Drag queen storytime supporters drown out protest in Lincoln Square

Can someone please explain the point of drag queen story hour? What is the purpose?
People dress up and read to kids all the time. At the hospitals I contract with there is a retired woman who dresses up like Raggedy Ann who comes and performs and reads to the kids. I don't think that's what needs to be explained to you morons. What needs to be explained to you thirsty morons is that not everything you encounter is about sex. For some reason you folks sexualize things and then project that on to everyone else. Drag is performance art in the same vein as Vaudeville.
Can someone please explain the point of drag queen story hour? What is the purpose?

Largely IMO the same purpose as this.


this is so not right for children. this community out to be shamed for defending it. the protestors were right.
I suppose there are as many perverts in downtown chicago as there are killers in the hood

How sad for the decent people still living there
Can someone please explain the point of drag queen story hour? What is the purpose?
Since homo's in same sex marriages generally don't reproduce and would slowly die out.
Homo's have to groom young kids with events like drag queen story hour in the hope the kids will join their perversion when they grow older.
People dress up and read to kids all the time. At the hospitals I contract with there is a retired woman who dresses up like Raggedy Ann who comes and performs and reads to the kids. I don't think that's what needs to be explained to you morons. What needs to be explained to you thirsty morons is that not everything you encounter is about sex. For some reason you folks sexualize things and then project that on to everyone else. Drag is performance art in the same vein as Vaudeville.

Ok, so some people dress up as story characters or animals, for the kids, to give them a visual appeal while listening to a story. Kids like seeing their favorite animals or story characters come to life. They also see some characters are big teddy bears, of sorts.

You say that men dressing up as women is also about giving the kids a visual appeal for a story? What about dressing up as a woman brings something to life for the kids?

Remember, a drag queen isn’t the same as trans, a drag queen is just performance, so I’m trying to understand what benefit to the kid it has.
Grooming children, duh

Maybe, maybe not. That’s why I’m trying to understand the reason for a man dressing up as a woman. I can understand someone dressing up as a cow or a horse, if they are reading a story about animals, or, as curriedgoats said about raggedy Ann, but, just curious about drag queen dress up for kids
Since homo's in same sex marriages generally don't reproduce and would slowly die out.
Homo's have to groom young kids with events like drag queen story hour in the hope the kids will join their perversion when they grow older.

But that’s the thing, drag queens are not always about homosexuality, and some drag queens aren’t even gay, it’s just a performance.

I’m just trying to understand what benefit it is for the kids to have a man dressed up in drag, reading to them.
Ok, so some people dress up as story characters or animals, for the kids, to give them a visual appeal while listening to a story. Kids like seeing their favorite animals or story characters come to life. They also see some characters are big teddy bears, of sorts.

You say that men dressing up as women is also about giving the kids a visual appeal for a story? What about dressing up as a woman brings something to life for the kids?

Remember, a drag queen isn’t the same as trans, a drag queen is just performance, so I’m trying to understand what benefit to the kid it has.
It's dress up and make believe guy. That's appealing to people young and old. Disney makes billions of dollars a year off it. You're the weirdos making it a sex thing.
Maybe, maybe not. That’s why I’m trying to understand the reason for a man dressing up as a woman. I can understand someone dressing up as a cow or a horse, if they are reading a story about animals, or, as curriedgoats said about raggedy Ann, but, just curious about drag queen dress up for kids

Why don't they do senior citizen drag shows?
Why don't they do senior citizen drag shows?
they do, duh.
Drag shows in retirement communities
Drag shows have been performed in retirement communities, and some say that the audiences have been loving and supportive. For example, one performer said that the audience at Rose Villa was loving and positive, and that they were blown away by the energy and focus from the people there

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