Donald Trump is the Law and Order candidate

Donald Trump is a convicted felon and sexual predator.
Vladimir Putin's enemies suffered similar fates; now, some are rotting in prison, and some are deceased.

What are your principles? It appears you support communism and totalitarianism. Or maybe you only listen to NPR and can not think for yourself?
Vladimir Putin's enemies suffered similar fates; now, some are rotting in prison, and some are deceased.

What are your principles? It appears you support communism and totalitarianism. Or maybe you only listen to NPR and can not think for yourself?
What is your problem with my statement, Evelyn? Did I post anything that's not factual?
Of course things are being twisted the other way by the media. The American people know the truth. They will remain loyal to Trump.

---Trump told a crowd of Pennsylvania voters that he will be a protector of women---

Vladimir Putin's enemies suffered similar fates; now, some are rotting in prison, and some are deceased.

What are your principles? It appears you support communism and totalitarianism. Or maybe you only listen to NPR and can not think for yourself?

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