Does Biden realize he signed an order to require more electricity generation? Where will the extra electricity come from?


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Sep 19, 2011
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A new order from the Biden Administration prohibits the sale of new non-condensing natural gas-fired water heaters.ASSOCIATED PRESS
Roughly 58 million gas-fired water heaters are estimated to be in use in the USA
The average electric water heater uses around 380 to 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month,
So Federal law forbidding gas usage of 58 million heaters replaced with 380 to 500 kWh / month means: 348,000,000,000 kWh for water heaters.
The USA generates today: about 4.18 trillion kWh. With 60% from Fossil fuels or 2.5 trillion kWh.
So given Biden guarantees to "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Then Biden wants to eliminate 60% of electricity WHILE increasing usage by .3 Trillion kWh from water heaters.
Biden guarantees to rid 2.5 trillion kWh while
ADDING .3 Trillion kWh for water heaters.

Adding In the US, the average annual electricity consumption for EV charging is estimated to be around 4,000 to 5,000 kWh per vehicle.
33,000,000 EVs in 2030 or an additional 165 billion kWh needed for 33 million EVs.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that by 2030 there will be 33 million EVs on the road and 28 million EV charging ports will be needed to support them
But what about trucks???

Electrifying US long haul trucks will require 504 TWh a year. But that won’t be the hardest part.​

That's 504 billion kWh or another .5 Trillion kWh.
So folks where was Biden thinking the additional electricity would come from if
- 2.4 Trillion kWh replacing fossil fuels..
+.3 Trillion kWh replacing gas water heaters
+.16 Trillion kWh for EV cars
+.50 Trillion kWh for EV trucks.
3.3 Trillion kWh needed ! Where will it come from?? In 5 years!
A new order from the Biden Administration prohibits the sale of new non-condensing natural gas-fired water heaters.ASSOCIATED PRESS
Roughly 58 million gas-fired water heaters are estimated to be in use in the USA
The average electric water heater uses around 380 to 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month,
So Federal law forbidding gas usage of 58 million heaters replaced with 380 to 500 kWh / month means: 348,000,000,000 kWh for water heaters.
The USA generates today: about 4.18 trillion kWh. With 60% from Fossil fuels or 2.5 trillion kWh.
So given Biden guarantees to "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Then Biden wants to eliminate 60% of electricity WHILE increasing usage by .3 Trillion kWh from water heaters.
Biden guarantees to rid 2.5 trillion kWh while
ADDING .3 Trillion kWh for water heaters.

Adding In the US, the average annual electricity consumption for EV charging is estimated to be around 4,000 to 5,000 kWh per vehicle.
33,000,000 EVs in 2030 or an additional 165 billion kWh needed for 33 million EVs.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that by 2030 there will be 33 million EVs on the road and 28 million EV charging ports will be needed to support them
But what about trucks???

Electrifying US long haul trucks will require 504 TWh a year. But that won’t be the hardest part.​

That's 504 billion kWh or another .5 Trillion kWh.
So folks where was Biden thinking the additional electricity would come from if
- 2.4 Trillion kWh replacing fossil fuels..
+.3 Trillion kWh replacing gas water heaters
+.16 Trillion kWh for EV cars
+.50 Trillion kWh for EV trucks.
3.3 Trillion kWh needed ! Where will it come from?? In 5 years!

These bills Barry Soetoro is having Happy Birthday Wazafudasits *Joe sign are all for the midterms. The demfacists know Trump is going to reverse them all. Then they can run campaigns saying Trump is against climate change. Trump is a shill for the rich, corporations , big oil ect.
Always remember everything democrats to is to get re elected.
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If Robert Hur stated that Biden was a, "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." and would not be
facing any charges, why is he being allowed to sign these executive orders on his way out the door?
If he can sign the EO's and are legitimized, he should have been charged with the crimes he had committed
as a VP.

Does Biden realize he signed an order to require more electricity generation? Where will the extra electricity come from?​

Well, Bonehead Biden sure has crapped right in his own food bowl! All just to keep his promise to his backing enviro-whackos.
By my guess, it will take a DOUBLING of our electricity generation just to meet his EV mandates.
Then it might take another doubling to meet AI needs and other needs and expansion.
Especially to create needed infrastructure for his 40 million illegals.

But Joe does not need to worry, he is covered at his house in Delaware what with all the quid pro quo millions he stashed away from China.
But you are fucked.

On top of that, Joe has gutted our ability to continue meeting our energy needs the one sure way we can (along with thousands of other essential products), by cutting off oil and gas development.

We can always buy it from others at a premium though, who also produce it far less cleanly.
Gee, talk about a clusterfuck of myopic incompetence.
That'll be the Biden legacy.
If Robert Hur stated that Biden was a, "well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory." and would not be
facing any charges, why is he being allowed to sign these executive orders on his way out the door?
If he can sign the EO's and are legitimized, he should have been charged with the crimes he had committed
as a VP.

Well, remember that no prosecutor would ever prosecute Hillary for her 33,000 destroyed
government documents covering her tracks nor wiping her hard drives with a cloth
while using an insecure phone and computer system carrying secret documents
in hostile foreign territories because, let's face it, Hillary just didn't know
what the hell she was doing.

The Turnip doesn't realize what month it is.
Biden no longer knows what he signs.

I believe that. I firmly believe that a cadre of shadowy seditious figures in his background are all picking and choosing a last minute Christmas list grab bag of goals, writing them then telling the old man to just sign them, and if asked (much as they will try to prevent him from being questioned), to just say this and that and walk away.
A new order from the Biden Administration prohibits the sale of new non-condensing natural gas-fired water heaters.ASSOCIATED PRESS
Roughly 58 million gas-fired water heaters are estimated to be in use in the USA
The average electric water heater uses around 380 to 500 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month,
So Federal law forbidding gas usage of 58 million heaters replaced with 380 to 500 kWh / month means: 348,000,000,000 kWh for water heaters.
The USA generates today: about 4.18 trillion kWh. With 60% from Fossil fuels or 2.5 trillion kWh.
So given Biden guarantees to "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Then Biden wants to eliminate 60% of electricity WHILE increasing usage by .3 Trillion kWh from water heaters.
Biden guarantees to rid 2.5 trillion kWh while
ADDING .3 Trillion kWh for water heaters.

Adding In the US, the average annual electricity consumption for EV charging is estimated to be around 4,000 to 5,000 kWh per vehicle.
33,000,000 EVs in 2030 or an additional 165 billion kWh needed for 33 million EVs.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that by 2030 there will be 33 million EVs on the road and 28 million EV charging ports will be needed to support them
But what about trucks???

Electrifying US long haul trucks will require 504 TWh a year. But that won’t be the hardest part.​

That's 504 billion kWh or another .5 Trillion kWh.
So folks where was Biden thinking the additional electricity would come from if
- 2.4 Trillion kWh replacing fossil fuels..
+.3 Trillion kWh replacing gas water heaters
+.16 Trillion kWh for EV cars
+.50 Trillion kWh for EV trucks.
3.3 Trillion kWh needed ! Where will it come from?? In 5 years!

At this point, Biden is mindlessly signing whatever the Regime leaders Obama, Clooney, Schumer, Pelosi etc. put in front of him.
At this point, Biden is mindlessly signing whatever the Regime leaders Obama, Clooney, Schumer, Pelosi etc. put in front of him.

If he is actually cognizant of what they do, it at best proves him seditious and incompetent.
But I suspect he is such an idiot that he just follows whatever these people tell him
will be the outcome, and the need thereof to meet his promises and obligations.
Some of which might be to hostile foreign actors.
The good news is Trump can sign EOs also.. and he's just salty enough to do it
I'd be more worried about data center power usage....Water heaters are a drop in the bucket in comparison.

The way it looks they will drain the mid-Atlantic of power just to service the proposed/under construction Virginia sites.....I bet that "cloud" won't look so good then.
They could bring back the CCC, the WPA, throw in the national guard , it's physically impossible to meet their goals ~S~
There is zero about my trade , which i've been in for nearly 1/2 century, that is going to 'save the planet'....~S~

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