Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

A) I understand real science and fake science while you only believe in the fake science of evolution. What observations do we see of ape-humans? What observations do we see of bipedal apes? You can't even test nor falsify either. All you have are fossils which you claim were ape-humans from millions of years ago. All we observe are artist renditions. Creation scientists state they are apes, not ape-humans. There is no such thing as ape-humans. Why don't you glue some fur to your skin and act like a chimp who can be bipedal??

So far you have demonstrated you don't understand science or evolution.

What the hell are 'ape-humans'? Why are you talking about 'bipedal apes'?

Yes- Scientists do have fossils- which is a hell of a lot more scientific than a book of fairy tales. And yes we can observe the images of those fossils- and the scientific analysis of those fossils.

Creationists say all sorts of ignorant crazy things- but that doesn't make them scientists- it just makes them ignorant and crazy.

The difference between yourself and myself is that I read about the evidence, I read about what the scientists have deducted from the evidence and have decided that the evidence best supports the general theory of evolution.

There is no evidence which supports either humans poofing into existence 6,000 years ago, or a flood that covered the Himalayas or that kangaroos got dropped off at Mt. Ararat and hopped to Australia- and nowhere else.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

B) Darwin's ToE was mostly wrong ha ha.

Demonstrating once again that you have no clue what Darwin's Theory of Evolution actually says.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

C) Explain it to us in a paragraph. What do you have that is observable, testable and falsifiable?

I absolutely am up for that challenge. After all- aren't most scientific theories able to be explained in a paragraph?

So here is my challenge. You agree you will reciprocate and do the same for Creationism.
If you agree to explain Creationism to us all in a paragraph- and show what is observable, testable and falsifiable- I will then step up and provide that for evolution.

But remember- one paragraph- observable, testable, and falsifiable. Creationism.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

C) Explain it to us in a paragraph. What do you have that is observable, testable and falsifiable?

I absolutely am up for that challenge. After all- aren't most scientific theories able to be explained in a paragraph?

So here is my challenge. You agree you will reciprocate and do the same for Creationism.
If you agree to explain Creationism to us all in a paragraph- and show what is observable, testable and falsifiable- I will then step up and provide that for evolution.

But remember- one paragraph- observable, testable, and falsifiable. Creationism.

You go first.

Second, you do not even understand what I have been discussing. What a boob you are!!! I'm discussing creation science, not creationism. I can explain creation science and how science backs up the theories of the Bible.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS
I know there are similarities but I think they are coincidental, like cats and seals both have whiskers. But cats didn't come from seals or vice a versa.
Actually I think seals are closer related to dogs not cats.

Do you believe we were once smaller humans? Cavemen who said unga bunga. Smaller brains? So we have evolved from a lesser human? Well keep going back and you’ll see a monkey like ancestor
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

C) Explain it to us in a paragraph. What do you have that is observable, testable and falsifiable?

I absolutely am up for that challenge. After all- aren't most scientific theories able to be explained in a paragraph?

So here is my challenge. You agree you will reciprocate and do the same for Creationism.
If you agree to explain Creationism to us all in a paragraph- and show what is observable, testable and falsifiable- I will then step up and provide that for evolution.

But remember- one paragraph- observable, testable, and falsifiable. Creationism.

You go first.

Second, you do not even understand what I have been discussing. What a boob you are!!! I'm discussing creation science, not creationism. I can explain creation science and how science backs up the theories of the Bible.
No you can’t. Not credibly
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.
No it’s not. False conclusion
That's a very definitive assertion, for someone who wasn't there.

And where did the reptiles come from?

Older reptiles. And amphibians. Which previously had evolved from transitional species that had come from the ocean. And so on and so on and so on.

So basically, you have "it must have evolved from something else, which must have evolved from something else, which must have evolved from something else" ad infinitum.

Cut to the chase. Where did it start, and how, and what's your proof?

Don't have any proof other than the fact we and millions of other species exist here on earth. How it started? A number of theories, none proven.

7 Theories on the Origin of Life

So basically, you have the same proof of your belief that I do of mine: we exist, therefore . . . But somehow, yours is more valid than mine, presumably because you use scientific words to dress it up.

I didn't ask you for proof that your theories exist, or that they ARE theories. That's actually been my point the whole time: they're theories, so stop waving them around as proven fact. And stop telling other people that they're stupid and uneducated for daring to question them. Being questioned is the purpose of a theory.

There is a great deal more scientific evidence than there is evidence to support the story of Genesis. I think the Bible is a wonderful book and has a great deal of good in it about caring and charity and living a good life. But I don't take Genesis literally. I'm a science geek and I believe the science. And I don't believe I've ever claimed anything as fact.
" Jack, he just said in 50 years he'd be able to take a little camera, make a movie and show it to the whole world in 1/2 hour. Take him to a shrink! "
My Granny....1966
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state.

What does that have to do either with evolution or 'atheist scientists'. I am pretty sure all real scientists understand and accept the Theory of Magnetism.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

I love to watch you dance- like Fred Astaire if he was a Luddite. You don't believe in the Big Bang Theory but are glad to misuse in support of your fantasies.

Tell us more about this 'evidence of life' not happening on other planets in the
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

Yes, I've read about the dynamo. So let's discuss. The heat being released is from radioactive decay (nuclear fission) in the core is it not? Something has to continue producing energy, heat in this case, for a dynamo. What causes the dynamo? What causes the magnetic field?

Another explanation for additional heat in the core is due to the heat when the earth formed from a supernova. This is bull according to creation science.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.

We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

C) Explain it to us in a paragraph. What do you have that is observable, testable and falsifiable?

I absolutely am up for that challenge. After all- aren't most scientific theories able to be explained in a paragraph?

So here is my challenge. You agree you will reciprocate and do the same for Creationism.
If you agree to explain Creationism to us all in a paragraph- and show what is observable, testable and falsifiable- I will then step up and provide that for evolution.

But remember- one paragraph- observable, testable, and falsifiable. Creationism.

You go first.

Second, you do not even understand what I have been discussing. What a boob you are!!! I'm discussing creation science, not creationism. I can explain creation science and how science backs up the theories of the Bible.

Oh please- do tell- what is the difference between 'Creationism' and 'Creation science'? Is that like the difference between Homeopathy and Homeopathic Science?

You explain the difference- and I will gladly step up and do a one paragraph presentation on the Theory of Evolution and show what is observable, testable, and falsifiable'
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.
No it’s not. False conclusion

All you have are fake assertions. And historical science to explain apes to humans. What happened to science being able to observe, test and falsify ha ha?
We have also established that humans didn't evolve from apes because we do not observe this happening today. Apes still walk on fours. If Darwin was right about this, then we would have observable science, but we do not..

That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

C) Explain it to us in a paragraph. What do you have that is observable, testable and falsifiable?

I absolutely am up for that challenge. After all- aren't most scientific theories able to be explained in a paragraph?

So here is my challenge. You agree you will reciprocate and do the same for Creationism.
If you agree to explain Creationism to us all in a paragraph- and show what is observable, testable and falsifiable- I will then step up and provide that for evolution.

But remember- one paragraph- observable, testable, and falsifiable. Creationism.

You go first.

Second, you do not even understand what I have been discussing. What a boob you are!!! I'm discussing creation science, not creationism. I can explain creation science and how science backs up the theories of the Bible.

Oh please- do tell- what is the difference between 'Creationism' and 'Creation science'? Is that like the difference between Homeopathy and Homeopathic Science?

You explain the difference- and I will gladly step up and do a one paragraph presentation on the Theory of Evolution and show what is observable, testable, and falsifiable'

JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

This is bull according to creation science.

Every time he says 'creation science' I get a little mental giggle.

Like saying 'homeopathic auto mechanic'
That one statement just establishes that:
a) you don't understand science
b) you don't understand Darwin's theory of evolution and
c) you don't understand the modern theory of evolution.

But you do have blind faith in an infallible Bible.

C) Explain it to us in a paragraph. What do you have that is observable, testable and falsifiable?

I absolutely am up for that challenge. After all- aren't most scientific theories able to be explained in a paragraph?

So here is my challenge. You agree you will reciprocate and do the same for Creationism.
If you agree to explain Creationism to us all in a paragraph- and show what is observable, testable and falsifiable- I will then step up and provide that for evolution.

But remember- one paragraph- observable, testable, and falsifiable. Creationism.

You go first.

Second, you do not even understand what I have been discussing. What a boob you are!!! I'm discussing creation science, not creationism. I can explain creation science and how science backs up the theories of the Bible.

Oh please- do tell- what is the difference between 'Creationism' and 'Creation science'? Is that like the difference between Homeopathy and Homeopathic Science?

You explain the difference- and I will gladly step up and do a one paragraph presentation on the Theory of Evolution and show what is observable, testable, and falsifiable'


So you aren't able to explain the difference? No shock there

Oh please- do tell- what is the difference between 'Creationism' and 'Creation science'? Is that like the difference between Homeopathy and Homeopathic Science?

You explain the difference- and I will gladly step up and do a one paragraph presentation on the Theory of Evolution and show what is observable, testable, and falsifiable'
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

This is bull according to creation science.

Every time he says 'creation science' I get a little mental giggle.

Like saying 'homeopathic auto mechanic'

That's what I mean. You do not understand science at all. I explained many times that all of the past great scientists were creation scientists. Today, they're not as well known because atheist science has shut them out systematically. Thus, they have their own science groups. We have forged ahead, too, and building research centers. Eventually, creation science will be taught in schools again.

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