Dr. Who classics..............digitalized???


Platinum Member
Jan 14, 2024
I love Dr. Who as millions of others do.
My problem with the early years (lets say 1963 to 1986) is the tech they used in filming.
I'm sure they used what was "state of the art" at the time of filming, but so many enhancements have been made in the world of video technology.

They digitalized Star Trek the original series. I have yet to find a copy of this to watch, but I heard they did a good job at enhancements without really changing the "life" of the original series.

Why can't they do this with the early Dr. Who series'???

I'm not talking about changing anything or adding anything, like they did with the original Star Wars movies.

I'm just talking about cleaning up the sound and the picture. Clear them up and make them into a higher standard of viewing.
I for one, would love this........especially with with the black and white episodes.

Do you think it's blasphamy, or would you like to see a cleaned up version of the early years of Dr. Who before they started using digitalized cameras in the late 80's????


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