Drag queen storytime supporters drown out protest in Lincoln Square

Did I say I had a problem with people reading to children or did I question why drag queens insist on reading to children? You have a comprehension issue.
What do you mean by insist? Are you suggesting they're abducting children and reading to them against their will or are they hosting these story time events and parents and their children are showing up of their own accord? Do you understand freedom of association?
What do you mean by insist? Are you suggesting they're abducting children and reading to them against their will or are they hosting these story time events and parents and their children are showing up of their own accord? Do you understand freedom of association?
I said nothing of the sort. I said they insist on reading to children. Insist has nothing to do with abduction, against one’s will, or freedom of association.

You are really struggling with comprehension which has now moved on to definitions. The irony is you called me ignorant.
I said nothing of the sort. I said they insist on reading to children. Insist has nothing to do with abduction, against one’s will, or freedom of association.

You are really struggling with comprehension which has now moved on to definitions. The irony is you called me ignorant.
I fully admit that I'm struggling to comprehend what you mean by insist. I still don't know what you mean. Insistence to me means you aren't giving people an option.
You people must live in some odd towns where there’s like non-stop drag queen story hours on every street corner, as much as you all never stop talking about it. I’ve never in my life seen one or even heard about one outside of online discussions

Either that or you all just enjoy to wallow in pearl clutching, faux outrage hysteria
Pssst! No, it's not.

But this thread is about drag queens performing for children. Why are you trying to distract from that?

i'm not. because what you think is 'grooming; ... is not.

know what else is grooming?



that is.


& that.


The difference is conservatives want child molesters executed. Their politics is immaterial.

Leftists want their leaders protected from prosecution and believe being attracted to children is natural.

i have no problems with the death penalty for rapists, whether it is a child or adult.
I'll address your links but first of all one of the prosecutors in South Florida that gave Epstein a sweetheart plea deal ended up as Trump's Labor Secretary.

Alexander Acosta - Wikipedia

Now about your links. The first one isn't about Democrats not prosectuing people for pedophilia or their crimes against children. It's about a changing of the sex registry which is something you get put on after conviction. Personally I don't think they go far enough. Once you pay your debt to society I think that should be it. You shouldn't be made to have to go around and tell your neighbors about your past. To me that feels like a violation of your freedom of speech and privacy. That seems like government compelling speech. Criminal records are public records for anyone inclined to look on their own behalf.

The other links are about making an intellectual distinction between people who are attracted to kids through no fault of their own and pedophiles who are the people who actually act on that attraction and harm children. What's your problem with that?
Oh, I dunno, I guess I just don't want children harmed by evil people. Your mileage may vary.
i'm not. because what you think is 'grooming; ... is not.

know what else is grooming?



that is.


& that.


Oh, so you object to people teaching their children safe handling and use of firearms.

There is no rational reason to oppose that.

Unless you want to do something to them that would get you shot.

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