CDZ Does Obama Have a Foreign Policy?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Serious question. I look over RT, BBC, and sometimes the Indian and Chinese news on a regular basis in order to look for where I should try to find positive carry hedges. So, I was somewhat surprised to find out that the US has at least four foreign policies:

"Don't do anything stupid." The official Obama policy. Nobody has a clue as to what this is supposed to mean.

"Keep on keeping on." at the State Department where the memo that the Warsaw Pact no longer exists some how got lost.

"Shift to the Far East" from DOD where it has been stuck since the 1850s.

"Maintain Existing Alliances" from Congress since this sells US weapons to provide Jobs for the folks back in the district.

In combination this has resulted in the US confusing everyone else on the planet outside of DC. How big of a problem is this?
When Obama found out that foreign governments weren't swooning over his charm, he got mad and took his ball home.
Unhappily no

We got yanked into Libya by France and the UK to create the current mess.

That was tried a second time in Syria but that failed.

Japan is sucking us into confrontation with China

The Baltic states sucked us into the Ukraine.

KSA into Yemen.

This is a mess..
Obama's policy is kinda disjointed. I find it very similar to the last president's foreign policy. Maybe it has to be on a case by case basis though as no one answer fits every situation.

Overall he does not seem to be a war hawk...

...he is not too quick to pack up and head home though.
Unhappily no

We got yanked into Libya by France and the UK to create the current mess.

That was tried a second time in Syria but that failed.

Japan is sucking us into confrontation with China

The Baltic states sucked us into the Ukraine.

KSA into Yemen.

This is a mess..

Yanked into this.....sucked into that........appears Obama is too weak to hold the "most powerful' office on the planet.
A friend of mine said this about him and his "policies"...

Now he's punting all the problems, pivoting here, pivoting there and basically just screwing himself into the ground.
You can't enforce a foreign policy when the USA government is weak because it's so divided. The President makes the foreign policy agenda, but if he can't get congress on board then he can't implement it, because congress has to approve through voting on ANYTHING the president does deal wise and military wise. Our nation is set up that way. This is why him negotiating with Iran hold no water and is pointless. Other countries like Russian are exploiting it by taking over crimea, and are now trying to join China who is obusing the currency and buying up basically the USA with it's debt and land through currency manipulation.

On foreign policy the President can do great harm if he doesn't have congresses full support.
You can't enforce a foreign policy when the USA government is weak because it's so divided. The President makes the foreign policy agenda, but if he can't get congress on board then he can't implement it, because congress has to approve through voting on ANYTHING the president does deal wise and military wise. Our nation is set up that way. This is why him negotiating with Iran hold no water and is pointless. Other countries like Russian are exploiting it by taking over crimea, and are now trying to join China who is obusing the currency and buying up basically the USA with it's debt and land through currency manipulation.

On foreign policy the President can do great harm if he doesn't have congresses full support.
Actually the bigger problems is that he can't get either State or Defense on board. With two entrenched bureaucracies egging congress on and possibly the intelligence community as well Obama is getting tell alls from multiple sources undermining every position he takes. The big problem is that no one can figure out his foreign policy goals.
Obama's policy is kinda disjointed. I find it very similar to the last president's foreign policy.

Similar in what way? Examples?
The Bush Obama Quiz What s The Difference The Protojournalist NPR

I dunno what the DIFFERENCES are. We appease Russia (what else would we do??) We are FINALLY out of Iraq, but man, how long could we have stayed? Bush might have invaded Lybia I guess. In fact, Bush would have. There, I found a difference.

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