DOJ asked to investigate ID voter laws

Why are you lying about what I am saying.

I have been talking about nothing but legal American voters

Wrong. How do you know they're legal if they don't have a legal ID?

Dims obviously don't give a crap whether they are legal or not. Illegal voters always vote Dim. The Dims know their base.
Dead voters account for 10% of Democrat seats in the house. Cons account for another 5%, and disenfranchised service people account for another 5%.

You forgot to cite your source on that. Otherwise no one believes you.

Everyone believes it, even libturds like you, but you will continue to lie about it.
You can't do anything without ID except fart. There is nothing wrong with requiring ID. Obama comes from Chicago and we know how their political machine works. He is buying black votes, Hispanic votes, Muslim votes, welfare votes. The only ones he is not getting are the people paying the bills. What a mistake we made.

It can be a real pain to get an ID though. Here in GA, they require proof of residency that I don't currently have, despite living at my current address for more than a year. I'm an unusual case, and I'm not saying requiring ID to vote is a bad thing, I just feel the need to point out it's not necessarily all partisan rhetoric. There may actually be legitimate concern involved (I know, how likely does that sound? :lol:).

We stupidly waiting until my son was 18 to get ID for him. We had to have 5 pieces of ID, his birthcertificate, his SSI card and our say so wasn't enough. I had to go back home and get his school ID card and his disabled bus pass. Then they didn't want to accept the bus pass. Crazy, but then again we give licenses to illegal immigrants.....go figure.

BTW, Andrew will not be voting, ever. If he does, I would consider that criminal. He's low functioning autism. He doesn't understand. I'm sure that won't stop someone from taking him to the polling place and helping him to vote once I'm gone, but I do wish that people like him weren't allowed to vote. It's basically a way of getting more than one vote for yourself.
That is one study right.

They did find voters who were kept from voting right?

Now show where this type of fraud is proven to exsist in numbers large enough to be a concern?

show where the number of voters prevented from voting is large enough to be a concern.

There is no level of this type of fraud EVER found.

Do you get that one yet.

There is no problem to fix.

Yet you are willing to keep Americans from voting for what reason?

you have yet to prove even a single, solitary voter was 'prevented' from voting because of an ongoing policy or initiative of the Republican party.

Not one single one.

Yet you are willing to spout the party line like it's Gospel for what reason?

Man... less than a day here and I've already found the biggest partisan hack on the site.

This ought to be fun.
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Why are you lying about what I am saying.

I have been talking about nothing but legal American voters

Wrong. How do you know they're legal if they don't have a legal ID?

Dims obviously don't give a crap whether they are legal or not. Illegal voters always vote Dim. The Dims know their base.

I think he prefers to take people at their word, as opposed to require actual proof they are legally allowed to vote.

When I moved to PA and voted for the first time here, I went to show my ID. They said 'we don't need that.. we trust you'.

Where is your proof of your claims?

There is none

With no ID laws it is pretty hard to prove, that is the whole point of claiming ID laws are bad. NO ONE is denied the ability to get a photo ID. Hell you need a drivers license to drive but no ID to vote. You need an ID to buy alcohol but no ID to vote. AN ID to buy cigarettes but no ID to vote.

You retards are full of shit when you claim requiring an ID somehow prevents sane normal people from voting. It only prevents those with no legal right to vote from voting.
Can any of you give a shred of proof for your claims that ID laws disenfranchise no one?

Why would a photo ID "disenfranchise" any voter?

It will curb voter fraud period. But I guess Dems don't want that for some reason....
Where is your proof of your claims?

There is none

If you want to see proof, just Google "ACORN convicted of voter fraud."

If memory serves, it was temp workers that got paid based on the number of names they collected trying to get a bigger check. My understanding was that there was no evidence that any of the fake names actually voted.

Acorn plead guilty or was convicted in one State. And they were so truet worthy Obama's Government had to quit giving them money.
Can any of you give a shred of proof for your claims that ID laws disenfranchise no one?

Why would a photo ID "disenfranchise" any voter?

It will curb voter fraud period. But I guess Dems don't want that for some reason....

Exactly... require photo ID just the the founding fathers wanted.

The only problem is that there isn't any significant voter fraud problem but requiring photo IDs will lower the number of less effluent voters thus less votes for Democrats.

It is just a scum-bag tactic to help win elections. It is better just to be honest about it.
papers please? What a crock... no where in the founding laws of the country is identification required to vote. Simply another way for Rs to attempt to rig elections. The laws will never stand
papers please? What a crock... no where in the founding laws of the country is identification required to vote. Simply another way for Rs to attempt to rig elections. The laws will never stand

No where, except for age (over 18) and sex, is ANY voting requirement illegal. If you read the consitution it pretty much leaves voter eligibility up to the states.

You could require people to wear pink tutus to vote, as long as you dont discriminate by age (over 18) or sex.
Why are you lying about what I am saying.

I have been talking about nothing but legal American voters

Wrong. How do you know they're legal if they don't have a legal ID?

Dims obviously don't give a crap whether they are legal or not. Illegal voters always vote Dim. The Dims know their base.

I think he prefers to take people at their word, as opposed to require actual proof they are legally allowed to vote.

When I moved to PA and voted for the first time here, I went to show my ID. They said 'we don't need that.. we trust you'.


We don't need ID in Washington state either. Before they decided we should vote by mail, I had a friend that walked into the polling place, only to find someone had voted in his place and signed his name. Wonder how many times that has happened? Especially with low voter turnout.

No I don't remember what happened, it was years ago. B
papers please? What a crock... no where in the founding laws of the country is identification required to vote. Simply another way for Rs to attempt to rig elections. The laws will never stand

I don't believe the founding fathers required anyone to serve in the military either, but we had the draft...there ya go.

Income tax sure as heck was required, but try not paying yours.

They didn't require us to have driver's licenses either, but do you know any state that doesn't require that?

Just because they didn't require it, doesn't mean they prohibited it.
papers please? What a crock... no where in the founding laws of the country is identification required to vote. Simply another way for Rs to attempt to rig elections. The laws will never stand

How would being able to identify voters be vote rigging ? That sounds stupid man.

You know, it does. It's much more likely to be vote rigging when they don't require ID, don't you think? Anybody see that illegal on national television during their protests saying "We vote too!"?

My brother in law from Canada has a Phd and he doesn't vote as he doesn't want to lose his green <now pink> card status. The illegals don't have that problem.

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