DOJ asked to investigate ID voter laws

Yes fraud is only worth stripping people of their voting rights if it changes elections.

You dont solve a problem that harms no one by making laws that keep legal American voters from voting.

which with your own sources you have utterly failed to prove.

The FAIL is strong in you.
Not only don't they prove that, most of them show the opposite. It doesn't grasp that.

He doesn't appear to grasp much of anything.
Policy Brief on Voter Identification



* Restrictive voter identification policies - especially those that require state-issued photo ID cards - threaten to exclude millions of eligible voters.
* As many as 10% of eligible voters do not have, and will not get, the documents required by strict voter ID laws. For some groups, the percentage is much higher.
* ID requirements fall hardest on people who have traditionally faced barriers at the polls.
* ID requirements are not justified by any serious or widespread problem.
* There is no reason for states to implement burdensome ID requirements.
* States that do require proof of identity at the polls should permit an expansive range of proof.

The "list " you people speak of was on this site.

They did not come up with the same conclusion as you did from looking at the list of studies.

Funny but you people seem to be proving that study on right wing leaning people and misperceptions are dead on.
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Policy Brief on Voter Identification



* Restrictive voter identification policies - especially those that require state-issued photo ID cards - threaten to exclude millions of eligible voters.
* As many as 10% of eligible voters do not have, and will not get, the documents required by strict voter ID laws. For some groups, the percentage is much higher.
* ID requirements fall hardest on people who have traditionally faced barriers at the polls.
* ID requirements are not justified by any serious or widespread problem.
* There is no reason for states to implement burdensome ID requirements.
* States that do require proof of identity at the polls should permit an expansive range of proof.
Yet, qualified voters are not only not excluded, their turnout is increased. From your own links.
Voter Identification Laws Were a Success in November -
In the first place, numerous academic studies show that voter ID had no effect on the turnout of voters in prior elections. The plaintiffs in every unsuccessful lawsuit filed against such state requirements could not produce a single individual who didn't either already have an ID or couldn't easily get one.
Second are the figures emerging from the November election. If what liberals claimed was true, Democratic voters in states with strict photo ID requirements would presumably have had a much more difficult time voting, and their turnout dampened in comparison to other states. Well, that myth can finally be laid to rest.

The two states with the strictest voter ID requirements are Indiana and Georgia. Both require a government-issued photo ID. According to figures released by Prof. Michael McDonald of George Mason University, the overall national turnout of eligible voters was 61.6%, the highest turnout since the 1964 election.

We should stop requiring I.D. to drive. We should also stop requiring I.D. to drink.

I mean if all of these people are being excluded from drinking and driving because they don't have an I.D. we should just stop requiring them, right Truthdoesn'tmatter?

People have the right to drive and to drink and we are hampering that right by requiring I.D. to do either of these activities. Let's just stop requiring I.D. for anything.

You are so misled that you don't even understand the simplest of questions.

How exactly does requiring an I.D. to vote keep legal voters from voting?

I don't care that some bogus study says it happens. I want to know WHY IT HAPPENS.

why dont you go get the list of studies and we can check them.

You see just picking the study you like the results of and ignoring all the others is not really using all the information is it?

This is what cons do, they cherry pick the facts so they can build castles in the sand
Voter Identification Laws Were a Success in November -
In the first place, numerous academic studies show that voter ID had no effect on the turnout of voters in prior elections. The plaintiffs in every unsuccessful lawsuit filed against such state requirements could not produce a single individual who didn't either already have an ID or couldn't easily get one.
Second are the figures emerging from the November election. If what liberals claimed was true, Democratic voters in states with strict photo ID requirements would presumably have had a much more difficult time voting, and their turnout dampened in comparison to other states. Well, that myth can finally be laid to rest.

The two states with the strictest voter ID requirements are Indiana and Georgia. Both require a government-issued photo ID. According to figures released by Prof. Michael McDonald of George Mason University, the overall national turnout of eligible voters was 61.6%, the highest turnout since the 1964 election.


That is an opinion piece silly
why dont you go get the list of studies and we can check them.

You see just picking the study you like the results of and ignoring all the others is not really using all the information is it?

This is what cons do, they cherry pick the facts so they can build castles in the sand

You're not just using the studies that give the results that you like?

You are a fraud and a liar.

Policy Brief on Voter Identification



* Restrictive voter identification policies - especially those that require state-issued photo ID cards - threaten to exclude millions of eligible voters.
* As many as 10% of eligible voters do not have, and will not get, the documents required by strict voter ID laws. For some groups, the percentage is much higher.
* ID requirements fall hardest on people who have traditionally faced barriers at the polls.
* ID requirements are not justified by any serious or widespread problem.
* There is no reason for states to implement burdensome ID requirements.
* States that do require proof of identity at the polls should permit an expansive range of proof.

Policy Brief on Voter Identification | Brennan Center for Justice

The "list " you people speak of was on this site.

They did not come up with the same conclusion as you did from looking at the list of studies.

Funny but you people seem to be proving that study on right wing leaning people and misperceptions are dead on.

LMAO!! Yes
There is no reason for states to implement burdensome ID requirements
how horribly burdensome a driver license or ID that's really terrible I'm sure nobody could possibly meet those requirements
Why do you want IDs when they keep people form voting and solve nothing?

Why are you siding with spending money to solve a problem that doesnt exsist and keeps people from voting?

because you want to allow the republican party to cheat in our elections
Voter Identification Laws Were a Success in November -
In the first place, numerous academic studies show that voter ID had no effect on the turnout of voters in prior elections. The plaintiffs in every unsuccessful lawsuit filed against such state requirements could not produce a single individual who didn't either already have an ID or couldn't easily get one.
Second are the figures emerging from the November election. If what liberals claimed was true, Democratic voters in states with strict photo ID requirements would presumably have had a much more difficult time voting, and their turnout dampened in comparison to other states. Well, that myth can finally be laid to rest.

The two states with the strictest voter ID requirements are Indiana and Georgia. Both require a government-issued photo ID. According to figures released by Prof. Michael McDonald of George Mason University, the overall national turnout of eligible voters was 61.6%, the highest turnout since the 1964 election.


That is an opinion piece silly

numerous academic studies show that voter ID had no effect on the turnout of voters in prior elections.
Guess that one went right over your head didn't it
Why do you want IDs when they keep people form voting and solve nothing?

Why are you siding with spending money to solve a problem that doesnt exsist and keeps people from voting?

because you want to allow the republican party to cheat in our elections

numerous academic studies show that voter ID had no effect on the turnout of voters in prior elections.
Keeps people from voting eh?
Why do you want IDs when they keep people form voting and solve nothing?

Why are you siding with spending money to solve a problem that doesnt exsist and keeps people from voting?

because you want to allow the republican party to cheat in our elections

One more time, how exactly does requiring I.D. to vote keep legal voters from voting?

And a new question, how is making sure that only legal voters show up to vote by requiring an I.D. cheating? I'd think that not requiring an I.D. would make it easier to cheat (by having non legal voters show up to vote.)

I fail to see one bit of logic in your statements on this subject. (or any subject for that matter)


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