Do you think Mortimer is handsome?

I dedicate this song to Mort.

Oh my Gawd...that one at the beginning...God Bless America!

usmb wingers.gif
Do you like my haircut? Do you like the way Im dressed? Is Mortimer from bodybuilt just a piece of fat lard, or he is "manly/strong/big"? It probably depends on how im dressed, if i undress im just a piece of lard, but the way Im dressed here?


Hey Mort ... Broaden your horizons in music.
And ... Lay off the diet pills for a bit ... You're a little jacked up right now.

Here ... Chill ... The best I can do for you.

Do you like my haircut? Do you like the way Im dressed? Is Mortimer from bodybuilt just a piece of fat lard, or he is "manly/strong/big"? It probably depends on how im dressed, if i undress im just a piece of lard, but the way Im dressed here?

You just need to lose some weight. You arent an unhandsome man. If you lost 100 pounds you would look pretty darn good.
You just need to lose some weight. You arent an unhandsome man. If you lost 100 pounds you would look pretty darn good.
I agree. You gave Mortimer a fair appraisal.
He has two big obsessions in his life:

1 Himself, his physical appearance

2 Life in the United States, specially the rural, southern US with its wild west, cowboy, redneck subculture...

If I had these two obsessions.... after creating 300 threads about myself and 250 about life in America, I would imagine that was enough.

I wouldn't wait till desperate, pissed-off people like deannalw offered me money to shut the fuck up.

In the Spirit of the Season ... Hey Mort ... Do You Have any New Year's Resolutions?
You know ... We could do some together like:

No fast food

Learn to cook a new dish every other day
Half of the groceries bought will be fresh produce ... fruits and vegetables
Fried foods in moderation ... Every other week

5 miles (8 km) a day ... Walk, run, skip, fall, roll down a hill ... Doesn't matter ... Make it happen.

Be overtly kind, but not entire intrusive, to someone of a different culture than yours ... At least four times a week ...
It'll be a bit harder for me because I live in the sticks ... And that's damn near a culture in and of itself.
Among other things ... Ask and remember their name ... Have a polite conversation, not just pleasantries.

Let's Do It ... And Happy News Year


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