DOJ asked to investigate ID voter laws

So you are going to ignore the other studies that found more disenfranchisement?

And I can BET you will NEVER produce any evidnece that this type of fraud is worth disenfranchising legal American voters

are you going to ignore every study that shows stricter voter ID requirements do not affect voter turnout at all, and have even increased it? Of course you are.

Voter ID Laws: A Legal No-Brainer
And a Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (JSPES) report seems to refute the Left’s contention. They found that turnout for black voters in Georgia (which has some of the strictest voter ID laws in the country) increased by 5%from 2004, when the laws were not in effect, to 2008, when they were in effect.

Indiana is yet another example. They saw an increase of voter participation of over 8 percentage points in 2008, after reforming their voter ID laws in 2005.

Heritage in not an unbiased source.

Go get the study they are refering to.

just as unbiased as Brown.

Links are in there, try clicking on them.

BTW... the guy that did the study?
Hans A. von Spakovsky is a visiting legal scholar at the Heritage Foundation. He is also a former commissioner on the Federal Election Commission and counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights at the Department of Justice.
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I just went to the site they claim that study is on.

They lied ,the a Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies has no stduy that says that.

That is why if you read sites like the Heritage foundation you are getting bad information
will you keep buying what they are selling you even though they lie to you?
You guys should follow suit and just leave the tc alone. The tc clearly doesn't have the ability to think for themselves. No logical explanation is going to have any impact. You'd be better off teaching algebra to a first grader as at least they have open minds and are willing to learn.

This horse has been beat more than Bin Laden has been nibbled on. I've only run into 4 people on this site that are this illogical and all of them are on ignore. It makes debates so much easier to read when you don't spend all your time deciphering drivel.
I just went to the site they claim that study is on.

They lied ,the a Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies has no stduy that says that.

That is why if you read sites like the Heritage foundation you are getting bad information

Wow, everyone who disagrees with you is a liar. I guess that makes it easy for you to win arguments, doesn't it?
One would think the right welcome an investigation, given the fact no voter is disenfranchised, and demonstrate to all the policy is appropriate and fair.

…but we do need to return to a system where the un-Educated and either mis-Informed or un-Informed are not allowed to be part of the process.

And how would you determine who is ‘un-Educated, ‘ ‘mis-Informed,’ or ‘un-Informed’?

You must not be aware of South Carolina v. Katzenbach (1966), where the Supreme Court struck down as un-Constitutional any "test or device" (such as literacy tests) used in an effort to determine who may or may not vote.

You are therefore advocating something illegal.

I like how Democrats don't want people to have to show ID to vote…

It has nothing to do with ‘democrats.’ Federal election law allows for provisional ballots when a voter’s residency is in question or he has no ID.
Bennet Urges DOJ To Review Voter ID Laws | Senate Democrats

Restrictive Voter ID Laws Could Disenfranchise Thousands of Eligible Voters

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO) today requested that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) carefully review highly restrictive photo identification voter requirements that are under consideration or recently signed into law in several states that could potentially disenfranchise thousands of eligible voters.

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, Bennet—along with Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV) and U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin (IL), Chuck Schumer (NY), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY), Sherrod Brown (OH), Jeanne Shaheen (NH), Jeff Merkley (OR), Mark Begich (AK), Ben Cardin (MD), Mary Landrieu (LA), Patty Murray (WA), Ron Wyden (OR), Tom Harkin (IA), Herb Kohl (WI) and Tom Udall (NM)—expressed serious concerns about voter identification laws, which could disenfranchise American voters.
The only problem is the idiot dimwits think illegal immigrants have the right to vote, which is why they want this. Idiots.
That is one study right.

They did find voters who were kept from voting right?

Now show where this type of fraud is proven to exsist in numbers large enough to be a concern?

show where the number of voters prevented from voting is large enough to be a concern.

There is no level of this type of fraud EVER found.

Do you get that one yet.

There is no problem to fix.

Yet you are willing to keep Americans from voting for what reason?

It's not a problem that an illegal alien Mexican assassin registered to vote twice?
You must be a liberal.
Can any of you give a shred of proof for your claims that ID laws disenfranchise no one?
Prove they do other than illegal immigrants. That is why the dimwits want to get rid ov voter id laws, so illegals can once again illegally elect obamaturd the socialist.
Did you find a voter who didnt vote because two skinny black guys were there?

For anyone who bothers to actually look at the record, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights received direct evidence on that very issue. Those critics also miss the point that it is a crime to attempt to intimidate voters and anyone assisting voters, which would include poll watchers, and no one watching the videotape could come to any conclusion other than the New Black Panthers were trying to intimidate people at that poll in Philadelphia.

On the issue of poll watchers, one of the witnesses at the first hearing of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Chris Hill, testified on that specific point and what happened when he got to the polling place. He was responding to a desperate phone call for help from one of the two black poll watchers who were stationed at the polling place:

HILL: [Shabazz] immediately started with ‘What are you doing here, Cracker?’ And he and Mr. Jackson attempted to close ranks. I went straight between them through the door to find our poll watcher, who was inside the building at the time…he was pretty shaken up…he was visibly upset.

QUESTION: What did he tell you?

HILL: He was called a race traitor for being a poll watcher, credentialed poll watcher for the Republican Party as a black man, and that he was threatened if he stepped outside of the building, there would be hell to pay.

Evidence That New Black Panther Party Did Intimidate Voters
Hey life is many of us don't want to purchase health care coverage but are being forced to.
Shut up,get a valid ID...Go vote,and go sit in the corner....end of story...
That is what the republicans have been doing for decades , keeping legal American voters from voting.

Do you think its good for a democracy to have low turnout?
Wrong. For the last four presidential elections it has been the dimwits practicing in voter fraud. Case in point, franken in mn. He had more votes in some counties than there were registered voters. Stop lying idiot.
Yes I'm sure he has as the next election is not going to go at all well for your party. If the illegals can't vote just think how many seats you might lose.

Dead voters account for 10% of Democrat seats in the house. Cons account for another 5%, and disenfranchised service people account for another 5%.
Can any of you give a shred of proof for your claims that ID laws disenfranchise no one?

Sure the disenfranchise people. They disenfranchise illegal aliens, dead people, convicted felons, Mickey Mouse and millions of other people.

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