Does Speaker Johnson think trump is going to lose?

Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, announced last month that an ongoing, yearslong review of voter rolls in Texas, which has nearly 18 million voters, had identified more than 6,500 “potential” noncitizens on the voter rolls. Of those, less than 2,000 have a voter history. He referred the latter to the state attorney general’s office “for investigation and potential legal action,” but no one has been accused of voting illegally.
In 2019, a review of voter rolls in the state seemed to suggest 95,000 noncitizens were on the rolls. But a closer look told a different story, according to a Texas Tribune report at the time. Texas used an old list of people who at one time had told the state they were noncitizens, but it turned out that many of those people had become citizens. Texas agreed to a court settlement to end the review.

BTW..Mentioned here...The SAVE Act went down in flames a direct slap in Trump's face.
The takeaway for trumpletards from the splashy announcement from Abbott's office was just what it was intended to be. That TX officials are being vigilant against voter fraud. The thing is, it's virtually non-existent. But Abbott and cucks like him need to perpetuate the myth of widespread voter fraud to justify the voter suppression laws they enact.
It does not matter if every single illegal voted, and voted democrat.

God has already determined the outcome of this election and President Trump has already been reelected in 2024.
So god made sure he lost in 2020?
So god made sure he lost in 2020?
He most certainly allowed it.

God is Sovereign. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts not our thoughts.

He sets up leaders or deposes them.

God is omniscient and Omnipotent.

Your next breath is not at His acquiescence but at His active support.

Joe did do some good things during his presidency. Student loan forgiveness was one thing, giving arms to Ukraine another...
Privately Moses Johnson calls Trump a blasphemer. Johnson knows that God has forsaken Donald Trump. Trump will be cast into outer darkness.

House Speaker Johnson axes Trump voting restrictions in new government funding bill

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson on Sunday announced a new temporary government funding proposal with key amendments from the original bill he put forward earlier this month, going against former President Donald Trump’s wishes and making some concessions to Democrats.

The new bill would fund the government through Dec. 20 and does not include any part of the SAVE Act, the Trump-backed election security proposal that would require people to show proof of citizenship to register as a voter.

In a letter to colleagues on Sunday, Johnson said the “very narrow, bare-bones” proposal would include “only the extensions that are absolutely necessary” to avoid a government shutdown.

Congressional Republicans and Democrats have eight days to strike a deal on government funding. If no resolution is reached, the government will go into partial shutdown on Oct. 1 at 12:01 a.m. E.T., just over a month away from the November election when party control will be up for grabs in both the White House and Congress.

He must know by now Don hates compromise and even more hates being disregarded. He must know he'll lose the speakership if the orange messiah is re-elected. Maybe he too will join all the Repubs who are going to vote for Harris.

The answer to the question How did Routh know Trump was on that course that day....


because Speaker Mike Johnson told Chris Wray that, because Speaker Mike knew...

Speaker Mike is a 100% Pro Israel RINO, there is nothing conservative or patriotic to America about him. He votes with the Dems and sells out America to the cause of Zionist Fascism. He is 100% for Kamala, just like Dick Cheney...

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