DOJ asked to investigate ID voter laws

Can any of you give a shred of proof for your claims that ID laws disenfranchise no one?

Why would a photo ID "disenfranchise" any voter?

It will curb voter fraud period. But I guess Dems don't want that for some reason....

Exactly... require photo ID just the the founding fathers wanted.

The only problem is that there isn't any significant voter fraud problem but requiring photo IDs will lower the number of less effluent voters thus less votes for Democrats.

It is just a scum-bag tactic to help win elections. It is better just to be honest about it.

How will it lower their numbers? I hand out lunches to the down on their luck every Monday and I don't know any of them that don't have ID. They have to, the police are constantly asking them for it. Now if the homeless can get ID, why can't everyone?

Of course, in our state, since you can be illegal and still get a driver's license, it wouldn't make much of a difference, the illegals would still vote. Except now the ballots are sent to people's homes. I'll have to ask the homeless how they vote. BTW, all of these homeless are legal Americans. The Hispanics that come in have 1/2 doz children and they live in apartments. To be fair, I don't know if all the children are theirs, or they are watching kids for someone else. We still give them lunches. The thing that makes me most angry about them is that I try out my Spanish on them and they get mad and ignore me. Thankfully, so far, there's only two of them

My neighbor is Hispanic and as soon as I get a chance, I'm going to be spending time with her trying to relearn Spanish.
A perfect example of why voter ID should be required:
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

" Names of deceased on registration lists

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's 'Death Master File,' a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had

cast votes from the grave."

" Episodes in 2008

California In October, KTVU Channel 2 cross-checked California's state death registry record across voter lists in the nine Bay Area counties, finding that in eight elections in the last ten years, "232 people with death certificates had voted after they had died – some more than once." 153 of these cases were from one county"

Seems like a problem easily fixed by voter ID.
papers please? What a crock... no where in the founding laws of the country is identification required to vote. Simply another way for Rs to attempt to rig elections. The laws will never stand

No where in the founding laws of the country are black people or women allowed to vote.

What's your point?
You can't do anything without ID except fart. There is nothing wrong with requiring ID. Obama comes from Chicago and we know how their political machine works. He is buying black votes, Hispanic votes, Muslim votes, welfare votes. The only ones he is not getting are the people paying the bills. What a mistake we made.

It can be a real pain to get an ID though. Here in GA, they require proof of residency that I don't currently have, despite living at my current address for more than a year. I'm an unusual case, and I'm not saying requiring ID to vote is a bad thing, I just feel the need to point out it's not necessarily all partisan rhetoric. There may actually be legitimate concern involved (I know, how likely does that sound? :lol:).

You must stay home a lot since a photo ID is needed for a helluva lot more than just voting. I get asked for my ID some times when I use a credit card, or cash a check, or get stopped by the police for going too fast. I also live in Ga.
A perfect example of why voter ID should be required:
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

" Names of deceased on registration lists

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's 'Death Master File,' a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had

cast votes from the grave."

" Episodes in 2008

California In October, KTVU Channel 2 cross-checked California's state death registry record across voter lists in the nine Bay Area counties, finding that in eight elections in the last ten years, "232 people with death certificates had voted after they had died – some more than once." 153 of these cases were from one county"

Seems like a problem easily fixed by voter ID.

Yet the studies done on this type of fraud have NEVER found what this article claims to have found.

Bush's DOJ studied this for five years and could only find 86 cases of voter fraud in that entire time, thats country wide for five years.

Bush REALLY wanted to find this type of fraud too.

So the right wants to do this anyway.

Gee I wonder why?

Because (just like all the other republican efforts to keep legal American voters from voting that they have BEEN PROVEN to do over decades ) when republicans keep people from voting they have a better chance of winning elections.

How sad to have to be the party that depends on people not voting to win.
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Can any of you give a shred of proof for your claims that ID laws disenfranchise no one?

Truthies position is that it is far better for 100 non eligible voters vote (for his party, of course) than one eligible voter be made to perform the hard task of getting a picture ID from somewhere.

(Oh how hard it is to get a picture ID this day and age, so so difficult. Oh where oh where would I get one????)

It's a valid point of the left I will give them that given the amount of time between elections.
A full 4 years and sometimes even 2 between elections.How in the world can anyone comply
with such a short amount of time being given to complete such an impossible task.

I have to admit the Republicans can be such heartless bastards at times. :lol:
Imagine, republicans lying about election activities to keep people from voting.

They would never do that would they?

Oh except that they have done it repetedly for decades now and the courts have documented it for decades.

How very sad republicans can never seem to understand the facts.
A perfect example of why voter ID should be required:
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

" Names of deceased on registration lists

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's 'Death Master File,' a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had

cast votes from the grave."

" Episodes in 2008

California In October, KTVU Channel 2 cross-checked California's state death registry record across voter lists in the nine Bay Area counties, finding that in eight elections in the last ten years, "232 people with death certificates had voted after they had died – some more than once." 153 of these cases were from one county"

Seems like a problem easily fixed by voter ID.

Yet the studies done on this type of fraud have NEVER found what this article claims to have found.

Bush's DOJ studied this for five years and could only find 86 cases of voter fraud in that entire time, thats country wide for five years.

Bush REALLY wanted to find this type of fraud too.

So the right wants to do this anyway.

Gee I wonder why?

Because (just like all the other republican efforts to keep legal American voters from voting that they have BEEN PROVEN to do over decades ) when republicans keep people from voting they have a better chance of winning elections.

How sad to have to be the party that depends on people not voting to win.

Interesting. You show a number that is higher for voter fraud than the number of disenfranchise cases you've supplied in this thread... yet you continue to claim there is more disenfranchisement than fraud.

Interesting. Facts, I see, are not your friend.
Imagine, republicans lying about election activities to keep people from voting.

They would never do that would they?

Oh except that they have done it repetedly for decades now and the courts have documented it for decades.

How very sad republicans can never seem to understand the facts.
Imagine democrats having no problems with illegal Mexican assassins registering to vote. Twice!
And that changed what election results?

the felons list in florida actually changed an election
A perfect example of why voter ID should be required:
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

" Names of deceased on registration lists

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's 'Death Master File,' a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had

cast votes from the grave."

" Episodes in 2008

California In October, KTVU Channel 2 cross-checked California's state death registry record across voter lists in the nine Bay Area counties, finding that in eight elections in the last ten years, "232 people with death certificates had voted after they had died – some more than once." 153 of these cases were from one county"

Seems like a problem easily fixed by voter ID.

Yet the studies done on this type of fraud have NEVER found what this article claims to have found.

Bush's DOJ studied this for five years and could only find 86 cases of voter fraud in that entire time, thats country wide for five years.

Bush REALLY wanted to find this type of fraud too.

So the right wants to do this anyway.

Gee I wonder why?

Because (just like all the other republican efforts to keep legal American voters from voting that they have BEEN PROVEN to do over decades ) when republicans keep people from voting they have a better chance of winning elections.

How sad to have to be the party that depends on people not voting to win.

Interesting. You show a number that is higher for voter fraud than the number of disenfranchise cases you've supplied in this thread... yet you continue to claim there is more disenfranchisement than fraud.

Interesting. Facts, I see, are not your friend.

No you just dont understand the level of fraud the republican party has repetedly perpitrated on the American people
A perfect example of why voter ID should be required:
Dead people voting - Ballotpedia

" Names of deceased on registration lists

When the Poughkeepsie Journal in New York did a 2006 analysis of how names of deceased people were still on New York's official list of registered voters, it conducted the assessment by matching "the names, dates of birth and ZIP codes of all listed voters in New York's database of 11.7 million voter registration records against the same information in the Social Security Administration's 'Death Master File,' a database of 77 million records of deaths dating to 1937." That study resulted in a final estimate of as many as 77,000 dead people on its rolls, and that as many as 2,600 of them had

cast votes from the grave."

" Episodes in 2008

California In October, KTVU Channel 2 cross-checked California's state death registry record across voter lists in the nine Bay Area counties, finding that in eight elections in the last ten years, "232 people with death certificates had voted after they had died – some more than once." 153 of these cases were from one county"

Seems like a problem easily fixed by voter ID.

Yet the studies done on this type of fraud have NEVER found what this article claims to have found.

Bush's DOJ studied this for five years and could only find 86 cases of voter fraud in that entire time, thats country wide for five years.

Bush REALLY wanted to find this type of fraud too.

So the right wants to do this anyway.

Gee I wonder why?

Because (just like all the other republican efforts to keep legal American voters from voting that they have BEEN PROVEN to do over decades ) when republicans keep people from voting they have a better chance of winning elections.

How sad to have to be the party that depends on people not voting to win.

Interesting. You show a number that is higher for voter fraud than the number of disenfranchise cases you've supplied in this thread... yet you continue to claim there is more disenfranchisement than fraud.

Interesting. Facts, I see, are not your friend.
No, they are not. But it doesn't really grasp much of anything. It may be a bot.
Can any of you give a shred of proof for your claims that ID laws disenfranchise no one?

Why would a photo ID "disenfranchise" any voter?

It will curb voter fraud period. But I guess Dems don't want that for some reason....

Exactly... require photo ID just the the founding fathers wanted.

The only problem is that there isn't any significant voter fraud problem but requiring photo IDs will lower the number of less effluent voters thus less votes for Democrats.

It is just a scum-bag tactic to help win elections. It is better just to be honest about it.

The whole purpose of voter ID is to reduce the number of effluent voters.
Yet the studies done on this type of fraud have NEVER found what this article claims to have found.

Bush's DOJ studied this for five years and could only find 86 cases of voter fraud in that entire time, thats country wide for five years.

Bush REALLY wanted to find this type of fraud too.

So the right wants to do this anyway.

Gee I wonder why?

Because (just like all the other republican efforts to keep legal American voters from voting that they have BEEN PROVEN to do over decades ) when republicans keep people from voting they have a better chance of winning elections.

How sad to have to be the party that depends on people not voting to win.

Interesting. You show a number that is higher for voter fraud than the number of disenfranchise cases you've supplied in this thread... yet you continue to claim there is more disenfranchisement than fraud.

Interesting. Facts, I see, are not your friend.

No you just dont understand the level of fraud the republican party has repetedly perpitrated on the American people

No, you just proved your own argument in this thread is false. You posted fewer examples of disenfranchisement than voter fraud (the number of which you posted, not someone else).
Yes fraud is only worth stripping people of their voting rights if it changes elections.

You dont solve a problem that harms no one by making laws that keep legal American voters from voting.
Yes fraud is only worth stripping people of their voting rights if it changes elections.

You dont solve a problem that harms no one by making laws that keep legal American voters from voting.
It's a bot.

Here, type the following on the line below: ArgOnaUts


(I bet it fails.)
Yet the studies done on this type of fraud have NEVER found what this article claims to have found.

Bush's DOJ studied this for five years and could only find 86 cases of voter fraud in that entire time, thats country wide for five years.

Bush REALLY wanted to find this type of fraud too.

So the right wants to do this anyway.

Gee I wonder why?

Because (just like all the other republican efforts to keep legal American voters from voting that they have BEEN PROVEN to do over decades ) when republicans keep people from voting they have a better chance of winning elections.

How sad to have to be the party that depends on people not voting to win.

Interesting. You show a number that is higher for voter fraud than the number of disenfranchise cases you've supplied in this thread... yet you continue to claim there is more disenfranchisement than fraud.

Interesting. Facts, I see, are not your friend.

No you just dont understand the level of fraud the republican party has repetedly perpitrated on the American people

It's true, when Republicans keep dead people and illegal aliens from voting, they have a better chance of winning elections

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