Don't look now...but the Patriots are PO'd!

I notice Phallics was on the board just a few minutes ago but for some reason he's avoiding this string. Poor Phallics...the Patriots remain undefeated and it's got to be KILLING him! Now he's got to watch his 1-5 Ravens take on the 4-2 Cardinals playing out in Arizona! Things just keep getting worse and worse...:itsok:
Patriots rule! Another miserable day for Phallics and Fart Boy! Gotta love it!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It would be a miserable day if I were you and hung on the accomplishments of another man or team especially those like you have who cheaters and played a sport you stated was for pansies. In the end no matter how many games they win you always lose.:uhoh3::laugh:
Patriots rule! Another miserable day for Phallics and Fart Boy! Gotta love it!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It would be a miserable day if I were you and hung on the accomplishments of another man or team especially those like you have who cheaters and played a sport you stated was for pansies. In the end no matter how many games they win you always lose.:uhoh3::laugh:

No matter how many games they win...I still lose? With that matter how many games the Ravens still win?:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Your problem, Phallics is that you're "hung" on the accomplishments of Tom Brady and the Patriots and it's a miserable day for you every time they win. That's the difference between a hater and a fan.
Chris Carter on Mike & Mike this morning said that Tom Brady could win with the Washington Generals. Unlike yourself...he recognizes greatness.
Patriots rule! Another miserable day for Phallics and Fart Boy! Gotta love it!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It would be a miserable day if I were you and hung on the accomplishments of another man or team especially those like you have who cheaters and played a sport you stated was for pansies. In the end no matter how many games they win you always lose.:uhoh3::laugh:

No matter how many games they win...I still lose? With that matter how many games the Ravens still win?:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Your problem, Phallics is that you're "hung" on the accomplishments of Tom Brady and the Patriots and it's a miserable day for you every time they win. That's the difference between a hater and a fan.
Yes you lose as a person. No one who has a strong sense of self would place so so much of their identity on the accomplishments of another man or group of men.
Patriots rule! Another miserable day for Phallics and Fart Boy! Gotta love it!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It would be a miserable day if I were you and hung on the accomplishments of another man or team especially those like you have who cheaters and played a sport you stated was for pansies. In the end no matter how many games they win you always lose.:uhoh3::laugh:

No matter how many games they win...I still lose? With that matter how many games the Ravens still win?:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Your problem, Phallics is that you're "hung" on the accomplishments of Tom Brady and the Patriots and it's a miserable day for you every time they win. That's the difference between a hater and a fan.
Yes you lose as a person. No one who has a strong sense of self would place so so much of their identity on the accomplishments of another man or group of men.

Dude, my "self" was teaching golf yesterday afternoon when that game was played! That's my "identity" no matter if the Patriots win or lose. You're the obsessed one...not I! A true fan roots for their team and takes pleasure when they do well...a hater (which you so obviously are!) roots against a team and takes pleasure when they struggle.
I think your negative karma is biting you in the arse, Phallics...if you weren't so'd see that!
Patriots rule! Another miserable day for Phallics and Fart Boy! Gotta love it!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It would be a miserable day if I were you and hung on the accomplishments of another man or team especially those like you have who cheaters and played a sport you stated was for pansies. In the end no matter how many games they win you always lose.:uhoh3::laugh:

No matter how many games they win...I still lose? With that matter how many games the Ravens still win?:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Your problem, Phallics is that you're "hung" on the accomplishments of Tom Brady and the Patriots and it's a miserable day for you every time they win. That's the difference between a hater and a fan.
Yes you lose as a person. No one who has a strong sense of self would place so so much of their identity on the accomplishments of another man or group of men.

Dude, my "self" was teaching golf yesterday afternoon when that game was played! That's my "identity" no matter if the Patriots win or lose. You're the obsessed one...not I! A true fan roots for their team and takes pleasure when they do well...a hater (which you so obviously are!) roots against a team and takes pleasure when they struggle.

Oldstyle:"Dude, my "self" was teaching golf yesterday"

Who cares, the fact remains that you speak about Brady and his wife like you are he and she is with thee. Low self esteem, low self image. Go smoke jack's joint you will feel better especially after you just had to name drop that one like it meant anything to anyone else.:uhoh3::itsok:

Oldstyle: My name is OLDSTYLE and this is my flag.:bsflag:
I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing on the football field but I think most REAL fans of the game enjoy watching Brady play. I enjoy his mastery of the game just as I enjoyed Joe Montana, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning's mastery of the game.

The very last thing I'd be doing is watching a game because I'm hoping to see a team I hate lose. That's YOUR gig, Phallics...not mine!
I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing on the football field but I think most REAL fans of the game enjoy watching Brady play. I enjoy his mastery of the game just as I enjoyed Joe Montana, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning's mastery of the game.

The very last thing I'd be doing is watching a game because I'm hoping to see a team I hate lose. That's YOUR gig, Phallics...not mine!
Oldstyle: "I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing"

If that is only what you did I agree. What you do is run to the keyboard tripping over your pudgy little feet exclaiming in your falsetto voice "the Patriots won" then attempting to make others feel shame and self doubt. That is a sure fire sign that you have no sense of self. The next thing was name dropping like it means anything.

Who is this picture of?
I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing on the football field but I think most REAL fans of the game enjoy watching Brady play. I enjoy his mastery of the game just as I enjoyed Joe Montana, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning's mastery of the game.

The very last thing I'd be doing is watching a game because I'm hoping to see a team I hate lose. That's YOUR gig, Phallics...not mine!
Oldstyle: "I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing"

If that is only what you did I agree. What you do is run to the keyboard tripping over your pudgy little feet exclaiming in your falsetto voice "the Patriots won" then attempting to make others feel shame and self doubt. That is a sure fire sign that you have no sense of self. The next thing was name dropping like it means anything.

Who is this picture of?

I'm five pounds heavier now then when I graduated from college back in 1978! I don't have "pudgy little feet"...I wear a size 12! My voice has been a baritone since I hit puberty! Could you possibly be any more wrong than you are?

The only reason you feel shame and self doubt is because your world is built around hating Tom Brady and the Patriots...and he keeps playing better and better! Get a life, Dude! What you're doing with it at the moment is pretty damn pathetic!
I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing on the football field but I think most REAL fans of the game enjoy watching Brady play. I enjoy his mastery of the game just as I enjoyed Joe Montana, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning's mastery of the game.

The very last thing I'd be doing is watching a game because I'm hoping to see a team I hate lose. That's YOUR gig, Phallics...not mine!
Oldstyle: "I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing"

If that is only what you did I agree. What you do is run to the keyboard tripping over your pudgy little feet exclaiming in your falsetto voice "the Patriots won" then attempting to make others feel shame and self doubt. That is a sure fire sign that you have no sense of self. The next thing was name dropping like it means anything.

Who is this picture of?

I'm five pounds heavier now then when I graduated from college back in 1978! I don't have "pudgy little feet"...I wear a size 12! My voice has been a baritone since I hit puberty! Could you possibly be any more wrong than you are?

The only reason you feel shame and self doubt is because your world is built around hating Tom Brady and the Patriots...and he keeps playing better and better! Get a life, Dude! What you're doing with it at the moment is pretty damn pathetic!

I knew you could not answer who was in the picture. That is Steve Spagnuolo your VERY GOOD friend, the guy you knew in college and you did not recognize him! Smells like a lying rat to me! You are a lying sack of Brady jockstraps. Now take your pudgy sweaty little size 2's and scurry off somewhere where you can squeal and cry because you have also been found out to be a liar just like Tom Brady and the Patriots.:uhoh3::itsok::dance:

A photograph of the Springfield College seniors on the 1981 football team. The people in the photograph are [front row L to R] Steve Spagnuolo, John Giusti, Bob Gerena, Jim Collis, Joe Ennis; [2nd row L to R] Bob Intemann, John Vella, Tony Green, Gary Crowell, and John Lalikos. [3rd row L to R] Dick Sheehan, Ray Handy, Paul Ferraro, John Richardson, and Jim Kirchberger.

Lying sack of jock straps is name dropping lying sack!:eek::bsflag:
I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing on the football field but I think most REAL fans of the game enjoy watching Brady play. I enjoy his mastery of the game just as I enjoyed Joe Montana, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning's mastery of the game.

The very last thing I'd be doing is watching a game because I'm hoping to see a team I hate lose. That's YOUR gig, Phallics...not mine!
Oldstyle: "I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing"

If that is only what you did I agree. What you do is run to the keyboard tripping over your pudgy little feet exclaiming in your falsetto voice "the Patriots won" then attempting to make others feel shame and self doubt. That is a sure fire sign that you have no sense of self. The next thing was name dropping like it means anything.

Who is this picture of?
thats funny that old fart style says he really enjoys seeing brady do his thing.Yeah he really enjoys liars and cheaters lie through their teeth which is why he loves the cheats so
Patriots rule! Another miserable day for Phallics and Fart Boy! Gotta love it!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
It would be a miserable day if I were you and hung on the accomplishments of another man or team especially those like you have who cheaters and played a sport you stated was for pansies. In the end no matter how many games they win you always lose.:uhoh3::laugh:

No matter how many games they win...I still lose? With that matter how many games the Ravens still win?:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Your problem, Phallics is that you're "hung" on the accomplishments of Tom Brady and the Patriots and it's a miserable day for you every time they win. That's the difference between a hater and a fan.
Yes you lose as a person. No one who has a strong sense of self would place so so much of their identity on the accomplishments of another man or group of men.

I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing on the football field but I think most REAL fans of the game enjoy watching Brady play. I enjoy his mastery of the game just as I enjoyed Joe Montana, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning's mastery of the game.

The very last thing I'd be doing is watching a game because I'm hoping to see a team I hate lose. That's YOUR gig, Phallics...not mine!
Oldstyle: "I readily admit that I enjoy watching Tom Brady do his thing"

If that is only what you did I agree. What you do is run to the keyboard tripping over your pudgy little feet exclaiming in your falsetto voice "the Patriots won" then attempting to make others feel shame and self doubt. That is a sure fire sign that you have no sense of self. The next thing was name dropping like it means anything.

Who is this picture of?
thats funny that old fart style says he really enjoys seeing brady do his thing.Yeah he really enjoys liars and cheaters lie through their teeth which is why he loves the cheats so

That is OFS alright watching every move Brady makes

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