Dominionist Governor Rick Perry Acknowledges Abuse of Power Allowing Austin to Secede from Texas

They are as private as the GSE's. Just because the Fed won't let a bank fail doesn't mean it is public.

They are not private like the GSEs. The GSEs had publicly traded stock that didn't hand over almost all of their profits to the government. Nor did the government implement monetary operations through the GSEs.
The Fed is owned by the member banks. The NY Fed is owned by the most powerful banks, the NY banks. So, they are like the GSE's only more private, not public with stocks on the market. You are correct about that.

As for your post about the Fed being audited. Not the dividends that go to who knows who!

The dividends go back to the member banks. That audit that the Fed banks undergo every year details the regional banks' cash flows.

The "ownership" of the regional Federal Reserve banks are unlike typical equity in a bank. All members get one vote no matter the size, shares are nonstransferrable and their voting power is limited. IIRC, there are nearly 1000 banks that are part of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and JP Morgan has just as much power as Podunk Bank upstate.
The dividends go back to the member banks. That audit that the Fed banks undergo every year details the regional banks' cash flows.

The "ownership" of the regional Federal Reserve banks are unlike typical equity in a bank. All members get one vote no matter the size, shares are nonstransferrable and their voting power is limited. IIRC, there are nearly 1000 banks that are part of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and JP Morgan has just as much power as Podunk Bank upstate.[/QUOTE]

The Fed has no right to give member banks this money. If the Fed was nationalized as I have called for, that would stop. Federal Reserve Dividends The Most Outrageous Handout to Banks New Republic
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And the Fed gives the banks extra money, this 6 percent and paying a premium for treasuries from the Dealer banks, and that money can go for all those fake CME trades, estimated to be up to 50 percent of the trades. The Fed floods the banks with so much money that virtually every market is manipulated.
Alert, Alert, total figures of payments by Fed to government from the beginning til now. And it is only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. Only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. This is robbery: Federal Reserve Pays Treasury 75 Billion In Profit REALITY BLOG

Distributions to the U.S. Treasury – Interest on Federal Reserve notes:

Total for all years (1914-2011): $842,337,007,000

Total income all years (1914-2011): $1,013,516,673,000

(Translation: over 80% of the Fed’s income is transferred right back to the U.S. Treasury.)
They aren't doing this chit for free. They make money at it or they wouldn't do it at all.

You keep saying they don't pocket the money, and that they give it all back anyway so why charge a 6% fee at all if they are going to give it back. They don't. They keep that profit unless you believe they are so nice that they just return it all and say to the Treasury they are just keeping it safe for the Fed................

So, according to the last site listed they include the payments as an expense of doing business.........So they keep the 6%..........

They aren't doing this chit for free. They make money at it or they wouldn't do it at all.

Does the FBI make a profit? Then why do they do it at all?

so why charge a 6% fee at all if they are going to give it back.

Where do you think the Fed charges a 6% fee?

I quoted it already in two different articles. Stock holders of the Fed can charge dividend fees of 6%. It's in the Federal Reserve Act, and shown on the other articles posted. Again using Fractional Banking that you know damn well exists.....................I've shown you the Federal Reserve saying the same in the past.

The Fed has STOCK HOLDERS who are not part of the Gov't...........They get paid when they create the loans to buy the bonds and as one article has said it's CALLED EXPENSES.................

Why the fuck do we need the damn Federal Reserve at all......................End it and let the Treasury do the whole damn thing as the CONSTITUTION STATES..............Since they give it all back according to you they should be HAPPY to give it back.................

They don't make squat according to you...........And if a frog had wings he wouldn't bumb his butt when he jumped................The Fed manipulates the stocks, inflates it, then decides when to crash and burn it, and tells their buddies and Stock holders when to leave so they can reap the benifits of a crash.................It's all BS........

Abolish the Federal Reserve

They manipulate and then fuck the nation. They are parasites, and if you agree with them then you are included.

Stock holders of the Fed can charge dividend fees of 6%.

They get 6% of the capital they paid in, not 6% of all outstanding debt.

The Fed manipulates the stocks, inflates it, then decides when to crash and burn it, and tells their buddies and Stock holders

LOL! The Fed doesn't buy stocks.

No, it just loans money to other banks that buy stocks, and one of the sites already posted said member banks get stocks for Dividend payments...............

Banks are currently borrowing $14 million from the Fed at the Discount Window. Big deal.
If a site said the Fed gives stock as a dividend payment, they lied.

You still trying to prove yourself an idiot by claiming a particular window at the fed discount window that is not currently being used is the only fed action being used at this point in time?
The dividends go back to the member banks. That audit that the Fed banks undergo every year details the regional banks' cash flows.

The "ownership" of the regional Federal Reserve banks are unlike typical equity in a bank. All members get one vote no matter the size, shares are nonstransferrable and their voting power is limited. IIRC, there are nearly 1000 banks that are part of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and JP Morgan has just as much power as Podunk Bank upstate.

The Fed has no right to give member banks this money. If the Fed was nationalized as I have called for, that would stop. Federal Reserve Dividends The Most Outrageous Handout to Banks New Republic[/QUOTE]

The Fed has no right to give member banks this money.

They have to give member banks this money, it's in the law.
If Congress doesn't want the banks to get 6% on their "stock", Congress can change the law.

If the Fed was nationalized as I have called for

That's hilarious. What would change if it were nationalized?
You still trying to prove yourself an idiot by claiming a particular window at the fed discount window that is not currently being used is the only fed action being used at this point in time?

Add up all the other programs outstanding that you feel I'm ignoring.
What's the number?
Alert, Alert, total figures of payments by Fed to government from the beginning til now. And it is only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. Only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. This is robbery: Federal Reserve Pays Treasury 75 Billion In Profit REALITY BLOG

Distributions to the U.S. Treasury – Interest on Federal Reserve notes:

Total for all years (1914-2011): $842,337,007,000

Total income all years (1914-2011): $1,013,516,673,000

(Translation: over 80% of the Fed’s income is transferred right back to the U.S. Treasury.)

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

While it is true that national and state banks certainly get some great benefits by forcibly being members of the central government’s Federal Reserve, those benefits are nothing but the statutory ones granted to them as members. Obviously, the real profiteer here is the Treasury of the United States Federal Government, as these figures have shown us. The dividends paid to member banks are peanuts compared to the “interest” paid to the Treasury.
Alert, Alert, total figures of payments by Fed to government from the beginning til now. And it is only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. Only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. This is robbery: Federal Reserve Pays Treasury 75 Billion In Profit REALITY BLOG

Distributions to the U.S. Treasury – Interest on Federal Reserve notes:

Total for all years (1914-2011): $842,337,007,000

Total income all years (1914-2011): $1,013,516,673,000

(Translation: over 80% of the Fed’s income is transferred right back to the U.S. Treasury.)

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

While it is true that national and state banks certainly get some great benefits by forcibly being members of the central government’s Federal Reserve, those benefits are nothing but the statutory ones granted to them as members. Obviously, the real profiteer here is the Treasury of the United States Federal Government, as these figures have shown us. The dividends paid to member banks are peanuts compared to the “interest” paid to the Treasury.

Yeah cause getting to borrow money from the American taxpayer for practically zero interest is worthless.
Alert, Alert, total figures of payments by Fed to government from the beginning til now. And it is only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. Only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. This is robbery: Federal Reserve Pays Treasury 75 Billion In Profit REALITY BLOG

Distributions to the U.S. Treasury – Interest on Federal Reserve notes:

Total for all years (1914-2011): $842,337,007,000

Total income all years (1914-2011): $1,013,516,673,000

(Translation: over 80% of the Fed’s income is transferred right back to the U.S. Treasury.)

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

While it is true that national and state banks certainly get some great benefits by forcibly being members of the central government’s Federal Reserve, those benefits are nothing but the statutory ones granted to them as members. Obviously, the real profiteer here is the Treasury of the United States Federal Government, as these figures have shown us. The dividends paid to member banks are peanuts compared to the “interest” paid to the Treasury.
The US government goes into massive debt. So, how does the treasury win? The treasury could get 100 percent return just by printing its own money!!! Instead, it lets the Fed create money, and it only gets 80 percent back.
You still trying to prove yourself an idiot by claiming a particular window at the fed discount window that is not currently being used is the only fed action being used at this point in time?

Add up all the other programs outstanding that you feel I'm ignoring.
What's the number?
You count em. You can start here on page 24:

See a description here under the new facilities entry:
Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We've discussed these before why are you acting ignorant when you already know the answer?
Alert, Alert, total figures of payments by Fed to government from the beginning til now. And it is only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. Only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. This is robbery: Federal Reserve Pays Treasury 75 Billion In Profit REALITY BLOG

Distributions to the U.S. Treasury – Interest on Federal Reserve notes:

Total for all years (1914-2011): $842,337,007,000

Total income all years (1914-2011): $1,013,516,673,000

(Translation: over 80% of the Fed’s income is transferred right back to the U.S. Treasury.)

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

While it is true that national and state banks certainly get some great benefits by forcibly being members of the central government’s Federal Reserve, those benefits are nothing but the statutory ones granted to them as members. Obviously, the real profiteer here is the Treasury of the United States Federal Government, as these figures have shown us. The dividends paid to member banks are peanuts compared to the “interest” paid to the Treasury.
The US government goes into massive debt. So, how does the treasury win? The treasury could get 100 percent return just by printing its own money!!! Instead, it lets the Fed create money, and it only gets 80 percent back.
The money is backed by nothing, it's invented out of thin air, it gets lent out, then the fed gets it back plus interest. We get 80% of the profit (interest paid) put into the treasury to spend, with the other 20% going to the fed operations. If the fed needs more money to lend it writes itself a magic check backed by vapor.
Alert, Alert, total figures of payments by Fed to government from the beginning til now. And it is only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. Only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. This is robbery: Federal Reserve Pays Treasury 75 Billion In Profit REALITY BLOG

Distributions to the U.S. Treasury – Interest on Federal Reserve notes:

Total for all years (1914-2011): $842,337,007,000

Total income all years (1914-2011): $1,013,516,673,000

(Translation: over 80% of the Fed’s income is transferred right back to the U.S. Treasury.)

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

While it is true that national and state banks certainly get some great benefits by forcibly being members of the central government’s Federal Reserve, those benefits are nothing but the statutory ones granted to them as members. Obviously, the real profiteer here is the Treasury of the United States Federal Government, as these figures have shown us. The dividends paid to member banks are peanuts compared to the “interest” paid to the Treasury.

Yeah cause getting to borrow money from the American taxpayer for practically zero interest is worthless.

Why would the Fed borrow from the taxpayer?
Alert, Alert, total figures of payments by Fed to government from the beginning til now. And it is only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. Only 80 percent of the Fed's profit. This is robbery: Federal Reserve Pays Treasury 75 Billion In Profit REALITY BLOG

Distributions to the U.S. Treasury – Interest on Federal Reserve notes:

Total for all years (1914-2011): $842,337,007,000

Total income all years (1914-2011): $1,013,516,673,000

(Translation: over 80% of the Fed’s income is transferred right back to the U.S. Treasury.)

Thanks for the link. I liked this part.

While it is true that national and state banks certainly get some great benefits by forcibly being members of the central government’s Federal Reserve, those benefits are nothing but the statutory ones granted to them as members. Obviously, the real profiteer here is the Treasury of the United States Federal Government, as these figures have shown us. The dividends paid to member banks are peanuts compared to the “interest” paid to the Treasury.
The US government goes into massive debt. So, how does the treasury win? The treasury could get 100 percent return just by printing its own money!!! Instead, it lets the Fed create money, and it only gets 80 percent back.

The US government goes into massive debt.

I know. The politicians spend way too much.

So, how does the treasury win?

Last year, the Treasury won by getting about $78 billion from the Fed, while the "private" owners received $1.6 billion.

The treasury could get 100 percent return just by printing its own money!!!

You want the Treasury to print money to pay its bills?
I knew you were an idiot, you can stop giving me more proof now.
You still trying to prove yourself an idiot by claiming a particular window at the fed discount window that is not currently being used is the only fed action being used at this point in time?

Add up all the other programs outstanding that you feel I'm ignoring.
What's the number?
You count em. You can start here on page 24:

See a description here under the new facilities entry:
Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We've discussed these before why are you acting ignorant when you already know the answer?

Some idiot on this thread, not you, claimed that banks borrow money from the Fed to buy stock.
If you find any programs like that on the Fed website, let me know.
You still trying to prove yourself an idiot by claiming a particular window at the fed discount window that is not currently being used is the only fed action being used at this point in time?

Add up all the other programs outstanding that you feel I'm ignoring.
What's the number?
You count em. You can start here on page 24:

See a description here under the new facilities entry:
Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

We've discussed these before why are you acting ignorant when you already know the answer?

Some idiot on this thread, not you, claimed that banks borrow money from the Fed to buy stock.
If you find any programs like that on the Fed website, let me know.

Fractional Banking and bank to bank loans...........Using commercial banking to use in the stocks via loans............

You think derivatives went to 700 TRILLION OTC without loans, Tell me the bets to assets ratios of the Big Banks in this country.

While your at it, tell me why they went to 1% to encourage growth in 2001 and the markets went sky high...................

Then tell me after they inflated the markets that they didn't then raise the rates back to over 5% which increased Margins and eventually tanked us......................


.25% interest rates to encourage growth......since the crash.................After the crash they backdoored 16.1 trillion dollars..........I've proved that time and time again........via a SCOTUS ORDER.................

We now have an inflated market again with MONEY SUPPLY OF THE FED at over 4 TRILLION......Margin debt at an all time high again.

FUCK THE FED.............They caused this shit and are going to do it again..........

BTW You freakin parasite....................BRIC is considering dumping treasury notes.......Are starting a new Central bank...........and the IMF is pushing for a global reset with the new reserve currency as Bancor...................

Our country is about to get screwed again because of the FIAT SYSTEM OF THE MARKETS AND THE FEDS.................

As long as parasites make money they don't give a damn who they fuck in the process.

Millions of americans got hosed in these ponzi schemes of the markets.........losing 401ks, their homes and their jobs...........I know some of them......Enron took my brothers retirement................

The markets and the Fed are a scam who own politicians and nothing more.

Parasites one and all.
BTW I admitted you got me on the 6% at 1.7 Billion. I got it wrong.......

But a reset is coming because that is what people like you do Todd............a lot of Americans are going to get shafted again when it happens.
End the Fed................and bring back the Glass Steagal Act...........

both polls voted against Todd.
Riddle me this...........

How did the OTC markets grow to over 700 TRILLION in a matter of years leading up to the crash without loans as there aren't assets to back it up.

I've shown on other threads the Assets to bets in derivatives of the big banks in this country. HOW DID THEY MAKE THOSE BETS..................

Shades of the Great Depression when the Margin was 10%............The Feds used member banks in the commercial sector to grant loans to play on the markets...................1% rates.............

The Glass Steagal put the Banks on a leash for a reason. So the Too Big to Fail wouldn't screw the country again.

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