Don't look now...but the Patriots are PO'd!

Let me're a little cranky because your Ravens got spanked AGAIN?

Friends come and go in life as well. The people I hung out with when I was twenty generally aren't the people I hung out with when I was forty. I'm like most people, Phallics...I've evolved over the years. It's what you do when you've had a full life.

The question is, why does he care so much? He is having a VERY difficult time staying on topic and is just lashing out now. Very typical behavior from this poster.

Anyway, the Pats are doing great. Like I told Alex and the others, the Pats do not NEED to cheat because they are a great team. Anyone who knows squat about football can see that.

He's obsessive. He hates the Patriots and Tom Brady because they beat up on the Ravens. He's lashing out now because the Ravens are 1-6 and the Patriots are 6-0! It's pretty much a nightmare scenario for Phallics. He's maintained that the only reason Brady and the Patriots win is because they cheat...yet even though they are the most scrutinized team EVER to play in the NFL they keep right on winning. Brady in that game against the Jets was about as good a performance as you'll ever see at quarterback. He absolutely carved up a Jets defense that came into that game as the number one defense in the league. You've gotta know that absolutely drives Phallics CRAZY! I picture him sitting in front of his television set and doing this when Brady completed that pass on third and 17...:blowup:
Let me're a little cranky because your Ravens got spanked AGAIN?

Friends come and go in life as well. The people I hung out with when I was twenty generally aren't the people I hung out with when I was forty. I'm like most people, Phallics...I've evolved over the years. It's what you do when you've had a full life.
Does not mean you have to exaggerate, embellish and lie. So please stop.

How have I embellished, exaggerated or lied? Just because YOU haven't had a life, Phallics...don't assume everyone else has been as boring as you obviously are!
You have embellished and lied by claiming to be friends and then not knowing who they are. You have to try to impress anonymous posters on an internet messageboard so much that you will stoop so low as to compromise your own dignity. That is where I start to feel sorry for you.

I show you a picture of a famous and accomplished man you claim to be friends with and you don't even recognize him. Now you can wipe the egg off your face we all know who we are dealing with when we read your posts. :itsok:

I found a picture of you
you are not 195LBs, nor do you have size 12 feet and the closest thing you will ever be to a golf pro is cleaning off the goose crap from their golf shoes. Use sunscreen OFS, use sunscreen. ;)

You are just like the lying, cheating Brady and Patriots.:uhoh3::laugh:

You showed me a picture that is so small I still couldn't tell who was in it even after you told me who it was!

Thanks for telling me I'm like the Patriots and Brady though, Phallics...I'll take that compliment six times a week and twice on Sunday! You on the other hand are just like the Ravens...:cool:
Please stop lying.

That was not a compliment OFS.

BTW you have made a bunch of football players very happy they read my post where I posted your picture playing golf. That laughed like crazy and made up a song about you.:clap2::laugh::laugh::laugh::rofl:
Let me're a little cranky because your Ravens got spanked AGAIN?

Friends come and go in life as well. The people I hung out with when I was twenty generally aren't the people I hung out with when I was forty. I'm like most people, Phallics...I've evolved over the years. It's what you do when you've had a full life.
Does not mean you have to exaggerate, embellish and lie. So please stop.

How have I embellished, exaggerated or lied? Just because YOU haven't had a life, Phallics...don't assume everyone else has been as boring as you obviously are!
You have embellished and lied by claiming to be friends and then not knowing who they are. You have to try to impress anonymous posters on an internet messageboard so much that you will stoop so low as to compromise your own dignity. That is where I start to feel sorry for you.

I show you a picture of a famous and accomplished man you claim to be friends with and you don't even recognize him. Now you can wipe the egg off your face we all know who we are dealing with when we read your posts. :itsok:

I found a picture of you
you are not 195LBs, nor do you have size 12 feet and the closest thing you will ever be to a golf pro is cleaning off the goose crap from their golf shoes. Use sunscreen OFS, use sunscreen. ;)

You are just like the lying, cheating Brady and Patriots.:uhoh3::laugh:

You showed me a picture that is so small I still couldn't tell who was in it even after you told me who it was!

Thanks for telling me I'm like the Patriots and Brady though, Phallics...I'll take that compliment six times a week and twice on Sunday! You on the other hand are just like the Ravens...:cool:
Please stop lying.

That was not a compliment OFS.

BTW you have made a bunch of football players very happy they read my post where I posted your picture playing golf. That laughed like crazy and made up a song about you.:clap2::laugh::laugh::laugh::rofl:

That would be the imaginary youth football team that you're the imaginary coach of? I'm sure they laughed their asses off, Phallics!
Maybe while you're imagining that, can imagine that your Ravens aren't 1-6 and the Patriots aren't 6-0?
Does not mean you have to exaggerate, embellish and lie. So please stop.

How have I embellished, exaggerated or lied? Just because YOU haven't had a life, Phallics...don't assume everyone else has been as boring as you obviously are!
You have embellished and lied by claiming to be friends and then not knowing who they are. You have to try to impress anonymous posters on an internet messageboard so much that you will stoop so low as to compromise your own dignity. That is where I start to feel sorry for you.

I show you a picture of a famous and accomplished man you claim to be friends with and you don't even recognize him. Now you can wipe the egg off your face we all know who we are dealing with when we read your posts. :itsok:

I found a picture of you
you are not 195LBs, nor do you have size 12 feet and the closest thing you will ever be to a golf pro is cleaning off the goose crap from their golf shoes. Use sunscreen OFS, use sunscreen. ;)

You are just like the lying, cheating Brady and Patriots.:uhoh3::laugh:

You showed me a picture that is so small I still couldn't tell who was in it even after you told me who it was!

Thanks for telling me I'm like the Patriots and Brady though, Phallics...I'll take that compliment six times a week and twice on Sunday! You on the other hand are just like the Ravens...:cool:
Please stop lying.

That was not a compliment OFS.

BTW you have made a bunch of football players very happy they read my post where I posted your picture playing golf. That laughed like crazy and made up a song about you.:clap2::laugh::laugh::laugh::rofl:

That would be the imaginary youth football team that you're the imaginary coach of? I'm sure they laughed their asses off, Phallics!
You are such a butthurt sourpuss.:itsok:
How have I embellished, exaggerated or lied? Just because YOU haven't had a life, Phallics...don't assume everyone else has been as boring as you obviously are!
You have embellished and lied by claiming to be friends and then not knowing who they are. You have to try to impress anonymous posters on an internet messageboard so much that you will stoop so low as to compromise your own dignity. That is where I start to feel sorry for you.

I show you a picture of a famous and accomplished man you claim to be friends with and you don't even recognize him. Now you can wipe the egg off your face we all know who we are dealing with when we read your posts. :itsok:

I found a picture of you
you are not 195LBs, nor do you have size 12 feet and the closest thing you will ever be to a golf pro is cleaning off the goose crap from their golf shoes. Use sunscreen OFS, use sunscreen. ;)

You are just like the lying, cheating Brady and Patriots.:uhoh3::laugh:

You showed me a picture that is so small I still couldn't tell who was in it even after you told me who it was!

Thanks for telling me I'm like the Patriots and Brady though, Phallics...I'll take that compliment six times a week and twice on Sunday! You on the other hand are just like the Ravens...:cool:
Please stop lying.

That was not a compliment OFS.

BTW you have made a bunch of football players very happy they read my post where I posted your picture playing golf. That laughed like crazy and made up a song about you.:clap2::laugh::laugh::laugh::rofl:

That would be the imaginary youth football team that you're the imaginary coach of? I'm sure they laughed their asses off, Phallics!
You are such a butthurt sourpuss.:itsok:

What would I possibly have to be "butthurt" about, Phallics! I'm a Patriots fan. Life is good!
You on the other hand are a Ravens fan...which means you are the very EPITOME of "butthurt"!
You have embellished and lied by claiming to be friends and then not knowing who they are. You have to try to impress anonymous posters on an internet messageboard so much that you will stoop so low as to compromise your own dignity. That is where I start to feel sorry for you.

I show you a picture of a famous and accomplished man you claim to be friends with and you don't even recognize him. Now you can wipe the egg off your face we all know who we are dealing with when we read your posts. :itsok:

I found a picture of you
you are not 195LBs, nor do you have size 12 feet and the closest thing you will ever be to a golf pro is cleaning off the goose crap from their golf shoes. Use sunscreen OFS, use sunscreen. ;)

You are just like the lying, cheating Brady and Patriots.:uhoh3::laugh:

You showed me a picture that is so small I still couldn't tell who was in it even after you told me who it was!

Thanks for telling me I'm like the Patriots and Brady though, Phallics...I'll take that compliment six times a week and twice on Sunday! You on the other hand are just like the Ravens...:cool:
Please stop lying.

That was not a compliment OFS.

BTW you have made a bunch of football players very happy they read my post where I posted your picture playing golf. That laughed like crazy and made up a song about you.:clap2::laugh::laugh::laugh::rofl:

That would be the imaginary youth football team that you're the imaginary coach of? I'm sure they laughed their asses off, Phallics!
You are such a butthurt sourpuss.:itsok:

What would I possibly have to be "butthurt" about, Phallics! I'm a Patriots fan. Life is good!
You on the other hand are a Ravens fan...which means you are the very EPITOME of "butthurt"!

Oldstyle: "What would I possibly have to be "butthurt" about,"

Look in the mirror
Like I said...what would I have to be butthurt about?
Like I said look in the mirror.

Incidentally, I has told you several times which team and the years I liked. Seems like you have issues other than poor character traits and bad judgment.
Last edited:
You has told me? Seems like you have issues with grammar. Doh!!!
Grammar? LOL if that is all you have is to cite a typo you have very serious issues shorty. The fact of the matter: you have nothing of self esteem, you need to drop names of people you never truly got to know but may have held the door open for. You constantly try to impress with a fictitious life that you alone have conjured up and when you are called on that you boast about the accomplishments of another man including his wife as of they were yours. You have very, very serious problems and I am glad this is an anonymous messageboard or I would be concerned that you would find me and badger me with your incessant ill conceived opinions.

Now put on your baby booties and paddle those tiny flappers of yours back into the hole you came out of you strange little woman/man/cross-dresser.:rolleyes:

BTW thanks again for confirming the Patriots are cheaters.
You has told me? Seems like you have issues with grammar. Doh!!!
Grammar? LOL if that is all you have is to cite a typo you have very serious issues shorty. The fact of the matter: you have nothing of self esteem, you need to drop names of people you never truly got to know but may have held the door open for. You constantly try to impress with a fictitious life that you alone have conjured up and when you are called on that you boast about the accomplishments of another man including his wife as of they were yours. You have very, very serious problems and I am glad this is an anonymous messageboard or I would be concerned that you would find me and badger me with your incessant ill conceived opinions.

Now put on your baby booties and paddle those tiny flappers of yours back into the hole you came out of you strange little woman/man/cross-dresser.:rolleyes:

BTW thanks again for confirming the Patriots are cheaters.

Is this the part where you melt down and start lashing out at everyone who gives you shit about being a Ravens fan? Too funny, Phallics! I don't remember when I've enjoyed an NFL season more than this one and it's all because of you!
You has told me? Seems like you have issues with grammar. Doh!!!
Grammar? LOL if that is all you have is to cite a typo you have very serious issues shorty. The fact of the matter: you have nothing of self esteem, you need to drop names of people you never truly got to know but may have held the door open for. You constantly try to impress with a fictitious life that you alone have conjured up and when you are called on that you boast about the accomplishments of another man including his wife as of they were yours. You have very, very serious problems and I am glad this is an anonymous messageboard or I would be concerned that you would find me and badger me with your incessant ill conceived opinions.

Now put on your baby booties and paddle those tiny flappers of yours back into the hole you came out of you strange little woman/man/cross-dresser.:rolleyes:

BTW thanks again for confirming the Patriots are cheaters.

Is this the part where you melt down and start lashing out at everyone who gives you shit about being a Ravens fan? Too funny, Phallics! I don't remember when I've enjoyed an NFL season more than this one and it's all because of you!

No meltdown. I am calling it as I see it based on your posts. You need some serious help little big man.
I need help? You're the one who's into jockstraps, strange pictures of midgets and Tom Brady! You're the one who's rooting for a team that's 1-6! You're the one who's spent most of their life sitting in their parents basement! You're the one who has an imaginary youth football team that you send imaginary texts to! Your whole life is a meltdown, little buddy! It's what you DO! It's who you ARE!
I need help? You're the one who's into jockstraps, strange pictures of midgets and Tom Brady! You're the one who's rooting for a team that's 1-6! You're the one who's spent most of their life sitting in their parents basement! You're the one who has an imaginary youth football team that you send imaginary texts to! Your whole life is a meltdown, little buddy! It's what you DO! It's who you ARE!
Oldtsyle: "I need help"

Yes you do.
I need help? You're the one who's into jockstraps, strange pictures of midgets and Tom Brady! You're the one who's rooting for a team that's 1-6! You're the one who's spent most of their life sitting in their parents basement! You're the one who has an imaginary youth football team that you send imaginary texts to! Your whole life is a meltdown, little buddy! It's what you DO! It's who you ARE!
Oldtsyle: "I need help"

Yes you do.

You whine about "typos", Phallics but you misquote people on a daily basis. Please don't attribute things to me that I never said. It's sleazy and when you do it...YOU are sleazy!

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