Darwinism, Eugenics and the Holocaust. Maybe atheist scientists are racists at heart.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We've heard this rumor more than once ---- and brainy :rolleyes-41:philosophers wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey... Obviously, you've never read the Bible!
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

It's you who should do a bit of reading as you are one with feces for brains. Most of your post absolutely wreaks. Then you would discover the Bible is our creator's Word, so it tells us how he created the earth, universe and all that lives within it. This is the hypotheses of creation science, i.e. real science, instead of fake science of evolution. So far, I have established that creation science is based on observation science and is testable with experiments and such. As time passes, we discover that science backs up the Bible, such as the chicken coming before the egg in 2017. On the other side is evolution with its historical science which in neither testable nor falsifiable. Maybe a small amount. Much of it is based on fossil evidence and filtering it through the worldview of evolution.

One of the things we need is God to set up our planetary orbits or else we would not survive. We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not.

As for antibiotic resistance in pathogens, thank you for bringing it up. It's probably one of the things of evolution I use to argue for the type of treatment necessary to fight against the rise of antibiotic resistance. It's similar to the type of argument I use to fight against GMO foods; I use evolution as an argument against GMO foods.

However, this treatment isn't based on common ancestor nor how genes were handed down to us today 211 millions years later. It isn't really based on evolution. The type of treatment necessary to combat antibiotic resistance is based on knowing the design God used between animals and humans. From observation science, we know that he reused some of the same parts. Thus, we were able to find that the use of naturally occurring antimicrobial peptides, handed down to us for "thousands of years," for future drug development is the way to combat antibiotic resistance.
one needs an escape velocity of 11.2 km/s
Velocity is speed and direction. In this case, this must be the component of the velocity perpendicular to the surface of the Earth.

Not that you understand component vectors of velocity, anyway.

Seriously, you are embarrassing yourself. You don't even know what the term "velocity" means. Which should come as no surprise to anyone who has read any of the other ridiculously stupid things you have said in this thread.

Just as I thought. You do not understand escape velocity by your explanation. I was looking for the following, 1) If one has a rocket and fuel to climb upwards, they will continue to go up, but if they do not reach near escape velocity, then they will come back down when the fuel runs out. 2) They will not be able to reach a point where their orbital speed is constant and let the space ship orbit the earth. And it isn't a direction perpendicular to the surface of the earth they are going. It is usually a trajectory path in order to reach orbit. Look up orbital spaceflight to see what it entails. 3) If they just continue at 11.2 km/sec in a perpendicular direction, as stated, then they won't be returning to earth.
You are embarrassing yourself.
This is the kind of things atheist scientists do to apes. Had they actually evolved into humans, then they probably would be walking among us now.
This is the kind of thing that that Christians do to humans. Had they actually evolved into humans, they probably would be walking among us now.

Ah the roots of racism in America attributed to your people the libs. .

Racism existed in America long before 'liberals'- i.e. the Founding Fathers.

You Christians imported it with you.
Along with your instructions on how to keep your slaves.

I believe most fervent Christians accepted indentured servitude but were against lifetime slavery. Most slave traders were at best hedonistic and would have been among the atheists/agnostics of that day. In other words; they liked bars, brothels, binges, and brawls --- they didn't make a habit of attending church... They really had no care where the slave went when he died. A good example is Thomas Jefferson, who possessed slaves, didn't free any when he died, and cut up his own bible to reflect his own brand of irreligious considerations. I'm not happy that so many look at Jefferson's regard for separation of church and State with a feeling that he represents the "best" the Founding Father's had to offer. Sorry, he was not, and unless he accepted Christ as his personal savior, is in the same place as the pagans. Jefferson may have written the Constitution; however, he didn't dream it up all by himself. He was influenced by many others, and at least some of them were truly Christian.

Jefferson was really a Deist not a Christian.

Why would Christians be against lifetime slavery? Not only is there nothing against slavery in the Bible, slavery is condoned in the Bible and Paul even counsels slaves to obey their masters.

And most of the slave owners in the America considered themselves as much a Christian as you consider yourself.
This is the kind of things atheist scientists do to apes. Had they actually evolved into humans, then they probably would be walking among us now.
This is the kind of thing that that Christians do to humans. Had they actually evolved into humans, they probably would be walking among us now.

Ah the roots of racism in America attributed to your people the libs. .

Racism existed in America long before 'liberals'- i.e. the Founding Fathers.

You Christians imported it with you.
Along with your instructions on how to keep your slaves.


You're quoting the racist preachers hired by the plantation owners to hold fake services in order to prevent them from running away. Too much ignorance on your part.

For those who are smart enough to figure this out, the slaves had a secret religion for themselves -- real Christianity.

The Secret Religion of the Slaves

Let's get back to discussing Darwin's racism leading to the first humans coming from apes. The historical science shows that it lead to social Darwinism, Eugenics and the Holocaust. Maybe atheist scientists are racists at heart.

Let's get back to discussing Christianities racism regarding well everything. The historical science shows that Christianity shows that it lead to institutional racism, slavery and the Holocaust. Maybe Christians are just racists at heart.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

A) I understand real science and fake science while you only believe in the fake science of evolution. What observations do we see of ape-humans? What observations do we see of bipedal apes? You can't even test nor falsify either. All you have are fossils which you claim were ape-humans from millions of years ago. All we observe are artist renditions. Creation scientists state they are apes, not ape-humans. There is no such thing as ape-humans. Why don't you glue some fur to your skin and act like a chimp who can be bipedal?

B) Darwin's ToE was mostly wrong ha ha.

C) Explain it to us in a paragraph. What do you have that is observable, testable and falsifiable?

It's not blind faith when we theorize according to the Bible and then observe, test and falsify. For example, we are predicting that we will find the universe is bounded and have edges. We also predicted that the universe was flat and this was confirmed last year. We also predict that the universe will curve like a scroll at the edges and lead to another dimension. We predicted no aliens will be found and this has proven true. What has evolution predicted that has come true? The only thing I can think of is superweeds that are resistant to herbicides and pesticides and bacteria that antibiotics do not affect. Creation science also predicts how earth's electromagnetic field works and it isn't due to raidioactive decay which atheist scientists claim. Also, it's ridiculous that the poles reverse themselves over time. It's just how magnetites are affected by magnetism in an igneous material. You can't even predict what will happen with GM humans.
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