Dresden in 1945

Yes and no. They attacked with their left wing terror specially people in leading positions of politics and economy. The right wing terror at this time of history targeted everyone. ... Oh sorry ... You do not speak about the terrorists from the RAF (=Roter Armee Fraktion = "Red Army Faction") - but from the Royal Air Force.

The what? Aha "United States Army Air Force". Not only "our air force"?

When? Where? In world war 2? What you targeted or not targeted is totally uninteresting for me. An US-American of the year 1913 has today about 3 descendents. A German of the year 1913 has today about 1/2 descendent. And the main reason for this situation is Great Britian and the USA. In my view to the world you murder your parents and grandparents and you feel like heroes to do so only because Germany never had done anything bad to you.

What a nonsense. Very short: Around the Cathedral of Cologne lived people - not machines.


Of what? ... It's always difficult to communicate with a Prussian who thinks he speaks with a Prussian. ... BoB? Bob Marley? Bobby car? Bayerische Oberlandbahn? ... damn ...

We planned an invasion? With what? A tunnel under the Ärmelkanal (=English Channel)?

We never went forward nor went back with "terror bombing". England declared war on Germany in two World Wars - without any reason to have to do so because Germany never had done anything bad to Great Britain - if we don't count that the Angeln und Sachsen (Anglers and Saxons) had conquered once the area which is called today England. Same with the USA. Germany never had done anything bad to the USA except that some Germans seddled down in the area which is called today USA.

What a nonsense. You had been able to murder refugees on the country roads but you had not been able blowing up rails? No wonder that you lost World War 2.

Depends on the priority. The hot phase of the Holoaust started in 1942 when everyone knew Germany will lose this war.

You have totally wrong ideas about how German Jews had been murdered. Let me give you an example - reality no joke - one strange case of millions of strange cases: An old German couple got a letter from the government where was written that to be a Jew is a crime. On this reason they will be arrested in a concentration camp. They got an exact list what to take with them in each of the both suitcases and got the exact time and place where their transport will start. They stood punctually at the roadside where they were loaded onto a truck by the SS and began their journey to Auschwitz.
You are appallingly ignorant.
Foolish nonsense. The US oil sanctions against Japan earned them the Japanese assault. Certainly, the sanctions followed the Japanese crusade in Asia.
As for Germany, it totally applies what I said.
lol Japs fully earned the embargo, and what you said was bullshit.
You need to learn some real history.
Your mental asylum history implies that the US has always been a victim. The superpower continuously being attacked by others out of boredom. This fire on sight order by Roosevelt was preceded by ongoing support for Britain at the time. So your claim Germany declared war on the US out of fun is absurd. It was a formal matter so Germans could defend themselves.
Certainly the Greer incident equals the Lusitania incident. Both incidents certainly had an impact on the public opinion...
You are appallingly ignorant.

Then tell me what you know but what I do not know so I am able to see the unevitable way to death of all Germans in another light of history. It's not nice to be murdered from the own children and grandchildren because then you can't even hate your murderers. But are you really surprised if you can't create a lovely, friendly and peaceful world with your way of thinking - better to say: with your way of not-thinking?

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Your mental asylum history implies that the US has always been a victim. The superpower continuously being attacked by others out of boredom. This fire on sight order by Roosevelt was preceded by ongoing support for Britain at the time. So your claim Germany declared war on the US out of fun is absurd. It was a formal matter so Germans could defend themselves.
Certainly the Greer incident equals the Lusitania incident. Both incidents certainly had an impact on the public opinion...

Now you need to keep lying until you bore everybody with your revisionisms, no matter how many times they get proven to be lies. And of course you still insist everybody else gets to decide who the U.S. trades with. Your Fuhrer was a psycho loser, and so were those that voted for him, period.
Now you need to keep lying until you bore everybody with your revisionisms, no matter how many times they get proven to be lies. And of course you still insist everybody else gets to decide who the U.S. trades with. Your Fuhrer was a psycho loser, and so were those that voted for him, period.

Bleipriester is one of the two people on my ignore list so I do not know what he wrote. And I do not like to change this now, because this absurde idiot makes me tired. But you should perhaps know that this man is no German at all but nevertheless really a blatant Nazi.

"Führer" means by the way verbally only "leader". It came from the Italian word "duce". And "Reich" means not really empire but is a much more positive expression. You have indeed no comparable expression in the English language - but in the typical racist form to think you are not able to see the positive aspects of this old German word. Practically every German is "Herr" (Lord) of his own "Reich" (=empire, home, dreams, heaven). We say "Des Menschen Wille (aber auch sein Können oder seine Meisterschaft) ist sein (Himmel-)reich". Such sentences are nearly not able to be translated into the English language without to change the sense of such sentences into a bad negative English form how to feel and to think coming from the racist absurdities of the British empire. Indeed the Prussian emperor over Germany William II had been also a Brit who had been educated from bis grandmother Queen Victoria. He loved her very much. His absurde ideas not had been German ideas but British ideas - and that's why the Brits saw in Germany their main enemy in World War 1 (which caused World War 2). Indeed the USA and the Brits did not fight German ideas in World War 1 but British ideas and later also Hitler overtook many ideas from the English speaking world - as for example his absurde ideas about Aryans and his absurde racism and Darwinistic anti-Semitism. The Nazis saw for example in Poles Aryans - but not so in Arabs and Japanese. Nevertheless they had been allied with Arabs and Japanese and fought against Slaws for example. As strange as Hitler thought he nevertheless also had been an "American" pragmatist.
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Now you need to keep lying until you bore everybody with your revisionisms, no matter how many times they get proven to be lies. And of course you still insist everybody else gets to decide who the U.S. trades with. Your Fuhrer was a psycho loser, and so were those that voted for him, period.
These are established facts. And now tell us how Germany told the US whom to trade with.

You are on my ignore list - what I will not change now. What you said to me was in all cases only a totally stupid bullshit, anti-Semite and anti-German, and I am not the psychotherapist who you need.
Bleipriester is one of the two people on my ignore list so I do not know what he wrote. And I do not like to change this now, because this absurde idiot makes me tired. But you should perhaps know that this man is no German at all but nevertheless really a blatant Nazi.

"Führer" means by the way verbally only "leader". It came from the Italian word "duce". And "Reich" means not really empire but is a much more positive expression. You have indeed no comparable expression in the English language - but in the typical racist form to think you are not able to see the positive aspects of this old German word. Practically every German is "Herr" (Lord) of his own "Reich" (=empire, home, dreams, heaven). We say "Des Menschen Wille (aber auch sein Können oder seine Meisterschaft) ist sein (Himmel-)reich". Such sentences are nearly not able to be translated into the English language without to change the sense of such sentences into a bad negative English form how to feel and to think coming from the racist absurdities of the British empire. Indeed the Prussian emperor over Germany William II had been also a Brit who had been educated from bis grandmother of Queen Victoria. He loved her very much. His absurde ideas not had been German ideas but Britsih ideas - and that's why the Brits saw in Germany their main enemy in World War 1 (which caused World War 2). Indeed the USA and the Brits did not fight German ideas in World War 1 but British ideas and later also Hitler overtook many ideas from the English speaking world - as for example his absurde ideas about Aryans and his absurde racism and darwinistic anti-Semitism. The Nazis saw for example in Poles Aryans - but not so in Arabs and Japanese. Nevertheless he had been allied with Arabs and Japanese and fought against Slaws for example. As sdtrarnge Hitler thought he nevertheless also had been an "American" pragmatist.
Hey, USMB, all we need to know about zaangalewa is in that song:

What is a homothug? A fake fan
Who licks your ass and becomes a bitch for a handshake
How does a homothug speak? A lot, loudly and hollowly
Insignificant shit, raps in your ear like a complete idiot
Is on alcohol, babbles, babbles, but can't find a footing
He likes to hear himself talk, a homo
What does a homothug wear? Red and blue
This stupid pig is styled like a homo at a fashion show
Skin, skin, baggy pants and glittery shit
And fake ice, he looks like the Kelly Fam
How does a homothug drive a car? He saves gas
Drives through the city in neutral and doesn't pick up any asses
What does a homothug do when there's beef? He calls you thirty times and goes to the cafe with thirty Kanaks
He makes a diss track against you
And you threaten him and he makes a diss track against himself

What does a homothug drink? Coffee in bars
He borrows a euro and gets himself a Diet Coke from the machine
The pig buys wine and yogurt at the gas station
Goes to the toilet and drinks water from the tap when he's in a restaurant
Where can you find a homothug like that?
In homo clubs with his homothugs
What makes a homothug mad?
A huge cock
What does a homothug smell like? Like five rounds of basketball
Smells like shit and comes out of his mouth like a rabbit hutch
What does a homothug hear? Apparently nothing
Except for the ... when his friend fucks him, sadness
What does a homothug do when he's in the club?
He starts a serious relationship with the club bitch
What does a homothug laugh at?
The son of a bitch about his own mother

I'm confused too but would like to learn more about the topic from both of you.

I TRY to be objective but I don't think that the method of mass killing is as significant as the intent.

The intent of Churchill and Arthur Harris was not to destroy a military objective that posed a threat but to exterminate an unusually large number of defenseless men, women and children by burning to death.

I don't see how this "systematic mass extermination" is in anyway different from other criminal means of "systematic mass extermination".

“I do not want suggestions as to how we can disable the economy and the machinery of war, what I want are suggestions as to how we can roast the German refugees on their escape from Breslau.

Winston Churchill
"Winston Churchill: the Imperial Monster"

Many thanks,

Looks like you are more modern than only modern: You know what had happened without to know anything. Yesterday I saw a "report" about Galileo Galiliei in TV - full of wrong prejudices, wrong facts (and even lies) and very stupid gaps which are important for the history of natural science. I guess the main reason for such weird reports is the belief of anti-Catholic atheists who like to show Catholics are enemies of natural science. Most people for example do not know - ¿how?, when they always listen only to such stupid ideological reports - that Galileo Galilei did not accept the very inmportant results of Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler. (Isaac Newton was taken serios because he had been able to explain the results of Kepler). Kepler had been a Protestant but he got jobs always only from Catholics. And when Galileo Galilei had been a child Copernicus' methods were already being taught at all universities. Not that the earth turned around the sun was the problem: When Galileo Galilei said the earth rotates on its own axis he got problems. By the way: Copernicus was in his whole life a German and never a Pole (same with Immanuel Kant).
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