Does Speaker Johnson think trump is going to lose?

Well Trump will lose but there is nothing he can do. Republicans will at some point face re-election and should worry about their goals.

Trump wants that get out jail card but they say justice is blind. They should say the Supreme Court is blind

If republicans do not vote then its because the choice of candidate is problematic for them. Thus they will stay home and read a book or vote the party line.
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House Speaker Johnson axes Trump voting restrictions in new government funding bill

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson on Sunday announced a new temporary government funding proposal with key amendments from the original bill he put forward earlier this month, going against former President Donald Trump’s wishes and making some concessions to Democrats.

The new bill would fund the government through Dec. 20 and does not include any part of the SAVE Act, the Trump-backed election security proposal that would require people to show proof of citizenship to register as a voter.

In a letter to colleagues on Sunday, Johnson said the “very narrow, bare-bones” proposal would include “only the extensions that are absolutely necessary” to avoid a government shutdown.

Congressional Republicans and Democrats have eight days to strike a deal on government funding. If no resolution is reached, the government will go into partial shutdown on Oct. 1 at 12:01 a.m. E.T., just over a month away from the November election when party control will be up for grabs in both the White House and Congress.

He must know by now Don hates compromise and even more hates being disregarded. He must know he'll lose the speakership if the orange messiah is re-elected. Maybe he too will join all the Repubs who are going to vote for Harris.
Not only does Johnson think Trump is going to lose, he wants Trump to lose.

Many Republicans in Congress secretly want Trump to lose...they hate Trump, as they should.
It's accurate, regardless.
Not as accurate as you being a fucking dumb ass MAGA lightweight with no facts, no game, and no intellect.

Many Republicans in Congress secretly do want Trump to lose, as the article below mentions. They know he is killing the party with his craziness and hateful rhetoric.

If you don't like it, I could honestly give two shits, gomer.

But there’s another part to that secret: It’s not just the Never Trumpers. Some of the Republicans wishing for a Trump loss include long-standing GOP figures throughout the nation who bleed red and wouldn’t dare to say this publicly but who are more than ready to move on from the Trump era.

This morning, these Republicans get their perspective aired by our own Jonathan Martin, who argues in a new column that “the best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly.”

“GOP leaders won’t tell you that on the record,” he writes. “I just did.”

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