Don't look now...but the Patriots are PO'd!

My whole issue is with Brady and the Patriots lying and cheating then holding themselves out as something special. No way can anyone get around that and finally in NE are they going after the cheater.

They are something "special" you moron! They are the best organization in the NFL over the past 15 none! It's not even close. Kraft is the best owner over that time period...Belichick is the best coach...Brady is the best quarterback...and they have had more class acts in as players than any other two teams combined! Your whole "issue" with the Patriots is that they kick the tar out of your favorite simply aren't honest enough to admit it!
Rah rah crybaby, you already admitted they were stinking lousy cheaters. Now try to claim you did not post this in your one moment of honesty, Oldstyle: "The Patriots were caught breaking the NFL's rules". :eek-52::crybaby::uhoh3:

It's ok little poopy pants, cleansing one's mind of long held misconceptions and coming out with the truth is good for wittle Oldfartstyle.:itsok:

Now you can go back to sleep.

I "admitted" that eight years ago the Patriots broke an NFL rule on where you were allowed to film your opponents sideline from. That's all I've "admitted". What's laughable is the claim from idiots like yourself that the Patriots win because they cheat...something that they disproved following "Spy Gate" by going undefeated all season and losing in the Super Bowl on David Tyree's miracle helmet catch!

"Inflate Gate" is an even bigger farce than "Spy Gate". Roger Goodell let himself get sucked into a steel cage death match with Robert Kraft and Tom Brady on the say so of the Indianapolis Colts...a team caught piping in artificial crowd noise to their stadium which is an obvious violation of the rules and proves that they are quite willing to cheat to gain an advantage over their opponents. The so called proof that the Patriots cheated is the deflated ball that the Colts had in their possession...the only ball out of 12 game balls that was deflated substantially! What Goodell SHOULD have done is ask Ted Wells to investigate how that one ball somehow became so deflated compared to all the others! What Goodell SHOULD have done is question the team that has proven themselves willing to blatantly cheat and that team would be the Indianapolis Colts.
Poor deflection

the fact is Brady cheated and lied as does the Patriots. You even supported that idea.

You keep making the charge that Brady "cheated and lied" and you've never backed it up with ANYTHING! That Federal Judge...the one that the NFL cherry picked because they thought he'd rule in their favor...looked at the evidence in the Well's Report and asked the NFL's lawyers if that was all they had! To say that he wasn't impressed by the NFL's case against Brady would be an understatement!

All I ever "supported" was that the Patriots broke a rule on where you could film from and paid the price for doing so! In my opinion they were singled out for doing something that other teams did as well (and we know that from former NFL coaches that admitted that it was common practice to try and figure out the opponents signals) and then some Patriot haters in the New York NFL offices EIGHT YEARS LATER used THAT to declare that the Patriots deserved Draconian punishment for "Deflate Gate" a so called cheating scandal that they totally failed to prove ever took place!
Of course I have backed up every single thing I have said. You just can't handle the truth.

I mean, there are plenty of teams I don't like out there, but not to this extent. Seems like a personal problem.

Not his only one, I would expect.

It's not Phallics' fault, Unk...when you've lived in your parent's basement for as long as he has...surfing the internet for pictures of jock's going to affect you "inter-personal" skills. Look at who his only friend is here...Fart Boy...someone who's so delusional that he thinks 9/11 was an "inside job"!
When you are losing the argument you resort to personal attacks.

Your most honest comment was admitting the Patriots cheated.
Have you ever been to New England, hitler?
For years

When was the last time?
Recently although I am still in NE a great deal of the time.

And you manage to have absolutely no idea what the sporting milieu is in the area? Or do you want to just admit now you've been lying through your teeth?
Not everyone swallows the Patriots or Brady's bullshit. There are people in NE who hold principles higher than a win while being dishonest.
Have you ever been to New England, hitler?
For years

When was the last time?
Recently although I am still in NE a great deal of the time.

And you manage to have absolutely no idea what the sporting milieu is in the area? Or do you want to just admit now you've been lying through your teeth?
Not everyone swallows the Patriots or Brady's bullshit. There are people in NE who hold principles higher than a win while being dishonest.

You're full of shit. This 'deflate' nonsense was bullshit from day 1, and just about everyone here supports Brady and the Pats. If "Should Goodell go fuck himself?" were put on a referendum in the 6 New England states, it would pass with 99.9% of the vote. Anyone who has been in or spoken with anyone from New England in the past 9 months would know that. So you...
For years

When was the last time?
Recently although I am still in NE a great deal of the time.

And you manage to have absolutely no idea what the sporting milieu is in the area? Or do you want to just admit now you've been lying through your teeth?
Not everyone swallows the Patriots or Brady's bullshit. There are people in NE who hold principles higher than a win while being dishonest.

You're full of shit. This 'deflate' nonsense was bullshit from day 1, and just about everyone here supports Brady and the Pats. If "Should Goodell go fuck himself?" were put on a referendum in the 6 New England states, it would pass with 99.9% of the vote. Anyone who has been in or spoken with anyone from New England in the past 9 months would know that. So you...
who cares :dance:I know what I know i have cited the publications and you folks have your personal attacks in response and you call yourself Dripping Poop*

*Urban Dictionary: Unkotare
I know what I know...

No, you don't. Several people who DO know what is happening in NE have corrected you, but you seem to lack the character to admit you are speaking out of ignorance.
They have offered their skewed perspective I have spoken with some folks in the know in NE and around the league. I take all views and weigh based on facts, context etc. I have offered you people Boston based publications who are going after Brady. I get back meltdowns, drunken rants and dishonest comments which only serves to buttress my POV.
Have you ever been to New England, hitler?
For years

When was the last time?
Recently although I am still in NE a great deal of the time.

Try something the next time you're there, Phallics. Go to a local bar and start talking smack about Tom Brady being a liar and a cheat in a real loud voice. I've got a feeling that you'll find out first hand how people feel about Brady in New England. The only question is who'd be the first one to punch your lights out...a guy or a girl.
I mean, there are plenty of teams I don't like out there, but not to this extent. Seems like a personal problem.

Not his only one, I would expect.

It's not Phallics' fault, Unk...when you've lived in your parent's basement for as long as he has...surfing the internet for pictures of jock's going to affect you "inter-personal" skills. Look at who his only friend is here...Fart Boy...someone who's so delusional that he thinks 9/11 was an "inside job"!
When you are losing the argument you resort to personal attacks.

Your most honest comment was admitting the Patriots cheated.

Dude, you've done nothing but attack people since this string started! You and Fart Boy do little else.
Go to a local bar and start talking smack about Tom Brady being a liar and a cheat in a real loud voice. I've got a feeling that you'll find out first hand how people feel about Brady in New England. The only question is who'd be the first one to punch your lights out...a guy or a girl.


That would be hilarious. The real question would be if he were to leave that bar through the door, a window, or on a stretcher.
Go to a local bar and start talking smack about Tom Brady being a liar and a cheat in a real loud voice. I've got a feeling that you'll find out first hand how people feel about Brady in New England. The only question is who'd be the first one to punch your lights out...a guy or a girl.


That would be hilarious. The real question would be if he were to leave that bar through the door, a window, or on a stretcher.

He'd probably go through a window ON the stretcher, Unk...just as soon as the Paramedics heard what he got whacked for.
And at the hospital he'd be slated for a colonoscopy after being diagnosed as having his head up his ass!

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