Don't drink the cool aid!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Any idea where this saying came from? It came from Jim Jones who formed a cult and had all of his follower drink poison as they all died together.

Any idea what the true story behind it was?

That's right, more than likely the Left wing media never told you.

Well it turns out Jim started as a Methodist preacher, but felt compelled to leave the church because it was not integrated well enough racially. But odds are that Jim was more dedicated to Marxism and communism than his faith.

Yes friends, Leftism is a true cult that at some point demands it's followers to drink the cool aid.

In fact, as those in Venezuela are eating out of garbage cans because of Marxism, no doubt Marxism is just as popular as ever in that country.
Any idea where this saying came from? It came from Jim Jones who formed a cult and had all of his follower drink poison as they all died together.

Any idea what the true story behind it was?

That's right, more than likely the Left wing media never told you.

Well it turns out Jim started as a Methodist preacher, but felt compelled to leave the church because it was not integrated well enough racially. But odds are that Jim was more dedicated to Marxism and communism than his faith.

Yes friends, Leftism is a true cult that at some point demands it's followers to drink the cool aid.

In fact, as those in Venezuela are eating out of garbage cans because of Marxism, no doubt Marxism is just as popular as ever in that country.

Three centuries ago, hidden behind and hitchhiking free of charge on the momentum of The Enlightenment, European radical leftists set out to bring down Christianity, Christ, and God like wounded wild beasts and to then replace them in the minds of the average peasant with something else. Only, those radical leftist "thinkers" of the day weren't quite sure what ideology or neo-faith could lure in and entangle the "unwashed masses" in similar numbers as the ancient religion of Christ's teachings.

In the many centuries old Church these radicals faced a powerful enemy, monolithic in its sheer size and unprecedented in its ability to influence the masses, nobility and royals alike. Even though the Church of the time was corrupt in that it sold its heavenly service in many places for power and gold, the underlying words and teachings of Christ remained—for any common man willing to get past the "bullshit" greed mongering and hear and learn them.

Radical leftist thinkers of the Enlightenment Era despised the Church for a number of reasons, some semi-justifiable and others wholly anti-civilizational. While on the surface the Church was a thoroughly corrupt and oversized militant entity which pulled the strings of many tyrant kings of the Old World, it still continued to stand as representative if not evocative, actionably, against human evil, on the grander scale of things. These early radical leftists desired personal freedom from the Church, true enough, but they also wanted to free the minds of the masses from ancient moral values, personal responsibility for their own actions and wanted to use the masses to wrest power from ancient royal and clerical patriarchal lineages and power structures so that they themselves could rule over that burgeoning era of scientific discovery.

So Enlightenment Era radicals developed philosophies which they then distributed to the masses in black market book printing runs; philosophies which celebrated the antithesis of Christian values upon which Western Civilization had been founded and grown for many centuries. The philosophies of these radicals embodied the opposite of all good qualities of mankind and attacked mankind as being inherently evil from Adam and Eve onward, thus only this new radical leftist ideology they founded could save mankind from himself. Sound familiar?

These new radical leftist philosophies indeed influenced the masses to depart from Christianity and Christian values to a great degree, and culminated (for the first time in history) in the mass murders of the French Revolution. But the radical left, even after it was laid to waste during that dark period in human history, was far from done trying to end Christianity—and ultimately, the human race. Because from its inception, the radical left was and still remains an anti-human meta-narrative.

Next up, just as capitalism was flourishing in the New World, along came two men who not just fully embraced Enlightenment Era radical leftism, but also perfected it into an anti-Christian, anti-human form of government capable of competing with both democracies and monarchies and even the ancient Church itself. Say hello to Marx and Engel and the wind beneath their wings, Mr. Hegel.

Engel and Marx and others birthed Marxism, which was a clever means of pitting the masses of Europe's working poor, the proletariat, against both the middle class or bourgeoisie, and the upper class, all in a sweeping wide attempt to finally "kill" God and Christ and all ancient concepts of right and wrong from the minds of all men everywhere, under the guise of EQUALITY for all. Sound familiar? In reality, the true underlying motivation of Marxism was and remains the seizing of all power by small groups of radical leftists . . . same as those Enlightenment Era radical leftists were trying so hard to do a century earlier.

What happened over the next century is historically well documented and pure fact. Tens and tens of millions of innocent, average poor and middle class human beings were murdered by their Marxist political leaders. The Marxist failed in their efforts to "kill" God but succeeded in exterminating a large percentage of the human race in their many attempts. Even after the defeat of the USSR, Pol Pot, Castro and other communist regimes the radical leftists weren't giving up trying to kill God and the entire human race.

Fast forward to the late 1970's and the "official" founding of the Postmodernist ideology/meta-narrative/neo-religion which has swept across the West and taken full control over the curricula of most college departments on most American Campuses. The radical leftists were at it again, back with a new and improved version of Sadism from the 1700's and Marxism from the 1800's. Only this time? This time the radical leftists were willing to invest their psychotic philosophies in a several decade long attempt to corrupt and bring down the most powerful nation on Earth: our America.

Now, in our modern day, the postmodernists have at last succeeded in killing God from the minds of millions and millions of Americans and other Westerners and have convinced them the devil is not real and that there will be no consequence to pay for glutting themselves on human evil. Now, in our present Age, the radical leftists are closer than ever before to murdering the entire human race.

Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid, my main man . . . that Kool-Aid is over three centuries old. By now one might think or hope the average educated man was smart enough to smell its lethal flavor from quite some distance but alas, no, many millions of fools still want to gulp it down.
Three centuries ago, hidden behind and hitchhiking free of charge on the momentum of The Enlightenment, European radical leftists set out to bring down Christianity, Christ, and God like wounded wild beasts and to then replace them in the minds of the average peasant with something else. Only, those radical leftist "thinkers" of the day weren't quite sure what ideology or neo-faith could lure in and entangle the "unwashed masses" in similar numbers as the ancient religion of Christ's teachings.

In the many centuries old Church these radicals faced a powerful enemy, monolithic in its sheer size and unprecedented in its ability to influence the masses, nobility and royals alike. Even though the Church of the time was corrupt in that it sold its heavenly service in many places for power and gold, the underlying words and teachings of Christ remained—for any common man willing to get past the "bullshit" greed mongering and hear and learn them.

Radical leftist thinkers of the Enlightenment Era despised the Church for a number of reasons, some semi-justifiable and others wholly anti-civilizational. While on the surface the Church was a thoroughly corrupt and oversized militant entity which pulled the strings of many tyrant kings of the Old World, it still continued to stand as representative if not evocative, actionably, against human evil, on the grander scale of things. These early radical leftists desired personal freedom from the Church, true enough, but they also wanted to free the minds of the masses from ancient moral values, personal responsibility for their own actions and wanted to use the masses to wrest power from ancient royal and clerical patriarchal lineages and power structures so that they themselves could rule over that burgeoning era of scientific discovery.

So Enlightenment Era radicals developed philosophies which they then distributed to the masses in black market book printing runs; philosophies which celebrated the antithesis of Christian values upon which Western Civilization had been founded and grown for many centuries. The philosophies of these radicals embodied the opposite of all good qualities of mankind and attacked mankind as being inherently evil from Adam and Eve onward, thus only this new radical leftist ideology they founded could save mankind from himself. Sound familiar?

These new radical leftist philosophies indeed influenced the masses to depart from Christianity and Christian values to a great degree, and culminated (for the first time in history) in the mass murders of the French Revolution. But the radical left, even after it was laid to waste during that dark period in human history, was far from done trying to end Christianity—and ultimately, the human race. Because from its inception, the radical left was and still remains an anti-human meta-narrative.

Next up, just as capitalism was flourishing in the New World, along came two men who not just fully embraced Enlightenment Era radical leftism, but also perfected it into an anti-Christian, anti-human form of government capable of competing with both democracies and monarchies and even the ancient Church itself. Say hello to Marx and Engel and the wind beneath their wings, Mr. Hegel.

Engel and Marx and others birthed Marxism, which was a clever means of pitting the masses of Europe's working poor, the proletariat, against both the middle class or bourgeoisie, and the upper class, all in a sweeping wide attempt to finally "kill" God and Christ and all ancient concepts of right and wrong from the minds of all men everywhere, under the guise of EQUALITY for all. Sound familiar? In reality, the true underlying motivation of Marxism was and remains the seizing of all power by small groups of radical leftists . . . same as those Enlightenment Era radical leftists were trying so hard to do a century earlier.

What happened over the next century is historically well documented and pure fact. Tens and tens of millions of innocent, average poor and middle class human beings were murdered by their Marxist political leaders. The Marxist failed in their efforts to "kill" God but succeeded in exterminating a large percentage of the human race in their many attempts. Even after the defeat of the USSR, Pol Pot, Castro and other communist regimes the radical leftists weren't giving up trying to kill God and the entire human race.

Fast forward to the late 1970's and the "official" founding of the Postmodernist ideology/meta-narrative/neo-religion which has swept across the West and taken full control over the curricula of most college departments on most American Campuses. The radical leftists were at it again, back with a new and improved version of Sadism from the 1700's and Marxism from the 1800's. Only this time? This time the radical leftists were willing to invest their psychotic philosophies in a several decade long attempt to corrupt and bring down the most powerful nation on Earth: our America.

Now, in our modern day, the postmodernists have at last succeeded in killing God from the minds of millions and millions of Americans and other Westerners and have convinced them the devil is not real and that there will be no consequence to pay for glutting themselves on human evil. Now, in our present Age, the radical leftists are closer than ever before to murdering the entire human race.

Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid, my main man . . . that Kool-Aid is over three centuries old. By now one might think or hope the average educated man was smart enough to smell its lethal flavor from quite some distance but alas, no, many millions of fools still want to gulp it down.
It's almost as if they are all history deniers. Here you have founders of BLM who are devout Marxists, yet they either don't know Marx was a racist or they somehow don't care.

How can they adopt an ideology with systemic racism in it?

But in terms of religion, Marx adamantly rejected Christianity, however, he seemed to try and retain some of the morality of it by advocating for the poor. What it ended up becoming was a movement based only on materialism. Mankind was lowered in value to a mere dollar sign as only money and wealth can produce a quality of life worth living.

I do think Marx would be appalled at how his ideology has oppressed and murdered so many hundreds of millions of people, but at the same time, that is what happens when one tries to adopt the presentation of Godliness but denies the power he or she is emulating. Keep in mind, before Christ walked the earth no one gave a damn about the poor. It shows you how Christ changed the world for the better, but when Christ is left out of the equation it still all goes to hell in a hand basket.

So when it comes to groups like BLM who are after dollar signs just like Marx, I can only tell them of the history of such folly and the murder and oppression that will soon be to follow. So while they clamor to destroy the family unit and religion, just know that they are making a hell on earth for themselves and everyone else.
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