
Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023
For those that don't know, giving away Gush Katif in 2005..

brought about Islamists rise - Hamas Jihado-Fascist regime later on.


Incidentally, the following is an analysis by JPost which (today) is neither right nor left (like T.O.I. and Ynet) leaning but more to the center.

(Haaretz is an anti-Israel usually. 'Haaretzism' not very puplar in their home country).


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What they've been doing lo these many decades certainly hasn't resulted in any peace.

What they've been doing lo these many decades certainly hasn't resulted in any peace.
Because it's all about education and indoctrination.
As documented in PMW

Because it's all about education and indoctrination.
As documented in PMW

Who's being indoctrinated and what are they being indoctrinated to do?
Who's being indoctrinated and what are they being indoctrinated to do?

The seeds of hate and violence.
Textbooks (by racist Arab UNRWA teachers) and official TV shows for kids as well as sermons by Imams in Arab Palestinian society.


Nov 6, 2023:

Report on UNRWA’s Misuse of US Funds To Incite Hate To Be Presented on Hill

This was published on Nov 3, 2023:

This is was published on Nov 8, 2023:

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Who's hating who?

You really are a stupid. But good to know you're on the side of the baby killers. :thup:

Hey, do you also want the Jews driven into the sea like Hamas? Maybe fire up some ovens and start new holocaust. How deep does your racism and bigotry go? But I guess to you they're only Jews, so it's all good, am I right?
Marc is a racist bigot who hates Jews. That's why he supports the Hamas baby killers. Because in Marc's world the Jews are oppressors and get what they deserve. Am I right, Marc?
You're a liar, but we already knew that.
Are you suggesting that Israelis are taught to love Arab Palestinians?

Funny, I am not aware of Jews instructing their children to kill Arabs and preaching genocide as a political credo. But I guess if against Jews it's all good.
What? You clearly support Hamas who has as their mission statement to drive the Jews into the sea (i.e. genocide).

Hamas are the victims in your world. Do you deny it?
More alternative facts from the rabid lunatic fringe of the far right.

How many Israelies vs how many innocent Palestinians have been killed thus far?
More alternative facts from the rabid lunatic fringe of the far right.

How many Israelies vs how many innocent Palestinians have been killed thus far?

Who attacked first? Or do the Jews not have a right to defend themselves? But to be fair, Hamas did rape, murder, and kill Jewish babies and woman and Jews are the oppressors. So how dare the Jews defend themselves.

And yes, the Jews should immediately start a cease fire while Hamas continues to fire rockets into Israel and continue killing Jews. Oh, and let Hamas keep the innocent hostages, right. More Jews to torture and kill.
Okay, one Hamas supporter runs away and hides, anybody else? And let me be clear. There is no moral equivalency in this situation. What Hamas did is pure evil and as vile as anything ever done. Anyone who defends Hamas is supporting genocide and death. And nobody better say the Jewish people do not have a right to defend themselves. And a cease fire means all hostages are released and no more rockets fired into Israel. Without those conditions war continues.

Anyone who wants to debate these points with me bring it on.
Maybe yes or maybe not. No one can say for sure. But there is no other reasonable option. Some interim international governing body, and then open elections with terrorist groups being excluded from them. And all blockade lifted, of course.
Maybe yes or maybe not. No one can say for sure. But there is no other reasonable option. Some interim international governing body, and then open elections with terrorist groups being excluded from them. And all blockade lifted, of course.

Suggesting to reward what happened on 7th Oct. with land concessions is reasonable?

Looking at the entire MENA region, there's one common denominator in all wars and conflicts.
Only reasonable option is for other indigenous nations is to fight for independence from Arab imperialism.
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Suggesting to reward what happened on 7th Oct. with land concessions is reasonable?

Looking at the entire MENA region, there's one common denominator in all wars and conflicts.
Only reasonable option is for other indigenous nations is to fight for independence from Arab imperialism.
It is now called land concessions? It is their land and was theirs. How you 'concede' something that doesn't belong to you?

The only nation that comes into my mind with possible fighting with this 'imperialism' is the Kurds.
It is now called land concessions? It is their land and was theirs. How you 'concede' something that doesn't belong to you?

The only nation that comes into my mind with possible fighting with this 'imperialism' is the Kurds.

Before talking about "their land", teach Arab imperialists how to pronounce it.

Though, they can easily say the name of your country.

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