DOW welcomes Biden with 450 point loss


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Apparently Wall Street has fallen out of love with Democrats.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly hit an intraday record high on Monday before diving into negative territory as investors grew increasingly concerned that tightening restrictions in New York City and elsewhere could weigh down the economy.

The Dow hit an intraday record high of 30,325 after the first hour of trading but slumped through the rest of the day as positive news on the vaccine rollout was offset by news that further restrictions will crimp business in the weeks before Christmas. New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio said that the city could need to go into ‘full shutdown’ to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed."

Dow Swings to Loss in 450 Point Reversal on Lockdown Fears
It was actually down 184, or -0.62%, and the NASDAQ was up 62, or +0.50%.

And one day's gyrations in the market means nothing. The stimulus failure was a larger factor today, and that will ultimately change.

Arrogant ignorance: Trumpism personified. If one of them wants to discuss markets or economics with you, run.
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Apparently Wall Street has fallen out of love with Democrats.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly hit an intraday record high on Monday before diving into negative territory as investors grew increasingly concerned that tightening restrictions in New York City and elsewhere could weigh down the economy.

The Dow hit an intraday record high of 30,325 after the first hour of trading but slumped through the rest of the day as positive news on the vaccine rollout was offset by news that further restrictions will crimp business in the weeks before Christmas. New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio said that the city could need to go into ‘full shutdown’ to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed."

Dow Swings to Loss in 450 Point Reversal on Lockdown Fears
This is a lie.
Apparently Wall Street has fallen out of love with Democrats.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly hit an intraday record high on Monday before diving into negative territory as investors grew increasingly concerned that tightening restrictions in New York City and elsewhere could weigh down the economy.

The Dow hit an intraday record high of 30,325 after the first hour of trading but slumped through the rest of the day as positive news on the vaccine rollout was offset by news that further restrictions will crimp business in the weeks before Christmas. New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio said that the city could need to go into ‘full shutdown’ to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed."

Dow Swings to Loss in 450 Point Reversal on Lockdown Fears
This is a lie.

You'd better hope I'm wrong. Cash in your investments yet?
Apparently Wall Street has fallen out of love with Democrats.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly hit an intraday record high on Monday before diving into negative territory as investors grew increasingly concerned that tightening restrictions in New York City and elsewhere could weigh down the economy.

The Dow hit an intraday record high of 30,325 after the first hour of trading but slumped through the rest of the day as positive news on the vaccine rollout was offset by news that further restrictions will crimp business in the weeks before Christmas. New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio said that the city could need to go into ‘full shutdown’ to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed."

Dow Swings to Loss in 450 Point Reversal on Lockdown Fears
Dow on Nov 3, 2020 - 27,480
One day before inauguration - 30,930
Dow close after inauguration - 31,188

What was your point again?

Sure I didn't follow your advice and sell.
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Apparently Wall Street has fallen out of love with Democrats.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly hit an intraday record high on Monday before diving into negative territory as investors grew increasingly concerned that tightening restrictions in New York City and elsewhere could weigh down the economy.

The Dow hit an intraday record high of 30,325 after the first hour of trading but slumped through the rest of the day as positive news on the vaccine rollout was offset by news that further restrictions will crimp business in the weeks before Christmas. New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio said that the city could need to go into ‘full shutdown’ to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed."

Dow Swings to Loss in 450 Point Reversal on Lockdown Fears
This is a lie.

You'd better hope I'm wrong. Cash in your investments yet?
Ignored your advice. I’ve done VERY well. Meanwhile, you end up looking like a fool.
Apparently Wall Street has fallen out of love with Democrats.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly hit an intraday record high on Monday before diving into negative territory as investors grew increasingly concerned that tightening restrictions in New York City and elsewhere could weigh down the economy.

The Dow hit an intraday record high of 30,325 after the first hour of trading but slumped through the rest of the day as positive news on the vaccine rollout was offset by news that further restrictions will crimp business in the weeks before Christmas. New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio said that the city could need to go into ‘full shutdown’ to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed."

Dow Swings to Loss in 450 Point Reversal on Lockdown Fears
Took this fucking 'patriot' 5 weeks to claim a loss in the SM.
So, what will the next months PROVE to this idiot JGalt

You could be correct,

but to claim some kind of victory is galtlike. Pussy.
Dow on Nov 3, 2020 - 27,480
One day before inauguration - 30,930
Dow close after inauguration - 31,188

What was your point again?

Sure I didn't follow your advice and sell.

Bears make money.
Bulls make money.
Pigs get slaughtered.

Hold onto what you have until it's all gone.
I've been retired for 16 years and been drawing from my 401(k). I've got more money in my portfolio than I did in 2004.
I've been retired for 16 years and been drawing from my 401(k). I've got more money in my portfolio than I did in 2004.


A very high percentage of Americans don't participate in 401(K) plans, foolishly trusting that "the government" will provide all their needs and wants. There's a name for them: "Idiots". Though they seem to prefer being called: "Victims".

For the young a down market is a buying opportunity.

Beyond a certain age - different age for different people - it's prudent to check probable longevity against the fund balance and decide which way to go. If the market is climbing sit still. If it's falling and you have enough to last, factoring in inflation, to about age 110 then maybe it's time get out.

Bears make money.
Bulls make money.
Pigs get slaughtered.

Nobody ever went broke by
leaving a little cash on the table.
Apparently Wall Street has fallen out of love with Democrats.

"The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly hit an intraday record high on Monday before diving into negative territory as investors grew increasingly concerned that tightening restrictions in New York City and elsewhere could weigh down the economy.

The Dow hit an intraday record high of 30,325 after the first hour of trading but slumped through the rest of the day as positive news on the vaccine rollout was offset by news that further restrictions will crimp business in the weeks before Christmas. New York City Mayor Bill di Blasio said that the city could need to go into ‘full shutdown’ to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed."

Dow Swings to Loss in 450 Point Reversal on Lockdown Fears
Where is the market now?

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