DOJ asked to investigate ID voter laws

Research and Publications on Voter ID | Brennan Center for Justice

when the laws dont match what the facts on the ground say.

read this list of studies which conclude that these laws serve no real purpose but to disenfranchise voters.

Republicans LOVE to keep people from voting

To be valid a study needs to draw it's conclusion from the data and not before the date is collected. Any eligible voter can get an ID with no more effort then they can vote and no "study" can prove that wrong no matter how badly they want dead people to vote for Democrats.

Right out of your ass and NO fact finding instrument to back your claim up.

You didnt read any of the studies did you?

That they are your studies and you can't answer any questions about them doesn't support that I'm not the one who didn't read them...

I asked you a specific question. Which study said that an eligible voter couldn't reasonably get an ID. That is THE critical question. So which study says that?
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Judge Denies Republicans’ Effort To End Voter Intimidation Consent*Decree | Personal Liberty Digest

Judge Denies Republicans’ Effort To End Voter Intimidation Consent Decree

December 9, 2009 by Personal Liberty News Desk

Last week, a federal judge in New Jersey rejected an attempt by the Republican National Committee (RNC) to dissolve a 27-year-old court order that is intended to prevent the intimidation of minority voters.

Stemming from a lawsuit brought forth by the Democratic National Committee in 1982, a consent decree was agreed upon which forced the RNC to gain court approval to use certain election tactics, including the creation of voter challenge lists, photographing voters at the polls and posting off-duty police at voting locations in minority neighborhoods, according to The New York Times.

read what the judge said about there past activities

first, it's 'their' past activities... not 'there'.

second, I've already showed you that most of your argument is based on materials that do not support your position... All stemming from a single case in NJ 27 years ago.

you need new sources.

Thne you are ignoreing the court case I jsut posted a momment ago
Did you find a voter who didnt vote because two skinny black guys were there?

Effects of Identification
Requirements on Voting:
Evidence from the Experiences
of Voters on Election Day

It was just the second study on that long list of studies.

from your linked piece...

What Is the Effect ofVoter ID Requests on Access?

The immediate voting-rights concernwith photo-identification laws is that they prevent people from voting and affect the access to the polls of different groups or classes of voters.

How many people were denied the vote as a result of voter-
identification requests?
The answer is—very few.

In the 2006 survey, out of 22,211 voters only 25 said that they were asked for identification and, then, disallowed from voting—that is one-tenth of 1% of the sample of voters.

In the 2008 survey, three out of 2,564 respondents said that they tried to vote but were not allowed because of voter ID, a fraction of a percent

and finally...
This is an exceptionally low rate of denial of access to the vote. Some of these denials may have been legitimate, and some may have been erroneous. But the actual denials of the vote in these two surveys suggest that photo-ID laws may prevent almost no one from voting.

You seem very adept at providing sources that refute your claims.

Keep up the good work.
Did you find a voter who didnt vote because two skinny black guys were there?

Did you find an answer to the question I asked you that you've been dodging? Here it is again for your ease:

kaz said:
That they are your studies and you can't answer any questions about them doesn't support that I'm not the one who didn't read them...

I asked you a specific question. Which study said that an eligible voter couldn't reasonably get an ID. That is THE critical question. So which study says that?
These studies all show some people being denied their vote when they were legal voters.

The fraud these laws supposedly is designed to fix doesnt exsist in any numbers large enough to change any election.

So what these laws end up doing is preventing no fraud but do keep legal American voters from voting.

When you make a law that keeps people from voting yet fixes nothing it is designed to keep people from voting
Go get one voter who did not vote because two skinny black guys were there
Get one eligible voter who didn't vote because they couldn't get an ID

Apparently its not ok to ask for id but its ok to intimidate voters. Go figure

Now go get the post where I say it wasOK for one of those young men to carry batton.

I never did.

You just lie.

BTW no one ever came forward to say they didnt vote because two skinny black guys were standing there.
These studies all show some people being denied their vote when they were legal voters.

The fraud these laws supposedly is designed to fix doesnt exsist in any numbers large enough to change any election.

So what these laws end up doing is preventing no fraud but do keep legal American voters from voting.

When you make a law that keeps people from voting yet fixes nothing it is designed to keep people from voting

your own source disagrees with you...

This is an exceptionally low rate of denial of access to the vote. Some of these denials may have been legitimate, and some may have been erroneous. But the actual denials of the vote in these two surveys suggest that photo-ID laws may prevent almost no one from voting.
That is one study right.

They did find voters who were kept from voting right?

Now show where this type of fraud is proven to exsist in numbers large enough to be a concern?
Voter identification laws reduce reduce participation in the political process, according to new research released this week by faculty at the Brown University. The study, which examined voter registration, voter turnout, and the decision to become a citizen, found that in the 2004 elections, minority turnout in the 19 states that had voter ID laws on the books was

suppressed by more than 400,000 votes. Sociology professor John Logan and graduate student Jennifer Darrah authored the study, which was published on the web site of Brown University's Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences.
"It is incredibly clear how voter I.D. requirements disproportionately affect and suppress minorities," said Logan in a release announcing the research findings. "This data shows that if voter I.D. policies had not been in place in 2004, voter turnout would have increased by more than 1.6 million. That is a strong argument in itself for change."
So you are going to ignore the other studies that found more disenfranchisement?

And I can BET you will NEVER produce any evidnece that this type of fraud is worth disenfranchising legal American voters
That is one study right.

They did find voters who were kept from voting right?

Now show where this type of fraud is proven to exsist in numbers large enough to be a concern?

show where the number of voters prevented from voting is large enough to be a concern.

There is no level of this type of fraud EVER found.

Do you get that one yet.

There is no problem to fix.

Yet you are willing to keep Americans from voting for what reason?
When you make a law that keeps people from voting yet fixes nothing it is designed to keep people from voting

This has been repeatedly stated. Tax ID laws "fix" people voting who are not the person who was registered. That does happen, how often is irrelevant. It fixes that. That there are other issues that ID doesn't fix is irrelevant to fixing the issues that it does.

So another question I've asked you so far to no response, what are you proposing to actually fix Republican fraud. Even if I accept your studies, they aren't solutions. I am all for fixing legitimate fraud issues regardless of who proposes the fix or who it stops, but you aren't proposing any, you just keep posting that Republicans are more corrupt then Democrats, which actually isn't covered by any of the studies you posted even if they are right that Republicans are corrupt.
So you are going to ignore the other studies that found more disenfranchisement?

And I can BET you will NEVER produce any evidnece that this type of fraud is worth disenfranchising legal American voters

are you going to ignore every study that shows stricter voter ID requirements do not affect voter turnout at all, and have even increased it? Of course you are.

Voter ID Laws: A Legal No-Brainer
And a Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (JSPES) report seems to refute the Left’s contention. They found that turnout for black voters in Georgia (which has some of the strictest voter ID laws in the country) increased by 5%from 2004, when the laws were not in effect, to 2008, when they were in effect.

Indiana is yet another example. They saw an increase of voter participation of over 8 percentage points in 2008, after reforming their voter ID laws in 2005.
So you are going to ignore the other studies that found more disenfranchisement?

And I can BET you will NEVER produce any evidnece that this type of fraud is worth disenfranchising legal American voters

are you going to ignore every study that shows stricter voter ID requirements do not affect voter turnout at all, and have even increased it? Of course you are.

Voter ID Laws: A Legal No-Brainer
And a Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (JSPES) report seems to refute the Left’s contention. They found that turnout for black voters in Georgia (which has some of the strictest voter ID laws in the country) increased by 5%from 2004, when the laws were not in effect, to 2008, when they were in effect.

Indiana is yet another example. They saw an increase of voter participation of over 8 percentage points in 2008, after reforming their voter ID laws in 2005.

Heritage in not an unbiased source.

Go get the study they are refering to.
That is one study right.

They did find voters who were kept from voting right?

Now show where this type of fraud is proven to exsist in numbers large enough to be a concern?

show where the number of voters prevented from voting is large enough to be a concern.

There is no level of this type of fraud EVER found.

Do you get that one yet.

There is no problem to fix.

Yet you are willing to keep Americans from voting for what reason?

First of all, your contention no voter fraud is being committed is a crock. But even if it weren't, should we not check ID at airports until we can prove that someone without an ID blew up or hijacked a plane?

You repeatedly don't show that any eligible voter can't reasonably get an ID. In the history of man, no group on earth has been so consistently lazy as a Democrat. Your crusade to stop checking ID means you know that and it'll cost you votes. As for me, I am happy if people that lazy and uninformed don't vote no matter who they were planning to vote for. But we both suspect the same thing, the ones too lazy to get ID were voting for the Democrat because they had the best prospect of getting their lazy hands on money someone else worked for.
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