Do You Believe We Came From Monkeys?

10 Reasons Creation Science Should Be Taught In Schools (It's Observable, Testable and Falsifiable)
10 Reasons Creationism Should Be Taught in School - Listverse

I don't use the term "creationism" because people think it has to do with religion (Christianity). It's similar to my saying evolution is the evolution religion, based on human beliefs, not observable, testable and falsifiable science.
We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

This is bull according to creation science.

Every time he says 'creation science' I get a little mental giggle.

Like saying 'homeopathic auto mechanic'

That's what I mean. You do not understand science at all. I explained many times that all of the past great scientists were creation scientists.

You have offered you rather biased opinion many times in the past.

Many great scientists were indeed Christians- but hardly any were Creationists who believed as you do in an infallible Bible and a world that was created 6,000 years ago.
We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

This is bull according to creation science.

Every time he says 'creation science' I get a little mental giggle.

Like saying 'homeopathic auto mechanic'
Today, they're not as well known because atheist science has shut them out systematically. Thus, they have their own science groups. We have forged ahead, too, and building research centers. Eventually, creation science will be taught in schools again.

Why would you want public schools to be teaching Cultist Christian dogma?

Once you start doing that are you going to supporting the Hindu 'Creationist' science and the Navajo 'Creationist' science being taught in the public schools too?

Or only the 'science' invented by your particular cult?
We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

This is bull according to creation science.

Every time he says 'creation science' I get a little mental giggle.

Like saying 'homeopathic auto mechanic'

Today, they're not as well known because atheist science has shut them out systematically.

There are lots of past scientists- and current scientists that are Christian- and Muslim- and Buddhists, etc.

They just don't believe in your cults stories.
Scientists like Aziz Sancar
Profile of Aziz Sancar
And Peter Dodson
Origin of Birds: The Final Solution? 1 | Integrative and Comparative Biology | Oxford Academic

Lots of real scientists are not atheists- and they are not being shut out of anything.

Now those who refuse to accept science- well they are 'shut out' by those who do accept science.
I know there are similarities but I think they are coincidental, like cats and seals both have whiskers. But cats didn't come from seals or vice a versa.

No, because we didn't. Most likely we evolved from some apelike primate.
I don't use the term "creationism" because people think it has to do with religion (Christianity). .

And again what is the difference between 'Creationism' and 'Creation Science' ? If there is no difference we can just call it Creationism.

And of course Creationism is entirely a Christian cultist hack- it is a product of a particular branch of Christianity. It is not the product of some secular thinking, it doesn't share space with Hindus and their creation stories or Buddhists and their creation stories or Navajo's and their creation stories.
JB, you're right that we cannot 'escape' gravity, but the effect does diminish very quickly with the distance between the two bodies.
And we don't need a god to set up planetary orbits. He'd be way too busy to be peering into our bedrooms, if he had to watch over the trillions of trillions of orbital systems in the observable Universe.

And, if you want to see evolution in progress, have a look at antibiotic resistance in pathogens.
When the first antibiotic (Penicillin) was put to general use, it was more than ten years before the evolution of resistance began to make new antibiotics necessary. Fast Forward to 2018, and new antiobiotics are effective for perhaps two years, before the bugs have evolved into resistant strains.

Do a bit of reading, and you won't be tempted to make such a fool of yourself defending the Bible, which, after all, was written by superstitious goat-herders.
We are at the perfect location due to gravity. Otherwise, through observation, we know that other planets do not have what the earth has and thus no life exists. We know that God didn't create any aliens, so there are no aliens. We can observe this and we can observe that other planets such as Mars do not have a magnetic field like the earth. This allows solar winds to wreak havoc with the atmosphere. We are discovering that it's not just water that one needs to have life. We also need the fine-tuning parameters which the atheist scientists discovered while studying the Big Bang..

We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

Yes, I've read about the dynamo. So let's discuss. The heat being released is from radioactive decay (nuclear fission) in the core is it not? Something has to continue producing energy, heat in this case, for a dynamo. What causes the dynamo? What causes the magnetic field?

Another explanation for additional heat in the core is due to the heat when the earth formed from a supernova. This is bull according to creation science.

I don't know where you come up with the statement that earth formed from a supernova. That is nonsense. It is theorized that all elements above iron in the periodic table were created in supernova, so maybe that is where that comes from.

For the heat, some residual from the formation of the earth, some from radioactivity.

The dynamo effect arises from the motion of iron atoms in the molten core, driven by convection currents which result from the heat. The PBS/Nova article explains it all. You don't seem able to comprehend it.
We don't know that other planets don't have life.

You believe that your god didn't create any 'aliens' because you believe your cultist version of the bible- but again there is no evidence of your god- and there is no evidence that aliens exist- or don't exist.

Other planets don't have magnetic fields 'like' earth- they have their own magnetic fields .
Mercury was thought to be cold and dead inside, thus having no magnetic field. However, Mariner measured a weak magnetic field, meaning Mercury must have some internal activity. Probes found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the largest magnetic field. The mechanism that causes their magnetic fields is not fully understood. It is believed that in the case of Saturn and Jupiter that their magnetic fields may be caused by hydrogen conducting electricity deep within the planet. Hydrogen near the planets core may be compressed so densely by all the planetary layers above that it becomes an electrical conductor.

The planet Uranus has an interesting magnetic field. Uranus’ poles lie almost in the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The magnetic poles are fully 60 degrees away from the geographic poles, which results in a wild rotation of Uranus’ magnetic field as the planet rotates. On the other hand, Saturn’s magnetic field and rotation axes seem to be pretty much the same, making Saturn somewhat magnetically unique.

And I find it hilarious that you somehow believe in the "Big Bang"- but also that the earth is 6,000 years old.

Do you have an experiment to show how hydrogen causes a magnetic field? What atheist scientist state is the it's due to heat convection through the earth core and mantle. I suppose it's due to radioactive decay. That said, I think we'll discover that it's due to gravity such as the moon's gravity affect the tides on earth.

And creation scientists do not believe in a Big Bang. The only think BBT was good for was we know that the universe isn't eternal. Also, we found fine-tuning parameters of the universe. It's more evidence to show that life does not happen on other planets in the universe.

Read and learn

NOVA | Magnetic Storm | What Drives Earth's Magnetic Field? | PBS

This is bull according to creation science.

Every time he says 'creation science' I get a little mental giggle.

Like saying 'homeopathic auto mechanic'

That's what I mean. You do not understand science at all. I explained many times that all of the past great scientists were creation scientists. Today, they're not as well known because atheist science has shut them out systematically. Thus, they have their own science groups. We have forged ahead, too, and building research centers. Eventually, creation science will be taught in schools again.

What past great scientists were creation scientists?
10 Reasons Creation Science Should Be Taught In Schools (It's Observable, Testable and Falsifiable)
10 Reasons Creationism Should Be Taught in School - Listverse

I don't use the term "creationism" because people think it has to do with religion (Christianity). It's similar to my saying evolution is the evolution religion, based on human beliefs, not observable, testable and falsifiable science.

That list is a pile of BS. You want Creationism taught? Do it in Bible school where it belongs.

I don't know where you come up with the statement that earth formed from a supernova. That is nonsense. It is theorized that all elements above iron in the periodic table were created in supernova, so maybe that is where that comes from.

For the heat, some residual from the formation of the earth, some from radioactivity.

The dynamo effect arises from the motion of iron atoms in the molten core, driven by convection currents which result from the heat. The PBS/Nova article explains it all. You don't seem able to comprehend it.

That list is a pile of BS. You want Creationism taught? Do it in Bible school where it belongs.

ChesBayJJ I given you a chance to explain instead of posting links from NOVA and I think you're not very educated. You're also very ignorant.

The secular scientists I know all believe earth and the solar system were formed from a supernova explosion. Let Stephen Hawking explain. I use him as the standard for BBT and solar system formations.

And your dynamo explanation is lacking. It just goes to show that you're a lemming and just read basic science articles. Most of it was debunked around 2011. Why don't you learn about the SWARM satellites and how it was sent up to learn more about Earth's magnetic field. They are today backing up what I stated months ago about moon's gravity causing the tidal action to generate the magnetic field. At least, you didn't mention the pole reversal which is another error by the lemming atheist scientists. How do I know about these things before the atheist scientists finally find out the truth? I read the Bible, learn about creation science and am intelligent enough to figure how gravity affects us all and figure it out.

For aliens, the argument I use is Fermi's Paradox. It still has held up and is observable science. It's like my science is correct and true until you find life outside of earth (unless it's by panspermia). So far, you are wrong and I think you will be until our universe comes to an end. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it could come in 2060. Who knows? God stated that he's not going to tell us the beginning nor the end, so that is something we won't know until it happens.

As for the rest, you should be the one to read and learn, but I doubt you will. Like I said, you're not very educated.
I don't know where you come up with the statement that earth formed from a supernova. That is nonsense. It is theorized that all elements above iron in the periodic table were created in supernova, so maybe that is where that comes from.

For the heat, some residual from the formation of the earth, some from radioactivity.

The dynamo effect arises from the motion of iron atoms in the molten core, driven by convection currents which result from the heat. The PBS/Nova article explains it all. You don't seem able to comprehend it.

That list is a pile of BS. You want Creationism taught? Do it in Bible school where it belongs.

ChesBayJJ I given you a chance to explain instead of posting links from NOVA and I think you're not very educated. You're also very ignorant.

The secular scientists I know all believe earth and the solar system were formed from a supernova explosion. Let Stephen Hawking explain. I use him as the standard for BBT and solar system formations.

And your dynamo explanation is lacking. It just goes to show that you're a lemming and just read basic science articles. Most of it was debunked around 2011. Why don't you learn about the SWARM satellites and how it was sent up to learn more about Earth's magnetic field. They are today backing up what I stated months ago about moon's gravity causing the tidal action to generate the magnetic field. At least, you didn't mention the pole reversal which is another error by the lemming atheist scientists. How do I know about these things before the atheist scientists finally find out the truth? I read the Bible, learn about creation science and am intelligent enough to figure how gravity affects us all and figure it out.

For aliens, the argument I use is Fermi's Paradox. It still has held up and is observable science. It's like my science is correct and true until you find life outside of earth (unless it's by panspermia). So far, you are wrong and I think you will be until our universe comes to an end. Sir Isaac Newton predicted it could come in 2060. Who knows? God stated that he's not going to tell us the beginning nor the end, so that is something we won't know until it happens.

As for the rest, you should be the one to read and learn, but I doubt you will. Like I said, you're not very educated.

Fermi's paradox is not "science",ya dummy. And the hits keep coming....
historical science

Fake concept made up by religious nutballs.

You're too stupid to realize what evolution is. Historical science. It's not observable. It's not testable. It's not even falsifiable until we find there was no common ancestor and the tree of life are really bushes of life, what creation scientists have been saying all along. Most of what Darwin though has been rendered pseudoscience.

The only test is how old a layer of rock or fossils are. And it has to fit some preconceived range or else it is wrong and the results tossed out. That's circular reasoning as what creation scientists have been saying all along.
Historical science.
No such thing. So fecking stupid.

You're referring to evolution, so I agree that it's fecking stupid.

For those who want to know about historical science, one example is when we observe a planet that is one light year away through our telescopes. We know through historical science that what we observe is not what is there today. We are observing the planet and its surroundings where it was in the past. The planet could have moved to another orbital position in real time. I even have an example for fecking stupidity and Fort Fun Indiana. He would think that one light year is a measurement of time while we know it's a measurement of distance. There you go.

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