Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

Sadly, both will continue the Permanent War. Nothing's gonna change on that front. I'm so sick of listening to the Warmongers whining about needing more money for our Military. No other nation on earth even comes close to U.S. Military spending. There is no threat in this world the U.S. military can't respond to and eliminate.

So the Warmongers need to calm down. Their Permanant War will continue regardless of who the President is. Americans truly love war and violence. They enjoy it more than sex. That's what America is all about at this point. A very greedy angry violent nation.
Sadly, both will continue the Permanent War. Nothing's gonna change on that front. I'm so sick of listening to the Warmongers whining about needing more money for our Military. No other nation on earth even comes close to U.S. Military spending. There is no threat in this world the U.S. military can't respond to and eliminate.

So the Warmongers need to calm down. Their Permanant War will continue regardless of who the President is. Americans truly love war and violence. They enjoy it more than sex. That's what America is all about at this point. A very greedy angry violent nation.

Sorry Pauli, but the Ron Paul "close the barn door after the horses have already run away" approach to national security is just a bad idea. 9/11 should have taught you that if nothing else. It's an arms race and you Ron Paul libertarians simply don't understand that. They only reason we're standing today is because we were first to develop the nuclear bomb. If we're not first to develop the next ultimate weapon, we won't be standing any more. That's just the reality and denial won't change it.
Sadly, both will continue the Permanent War. Nothing's gonna change on that front. I'm so sick of listening to the Warmongers whining about needing more money for our Military. No other nation on earth even comes close to U.S. Military spending. There is no threat in this world the U.S. military can't respond to and eliminate.

So the Warmongers need to calm down. Their Permanant War will continue regardless of who the President is. Americans truly love war and violence. They enjoy it more than sex. That's what America is all about at this point. A very greedy angry violent nation.

Sorry Pauli, but the Ron Paul "close the barn door after the horses have already run away" approach to national security is just a bad idea. 9/11 should have taught you that if nothing else. It's an arms race and you Ron Paul libertarians simply don't understand that. They only reason we're standing today is because we were first to develop the nuclear bomb. If we're not first to develop the next ultimate weapon, we won't be standing any more. That's just the reality and denial won't change it.

This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point. There will be a bloody price to pay for Americans. You can't be all over the world bombing & killing 24/7, and still believe there won't be a horrific price to pay at some point.
Sadly, both will continue the Permanent War. Nothing's gonna change on that front. I'm so sick of listening to the Warmongers whining about needing more money for our Military. No other nation on earth even comes close to U.S. Military spending. There is no threat in this world the U.S. military can't respond to and eliminate.

So the Warmongers need to calm down. Their Permanant War will continue regardless of who the President is. Americans truly love war and violence. They enjoy it more than sex. That's what America is all about at this point. A very greedy angry violent nation.

Sorry Pauli, but the Ron Paul "close the barn door after the horses have already run away" approach to national security is just a bad idea. 9/11 should have taught you that if nothing else. It's an arms race and you Ron Paul libertarians simply don't understand that. They only reason we're standing today is because we were first to develop the nuclear bomb. If we're not first to develop the next ultimate weapon, we won't be standing any more. That's just the reality and denial won't change it.

This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point. There will be a bloody price to pay for Americans. You can't be all over the world bombing & killing 24/7, and still believe there won't be a horrific price to pay at some point.

If you really believe that the psychotic ISIS and Al Qaeda muslim idiots will leave us alone if we withdrawal all over the world, I have some land to sell you. In addition to that, it's not so much bombing and killing that I'm advocating as it is spending money on defense. There is no more important thing to spend money on. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. What good will Social Security and Obamacare do all of us when we're laboring in concentration camps run by China???
This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point.

I'm not sure how you missed it, but the war came home on September 11, 2001. You can be a liberal coward and back out before the job is done (like Clinton did all over the world in the 90's) - meaning all of those lives were lost for nothing, or you can man up, suck it up, stick it out, crush these people, and win this thing.
Sadly, both will continue the Permanent War. Nothing's gonna change on that front. I'm so sick of listening to the Warmongers whining about needing more money for our Military. No other nation on earth even comes close to U.S. Military spending. There is no threat in this world the U.S. military can't respond to and eliminate.

So the Warmongers need to calm down. Their Permanant War will continue regardless of who the President is. Americans truly love war and violence. They enjoy it more than sex. That's what America is all about at this point. A very greedy angry violent nation.

Sorry Pauli, but the Ron Paul "close the barn door after the horses have already run away" approach to national security is just a bad idea. 9/11 should have taught you that if nothing else. It's an arms race and you Ron Paul libertarians simply don't understand that. They only reason we're standing today is because we were first to develop the nuclear bomb. If we're not first to develop the next ultimate weapon, we won't be standing any more. That's just the reality and denial won't change it.

This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point. There will be a bloody price to pay for Americans. You can't be all over the world bombing & killing 24/7, and still believe there won't be a horrific price to pay at some point.

If you really believe that the psychotic ISIS and Al Qaeda muslim idiots will leave us alone if we withdrawal all over the world, I have some land to sell you. In addition to that, it's not so much bombing and killing that I'm advocating as it is spending money on defense. There is no more important thing to spend money on. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. What good will Social Security and Obamacare do all of us when we're laboring in concentration camps run by China???

ISIS and Al Qaeda are U.S. Intelligence creations. Without US/British/Saudi/Turkish money and weapons, there would be no ISIS. It was created to kill Assad in Syria. So yes, i would like to see us disengage from all these foreign interventions. It is time to come home.
Sadly, both will continue the Permanent War. Nothing's gonna change on that front. I'm so sick of listening to the Warmongers whining about needing more money for our Military. No other nation on earth even comes close to U.S. Military spending. There is no threat in this world the U.S. military can't respond to and eliminate.

So the Warmongers need to calm down. Their Permanant War will continue regardless of who the President is. Americans truly love war and violence. They enjoy it more than sex. That's what America is all about at this point. A very greedy angry violent nation.

Sorry Pauli, but the Ron Paul "close the barn door after the horses have already run away" approach to national security is just a bad idea. 9/11 should have taught you that if nothing else. It's an arms race and you Ron Paul libertarians simply don't understand that. They only reason we're standing today is because we were first to develop the nuclear bomb. If we're not first to develop the next ultimate weapon, we won't be standing any more. That's just the reality and denial won't change it.

This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point. There will be a bloody price to pay for Americans. You can't be all over the world bombing & killing 24/7, and still believe there won't be a horrific price to pay at some point.

If you really believe that the psychotic ISIS and Al Qaeda muslim idiots will leave us alone if we withdrawal all over the world, I have some land to sell you. In addition to that, it's not so much bombing and killing that I'm advocating as it is spending money on defense. There is no more important thing to spend money on. Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool. What good will Social Security and Obamacare do all of us when we're laboring in concentration camps run by China???

ISIS and Al Qaeda are U.S. Intelligence creations. Without US/British/Saudi/Turkish money and weapons, there would be no ISIS. It was created to kill Assad in Syria. So yes, i would like to see us disengage from all these foreign interventions. It is time to come home.

Yeah...and they both turned on us like rabid dogs. Are you going to put the dog down or allow it to keep chewing your face off?
This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point.

I'm not sure how you missed it, but the war came home on September 11, 2001. You can be a liberal coward and back out before the job is done (like Clinton did all over the world in the 90's) - meaning all of those lives were lost for nothing, or you can man up, suck it up, stick it out, crush these people, and win this thing.

That's not war. And it was a relatively small attack compared to what's coming. You ain't seen nothin yet. And also, go do some research on how Al Qaeda came about. It couldn't have happened without massive US/Saudi support.
This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point. There will be a bloody price to pay for Americans. You can't be all over the world bombing & killing 24/7, and still believe there won't be a horrific price to pay at some point.

Here's another thing that the Ron Paul libertarians simply don't want to accept - you can have bombs dropping and mass killing over there, or you can have bombs dropping and mass killing here. Any rational, logical person would vote over there. If you desire it here, one would have to wonder why.

It's going to happen either way. Pretending like it's not is just as absurd as pretending like if everyone would just lose 10lbs, gravity would cease to exist. ISIS and Al Qaeda is an ideology that insists every last human on earth convert to islam or die. Well - I'm not converting to islam. And am I not dying either. So the only option is to keep bombing and keep killing. If you'd like to covert to islam - go for it.
This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point.

I'm not sure how you missed it, but the war came home on September 11, 2001. You can be a liberal coward and back out before the job is done (like Clinton did all over the world in the 90's) - meaning all of those lives were lost for nothing, or you can man up, suck it up, stick it out, crush these people, and win this thing.

That's not war. And it was a relatively small attack compared to what's coming. You ain't seen nothin yet. And also, go do some research on how Al Qaeda came about. It couldn't have happened without massive US/Saudi support.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.
This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point.

I'm not sure how you missed it, but the war came home on September 11, 2001. You can be a liberal coward and back out before the job is done (like Clinton did all over the world in the 90's) - meaning all of those lives were lost for nothing, or you can man up, suck it up, stick it out, crush these people, and win this thing.

That's not war. And it was a relatively small attack compared to what's coming. You ain't seen nothin yet. And also, go do some research on how Al Qaeda came about. It couldn't have happened without massive US/Saudi support.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.

Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.
This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point.

I'm not sure how you missed it, but the war came home on September 11, 2001. You can be a liberal coward and back out before the job is done (like Clinton did all over the world in the 90's) - meaning all of those lives were lost for nothing, or you can man up, suck it up, stick it out, crush these people, and win this thing.

That's not war. And it was a relatively small attack compared to what's coming. You ain't seen nothin yet. And also, go do some research on how Al Qaeda came about. It couldn't have happened without massive US/Saudi support.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.

Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.

What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.
This Permanent War will only lead to the war coming home at some point.

I'm not sure how you missed it, but the war came home on September 11, 2001. You can be a liberal coward and back out before the job is done (like Clinton did all over the world in the 90's) - meaning all of those lives were lost for nothing, or you can man up, suck it up, stick it out, crush these people, and win this thing.

That's not war. And it was a relatively small attack compared to what's coming. You ain't seen nothin yet. And also, go do some research on how Al Qaeda came about. It couldn't have happened without massive US/Saudi support.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.

Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.

What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.

Do you believe there isn't something much bigger and deadlier than 9/11 coming? If you do, i have to say you're being very naive. And when that attack happens, your Government will take even more of your rights away. Permanent Preemptive War is a bloody Vicious Circle. American Citizens can't win. It's truly a Lose/Lose for them.
I'm not sure how you missed it, but the war came home on September 11, 2001. You can be a liberal coward and back out before the job is done (like Clinton did all over the world in the 90's) - meaning all of those lives were lost for nothing, or you can man up, suck it up, stick it out, crush these people, and win this thing.

That's not war. And it was a relatively small attack compared to what's coming. You ain't seen nothin yet. And also, go do some research on how Al Qaeda came about. It couldn't have happened without massive US/Saudi support.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.

Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.

What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.

Do you believe there isn't something much bigger and deadlier than 9/11 coming? If you do, i have to say you're being very naive. And when that attack happens, your Government will take even more of your rights away. Permanent Preemptive War is a bloody Vicious Circle. American Citizens can't win. It's truly a Lose/Lose for them.
So I'm asking you - what is coming?

And....the rights and liberties that liberals will steal from you are nothing compared to the rights and liberties that ISIS will take from you.

The answer isn't surrendering. The answer is voting people into office (such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc.) who will defend and support the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.
That's not war. And it was a relatively small attack compared to what's coming. You ain't seen nothin yet. And also, go do some research on how Al Qaeda came about. It couldn't have happened without massive US/Saudi support.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.

Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.

What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.

Do you believe there isn't something much bigger and deadlier than 9/11 coming? If you do, i have to say you're being very naive. And when that attack happens, your Government will take even more of your rights away. Permanent Preemptive War is a bloody Vicious Circle. American Citizens can't win. It's truly a Lose/Lose for them.
So I'm asking you - what is coming?

And....the rights and liberties that liberals will steal from you are nothing compared to the rights and liberties that ISIS will take from you.

The answer isn't surrendering. The answer is voting people into office (such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc.) who will defend and support the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.

The sad reality most Americans still refuse to face, is the fact their own Government is a far bigger threat to their Freedom & Liberty than ISIS & Al Qaeda could ever be.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.

Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.

What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.

Do you believe there isn't something much bigger and deadlier than 9/11 coming? If you do, i have to say you're being very naive. And when that attack happens, your Government will take even more of your rights away. Permanent Preemptive War is a bloody Vicious Circle. American Citizens can't win. It's truly a Lose/Lose for them.
So I'm asking you - what is coming?

And....the rights and liberties that liberals will steal from you are nothing compared to the rights and liberties that ISIS will take from you.

The answer isn't surrendering. The answer is voting people into office (such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc.) who will defend and support the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.

The sad reality most Americans still refuse to face, is the fact their own Government is a far bigger threat to their Freedom & Liberty than ISIS & Al Qaeda could ever be.

And how does surrendering to ISIS solve that? Would you rather face one threat or two threats? Personally, I'd rather face one threat. Lets eliminate ISIS and then we'll focus on liberals.
Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.

What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.

Do you believe there isn't something much bigger and deadlier than 9/11 coming? If you do, i have to say you're being very naive. And when that attack happens, your Government will take even more of your rights away. Permanent Preemptive War is a bloody Vicious Circle. American Citizens can't win. It's truly a Lose/Lose for them.
So I'm asking you - what is coming?

And....the rights and liberties that liberals will steal from you are nothing compared to the rights and liberties that ISIS will take from you.

The answer isn't surrendering. The answer is voting people into office (such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc.) who will defend and support the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.

The sad reality most Americans still refuse to face, is the fact their own Government is a far bigger threat to their Freedom & Liberty than ISIS & Al Qaeda could ever be.

And how does surrendering to ISIS solve that? Would you rather face one threat or two threats? Personally, I'd rather face one threat. Lets eliminate ISIS and then we'll focus on liberals.

Nah, just leave all Muslim lands and then adopt a humble foreign policy. I can still remember a time when most Republicans actually stood for that. Now they're mostly Warmongering Globalist nutballs.
I'm fully aware of how Al Qaeda came about. The CIA created them - trained them, financed them, and armed them, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the late 1970's and early 1980's. I know all about it. But it doesn't change the reality. Those rapid dogs turned on us. Do you even know why?

And calling the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "a small attack" is just sick. You're crying like a little girl about us killing a few hundred ISIS members but you're consider the brutal murder of over 3,000 Americans "nothing". Unbelievable.

Compared to what's coming, 9/11 was a relatively small attack. Perpetual Preemptive War isn't the answer. We're only digging our own graves.

What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.

Do you believe there isn't something much bigger and deadlier than 9/11 coming? If you do, i have to say you're being very naive. And when that attack happens, your Government will take even more of your rights away. Permanent Preemptive War is a bloody Vicious Circle. American Citizens can't win. It's truly a Lose/Lose for them.
So I'm asking you - what is coming?

And....the rights and liberties that liberals will steal from you are nothing compared to the rights and liberties that ISIS will take from you.

The answer isn't surrendering. The answer is voting people into office (such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc.) who will defend and support the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.

The sad reality most Americans still refuse to face, is the fact their own Government is a far bigger threat to their Freedom & Liberty than ISIS & Al Qaeda could ever be.

By the way - for someone supposedly so worried about freedoms - you sure seem eager to give ISIS the capability to strike inside of the U.S. What do you think will happen if they do? Hint: the post-9/11 Patriot Act will be nothing compared to the next infringement on privacy.

So again I ask - would you rather have the problems over there or here?
What's coming Pauli? Enlighten us? What do you know that the rest of us don't? Oh....and what is the answer? Surrendering and converting to islam? You idealists are maddening to deal with. There is a real world out here. It has to be dealt with no matter how much you don't like it.

Do you believe there isn't something much bigger and deadlier than 9/11 coming? If you do, i have to say you're being very naive. And when that attack happens, your Government will take even more of your rights away. Permanent Preemptive War is a bloody Vicious Circle. American Citizens can't win. It's truly a Lose/Lose for them.
So I'm asking you - what is coming?

And....the rights and liberties that liberals will steal from you are nothing compared to the rights and liberties that ISIS will take from you.

The answer isn't surrendering. The answer is voting people into office (such as Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, etc.) who will defend and support the U.S. Constitution and the separation of powers.

The sad reality most Americans still refuse to face, is the fact their own Government is a far bigger threat to their Freedom & Liberty than ISIS & Al Qaeda could ever be.

And how does surrendering to ISIS solve that? Would you rather face one threat or two threats? Personally, I'd rather face one threat. Lets eliminate ISIS and then we'll focus on liberals.

Nah, just leave all Muslim lands and then adopt a humble foreign policy. I can still remember a time when most Republicans actually stood for that. Now they're mostly Warmongering Globalist nutballs.
Yeah...just leave muslim lands and permit the worst forms of atrocities. Then, they can organize, plan, recruit, train, finance, and execute terrorist acts all over the world - including the U.S.

By the way chief - Bill Clinton tried that insane strategy in the 1990's. He refused to engage Al Qaeda. How'd that work out? Hint: it culminated in 9/11 which then culminated in the Patriot Act. The policies you promote all end in the policies you profess to hate. Bizarre.

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