Drug overdoses among teens DOUBLED in past two years - fueled by fentanyl epidemic


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Drug overdoses among teens DOUBLED in past two years - fueled by fentanyl epidemic​


  • The number of drug overdoses among US teens surged from 2019 to 2021
  • Experts warn that fentanyl is contaminating illicit drugs and causing deaths
  • Over the study period, use of illicit drugs among US teens actually dropped
Drug overdose deaths among US teens doubled from 2019 to 2021 - even as use of illicit substances declined - as fentanyl fueled a nationwide crisis.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported today that teenage overdoses increased 109 percent over the two years. Deaths caused by fentanyl alone increased 182 percent.
Officials warn that many US teens are dying after ingesting drugs like cocaine, Adderall or Xanax that are contaminated with fentanyl. They also warn that social media platforms have become a new marketplace for illicit drugs.
The nation's drug overdose crisis has struck everyone, with a record 107,622 Americans dying of a drug overdose last year. More than 70 percent of deaths were caused by synthetic opioid like fentanyl.

By the courtesy of open borders with Mexico, brought to you by Joe Biden and is merry Maoist Democrats.
As I've stated before, each year since Biden and his Maoist Democrats fraudulently took the presidency we have lost nearly twice as many American youth to Fentanyl as we lost during the 20 years we fought in Vietnam.
Too long? Worth every damned second it takes .
" Not an accident "by Miles Mathis , today's answer to Leonardo .

First published December 12, 2022 Like the Covid and vaccine deaths, the Fentanyl genocide was/is not an accident. It is mass murder once again by Big Pharma, and it wasn't done just for profit since Pharma is only half the equation. Behind Pharma is an even more evil entity: the Phoenicians who want you dead. Yes, as usual I will not beat around the bush here. The time for that is past. I am going to tell you how it is and I am going to tell you in the opening paragraph. If you want politic words and longwinded proofs and pages of statistics, you can go to others for that. They exist all over the place and aren't hard to find. The evidence already stacks to the Moon that the middle class is being targeted, both financially and physically. Some of that evidence is covert and some is overt. Meaning, some is right out in the open while some is hiding under a shallow frosting of lies, but isn't hard to find once you pull the blinders off and start looking. What started me writing was news today that Walgreens and CVS have agreed to pay $10.7 billion to settle lawsuits against them for cooperating in and profiting from the opioid crisis. I knew something like that was going on, but it hadn't ever penetrated my skull until now, I guess. I don't even take aspirin, so stories about drug crises don't really register with me. I have trouble comprehending the whole event from either side, predator or victim. I still don't really understand how these places could be involved, because I had always assumed this was a street drug thing, with users being sold the drugs by illegal pushers. Hence the big drug busts, where we see ICE or Interpol bagging ten tons of Meth or Fentanyl pills or something. I assumed they weren't finding those in the backrooms at CVS. So I looked it up. The first thing that came up on a general search was this story from CBS in 2020 from San Francisco, where a Walgreen's pharmacist had been arrested for impersonating a pharmacist and illegally filling 745,000 prescriptions over eleven years. Over 100,000 of those were for opioids. But the story makes no sense on any level. We are told the pharmacist pled not guilty and has not yet been convicted, so why did Walgreens agree to settle? You would expect them to wait for a verdict. Also, how do you impersonate a pharmacist? According to the story, she was previously a licensed pharmacy tech, but her license expired in 2008. This lady then used the license number of someone else with the same name to keep working. That sounds very unlikely. It sounds like cover for something else to me. And, even if true, that doesn't make the prescriptions illegal. As long as a doctor prescribed them, they are legal. You could not promote an opioid crisis with such a paper technicality, and I fail to see how Walgreens could have caught the fraud or be liable for it: which is exactly the point of this article. That is what they want you to think. The whole story is being spun to make Walgreens and the doctors involved look innocent, putting all the blame on this rogue pharmacist. But with or without a license, all this pharmacist did was fill a legal prescription—at least according to the story. So how do you promote an opioid epidemic by filling valid prescriptions? That question is never asked in the article, much less answered. Also, the number doesn't seem to work at a glance, does it? Eleven years times 365 days is 4015 days, divided into 745,000 prescriptions, is 185 per day. But she probably only worked five days a week, which would give us 260 per day, or 37 per hour, or about one every two minutes. You have been to Walgreens. Does it take about two minutes to get your order? And is there only one lady working there at a time? No, they admit she was—at best—a pharmacy tech, which means she would be supervised by a pharmacist. Which means she wouldn't get credit for every prescription filled every minute. If Walgreens and CVS are admitting guilt here, it can't just be for a few unlicensed pharmacy techs filling real prescriptions. There must be a concerted effort by everyone involved—doctors, pharmacies, big companies, governments, and regulators—to promote this genocide. It simply could not happen otherwise. So why would government entities later prosecute these companies for fraud? I can only guess: one party decided after the fact to turn on the other parties and shake them down for part of their share. Like bank robbers after a job. In return for keeping the sums low and spinning the blame onto minor players, as we saw in San Francisco, those parties agree play ball. And the public is given the impression something is being done, while almost nothing is. Is paying a fine really the correct remedy to this? Hundreds of thousands of people have been murdered for profit or worse things than profit, and that is supposed to be remedied by fining these companies a few billions? No, when someone kills another person with a gun or knife, we don't fine him a few thousand and tell him to go home, do we? So why are the directors of these companies still on the streets? Why are their chief medical officers still on the streets? I also rewatched Tucker Carlson's interview with Dr. Malhotra today, and there we are reminded that Vioxx killed 60,000 Americans, more than Vietnam. In a settlement, Merck paid about $600 million* to be released from civil liability in the US, a tiny fraction of profits. And after fees only $9,000 per death. Your husband is dead? Here's $9,000, beat it! It later came out that Merck knew the lethal side effects of Vioxx and that data had been fabricated, but went ahead with its sales anyway. The Malhotra interview is very damning for Pharma and the medical profession, but he actually spends a lot of the interview defusing this bomb (of the vaccines as well as Vioxx). Although he allegedly lost his father to the vaccine, he doesn't seem very angry about it. I find his sangfroid maddening, and also suspicious. As usual, he is sure to tell us he took the vaccine, and we see he isn't sick or dead, so that is a defusing right there. I am not sure I believe it. I would assume he didn't take it. He then tells us that pre-Covid vaccines are one of the safest things ever, so he is again generally pro-vax: highly suspicious since it isn't true. These mRNA “vaccines” are the worst, but many (perhaps all) previous vaccines have been oversold or dangerous, and not just for their mercury or other adjuvants. But his comment that really jumped out at me came later in the interview at min. 38:30, where he says the problem is a “pandemic of misinformed doctors, and misinformed and unwittingly harmed patients”. Really? Unwittingly? So it was all just another honest mistake, eh, Dr. Malhotra? These doctors didn't know any better? It wasn't outrageous and malevolent fraud, promulgated at best for profit and at worst as an abetting of mass murder? But Malhotra had already said that this huge vaccine crisis had come down from some great “psychopathic entity”, which he had implied was at the corporate level if not higher. So, again, do you stop a huge psychopathic entity by slapping it on the wrist? That can only encourage further psychopathy and murder, which is exactly what we have seen: accelerating levels of raw criminality. At this point, not convicting these mass murderers is the same as abetting them. When Malhotra starts backpeddling and softselling this as due to bias and conflicts of interest, he seems to me to be framing this as far less than it is, for the benefit of his promoters. He was paid to defuse this bomb by admitting what we already know but trying to talk us down from the obvious solution. We see it again later when Tucker points out that the US seemed to encourage obesity during the pandemic rather than discourage it, by closing gyms, etc., despite it being known obesity was the leading co-morbidity. He says he doesn't believe this was part of a planned population reduction, but asks Malhotra to explain it. Malhotra says it is due to “the corporate capture of public health” and again tries to pass it off as conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest? He says Gates was also invested in McDonalds and Coke, so that somehow explains it. These people wanted to make money from vaccines and junk food at the same time: genocide explained away. Malhotra literally says that and then drops it, as if he has answered Tucker's question, and they move on. But Tucker somehow fails to notice that doesn't refute the genocide theory, it confirms it. These people were invested in junk food because they knew that promoting it was a plank of the genocide: keep everyone at home living on Dominoes pizza and Coke. Mandate all the upper-end restaurants to close so that people would be forced to drive thru Wendys or Taco Bell. Close all the Mom&Pop stores so people would be forced to shop at Walmart: then you only have to poison Walmart. From there the interview sort of unwinds, as both Malhotra and Tucker play dumb, pretending they don't understand how this worked, how it happened, or what can be done. Tucker continues to say that people are basically good, which isn't to the point, obviously. This isn't about people in general, it is about the psychopaths, so I don't know why he and Malhotra can't stay on target. Or, actually, I am pretty sure I do know: it is more misdirection. In the closing minutes, Malhotra actually says that if Trump knew what he knew, he would flip his position on vaccines. Except that we are almost three years out on Covid, so it is kind of late for Trump or anyone else to be claiming ignorance. If Trump doesn't already know what Malhotra knows, we can only call him grossly incompetent or senile. Nothing Malhotra is saying is new: it has been up at places like Infowars and Zerohedge for a year and a half and could have been intuited by anyone with a brain long before that. Nothing Malhotra is saying is new to me, though he passes it off as fresh off the medical presses. Plus, this interview is a couple of weeks old and we know Trump watches Tucker. There is no way he isn't aware of it. Has Trump rushed to Twitter or Social to admit his mistake? No, and he won't, because he has been in on this genocide from the start. But back to the opioid crisis. It is prong two of this attack on worldwide populations, dwarfed somewhat by the vaccines, but still incredibly potent. The setting in San Francisco of the pharmacist story reminded me of my research on Haight-Ashbury for my Manson/Tate paper, where I found government agents had been planted there to disseminate many dangerous drugs through whatever means possible: fake prescriptions, passing them out at parties, introducing them through Esalen and other CIA fronts, the works. And not just LSD, but also PCP, STP, and everything else. It later came out in leaks and department declassifications that this was a targeted attack, planned for years by a consortium of government agencies, at the behest of. . . some great hidden psychopathic entity that was at the reins of the CIA, FBI, DIA, Justice, and even local police. So this goes back many decades, and San Francisco was an early hub. CIA has grown exponentially since the 1960s, and it has now taken over everything. It can place people anywhere it likes. . . and that anywhere of course includes pharmacies. So I think what we are seeing here is evidence government drug pushers have actually inserted themselves into major pharmacy chains. What better way to achieve their goals directly? If doctors refuse to prescribe these deadly drugs, or aren't keeping up with orders in any way, the drugs can be dispensed with forged signatures and any other fraudulent paperwork required. At that point the street pushers of the 1960s have moved indoors, with a Walgreens or CVS pharmacy sign over their heads to lend the legitimacy. Do the users care one way or the other? No. Once they have been hooked, they no longer care about legal or illegal, street or pharmacy. All they care about is their fix. But for those just getting snared, the apparent legitimacy of the pharmacy is a great convenience. For the levels of genocide envisioned by the Great Psychopath, street pushing was not enough. It requires the cooperation and infiltration of all non-governmental institutions, from schools and universities to hospitals, pharmacies, groceries, malls, and cinemas. It requires a full-spectrum implementation. This is what is happening and you would have to already be zonked on some drug cocktail not to see it. And there is only one solution: prosecute these maniacs to the fullest extent of the law, either locking them in some deep dark dungeon filled with rats, or throwing them from the nearest cliffs in a vast civic ceremony of cleansing. Anything short of that will just send the signal to the next round of psychopaths to murder even more of us in the next wave. The plans are already in place for that, so you better decide quickly. Added last minute: Watching Tucker Carlson tonight I learned you can kill yourself with opioids over-the-counter now, buying them at the grocery store or minimart under the name Za-Za or Tianaa, aka gas station heroin. It is a 46 billion dollar industry killing people right and left, but our vaunted FDA is doing. . . nothing, of course. There are existing laws against this, but no one at any level— Justice, FBI, attorneys general, or DAs—are doing anything about it. Why? I just told you: they want you dead. Added December 15: In continuing to study this, I discovered something else shocking: at the very same time Johnson&Johnson was pushing its Covid vaccine as safe and effective, it was part of a $26 billion dollar fraud settlement nationwide, brought by state Attorneys General for its part in the opioid crisis. McKinsey&Co, a management/consulting firm I have mentioned many times in these papers, was also involved in this settlement, agreeing to pay over half a billion. McKinsey is one of those huge firms like BursonMarsteller that comes up like clockwork in my research, since it is a Phoenician Navy hub of skullduggery. The Enron scandal came out of McKinsey, and so did the 2007 financial crisis, as even Wikipedia admits. Also involved in this opioid settlement are drug distributors McKesson, Cardinal, and AmericSourceBergen. But my point is, it was always amazing to me that average people were trusting these vaccine makers and Big Pharma in general, given their horrendous track record. But it was even worse than we knew in the case of Johnson&Johnson, as you see. Somehow they managed to push this vaccine genocide right on the heels of the Oxycontin/Fentanyl genocide, murdering you WHILE they were being tried for murder and admitting guilt. How did they do that? Mainly by being in control of the media. It isn't that these stories were completely suppressed or censored, because they weren't. You could find this information online if you wanted to. But the mainstream wasn't reporting it, so most people missed it. When the mainstream mentioned it, it was only as a passing story. They never gave it any context, warning you—as they should have—that the same companies pushing the vaccines were—at that very moment—losing huge government lawsuits for fraud. What is even more uncanny is that people weren't listening as I was trying to educate them on these things back in 2020. I wasn't aware of the J&J Oxycontin settlement, since I think it was still in the future, but I was telling those around me not to trust Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J, since they had previously been fined billions for massive fraud. Although that information was easily available from places like Wikipedia, most people brushed me off as a conspiracy theorist. They simply didn't want to hear it, seeming to be in some hurry to kill themselves with a dangerous faux-vaccine. I can't think of one person locally who listened to me or followed my advice, much less thanked me for saving their lives. But I do know many who ignored me and are now regretting it. The only way I can explain that is prestige: in their eyes those on TV had some unnamed prestige, just by being on TV or being promoted, while I had none. And, perhaps even more importantly, they trusted “medical professionals” and their own doctors, which we now know was a huge mistake. I wish I could say all that is over, and people will never trust doctors or the government again. . . but I can't say that. The government and medical profession have been lying to us all our lives and getting caught at it, but no one ever seems to catch on. No doubt your average citizen will find some way to bury all this as well and go on as before, acting the gull to every passing fraudster. And in other news, I have to ask: why is Alex Jones now doing big interviews with Kanye and Nick Fuentes? It seems to me he is self-destructing on purpose, since any sane man who wished to “restore his reputation” after the Sandy Hook thing would avoid those two guys above any others. This is especially obvious with Nick Fuentes, and Alex has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by being seen with him. Fuentes has no real following and has made a career out of blackwashing himself and everyone around him. He is clearly a Jewish agent sent in to make conservatives look like KKK loonies. He couldn't be a more obvious tarbaby if he covered himself in Karo syrup before every public appearance. The same can be said for Kanye, who is way overacting his part. It is ludicrously obvious that he is also an agent, being paid to say stupid things and create fires and diversions. My first guess would be he is half-Jewish himself through his mother, and is working for the ADL as a make-work project. That doesn't mean I think he should be censored or otherwise shut down, but it does mean I think he should be avoided. I certainly wouldn't make any alliances to him right now, so I don't know why Jones or Trump would. In support of my guess above, I did a quick dive into Kanye's genealogy. It is already admitted that Kanye comes from free blacks on his father's side (Wests), meaning they were never slaves. His mother's side has been more hidden, and I found the usual blocks up there. Various lines are scrubbed at Findagrave, Ethnicelebs, and Geni. But if we take his maternal grandmother's line we do indeed hit whites very quickly. Her father was Clarence Eccles, and we quickly hit Watleys and Alfords as well. Then we hit Hennons and Morrows from Ireland in about 1800, proving these people are white. There were no blacks coming into the US from Ireland in 1800. We find the strange name Ellenoir Bef Morrow, but we will come back to that. One of these people married a McConaghey, and I guess you see what that means? Kanye is related to Matthew McConaughey. The Hennons link us forward to Macks in about 1880, and you should also recognize that name. It links us to the Mormon's founder Joseph Smith as well as the wellknown bigwigs of Las Vegas, who are Jewish. Geni scrubs that Martha Mack, refusing to tell us what Mack she married or where: no locations. But we can find the info at Findagrave, where they tell us he was Samuel Mack who died in PA in 1935. This Martha Hennon yields more good info, since her mother was also a Philips and a Work. Not only are these Philips white, the surname famously links us to the Windsors. And indeed these Philips related to Kanye hail from Pembrokeshire, Wales, as in the Prince of Wales. These Kanye Philips are scrubbed when they hit Wales, but we can take them back to a Griffith Philips, whose wife was a Pugsley. That doesn't sound very interesting until we notice her mother was Joan Gould. A Jewish name, confirming my analysis once again. But let's back up. Who were those Eccles we saw as close to Kanye as his grandmother? They too were white Irish, going back to Daniel Eccles, esq., of Armagh. To start with, you may be interested to know the Eccles are still viscounts to this day, living in London and Boston, related to the Dawsons, Ryans, Zinovieffs, Heber-Percys and Yarrows. Through the Zinovieffs, we link to the Princess Dolgoruky and the Skipwith baronets. We just saw the Skipwiths in my last paper on Jimmy Wales. He is also a cousin of these Skipwiths. Small world, eh? We have also seen the Dolgorukys in several papers, since they are close cousins of the Romanovs. Helena Blavatsky was a Dolgoruky. Through the Percys we link to those Dukes of Northumberland. But if we stick to Kanye's published lineage, we find Daniel Eccles' mother being a Kerr, another big peerage name. These Eccles were also Montgomerys. So although Geni is not providing short bios for these prominent people as it should, we know we are not looking at commoners. These Eccles of Shannock and Kildonan were marrying people like Isaac Simon, obviously Jewish, who married Jean Black in 1741, daughter of Robert Gordon, 12th lord of Hallhead, son-in-law of Janet Middleton. So we have already found Kanye linked to peers in at least two lines. And now for the cherry on top. Kanye's maternal great-grandmother is conspicuously scrubbed almost everywhere, so I wondered why. Finally we find at Findagrave that her first name was Beulah, and if we search on Beulah Eckles married to Clarence Anthony, we find her as Beulah Mae Jones, b. 1899. She was supposedly born on the Chickasaw Nation and her father is unknown, but her mother is Tilla Evertt of McKinney, TX. Let those two yellow bits of information sink in for a moment. Jones, Texas. Have you got it? Alex Jones of Austin, TX. Also notice the weird double consonant in Evertt: we now know that is an earmark and signal of Intel, telling us that name is fake. Also remember that Jones has admitted he has Native American ancestry. That would explain why Alex Jones is interviewing Kanye West: they are cousins. It is what we have found everytime we have dug into any of these questions. There is a lot of misdirection around this Beulah Mae Jones, so I looked up other Beulah Mae Jones of that time and place, to see if I could clear up this fudge. There happens to be a second Beulah Mae Jones of McKinney, b. 1892. Even more interesting: she links us to a Jerry Jones of Dallas. Alex Jones' grandfather is Jerry Jones of Dallas. Beulah's son is Gerald Jones, USMC, b. 1933, Dallas, TX. Also weird that Geni and Geneanet (Tim Dowling) both scrub Alex Jones. At Geni everything is private, and Dowling gives us nothing earlier than grandparents in the Jones line. Even Ethnicelebs does better than that, taking us back to great grandparents. But I did notice something big at Geneanet. Jones' grandmother, married to Jerry Jones, is given as Patti Johnson. Well, the second Beulah Mae Jones we just looked at at Findagrave was actually Beulah Mae (Johnson) Jones. This strongly indicates I am onto something here. They are trying to hide this in many ways, starting with giving the grandfather as Jerry rather than Gerald, but it is pretty hamhanded. This peek at Ales Jones' genealogy also tells us a lot, because we get the names Pope, Hamman (an obvious fudge of Hammond), Nichols, Cleveland, Acker, Campbell, Helligman, Ross, Gresham, Cowart (Cohen), Conant (Cohen), Watts, Gibson, Lamb, Bridges, Stewart, Murray, Selman (Solomon), Spencer, Pinkney, Byram, Alden, Keith, Forbes, Allen, Partridge, Dumas, Ayers, and Ford. Oh my god! Even Tim Dowling admits he is a cousin, through the Dumas and Spencers, proving Jones is linked to the royal Stuarts. *Malhotra says $950 million, but Wikipedia says they agreed to pay 2
From the wonderful 'net>>>>

People also ask
Who consumes the most pharmaceutical drugs?

Prescription drug statistics 2022

  • Data suggests that among those who take prescription medications, the average number of medications taken is four. ...
  • Research on prescription drug spending suggests that the United States consumes the most prescription drugs.
We've been a feel good pill poppin' nation for quite some time, fueled by a medical community greased via our lovely pharmacabal's junkets and influence

"Amoxycillin elicits the presence of a child" was the sardonic response of those involved in the antibiotic paradox.

Our larger city water systems have recorded record amounts of pharma waste

Our educational system has been infiltrated by the mental health community , who's penchant for scripts (mostly cheeked or sold) are to levels that the CDC would claim pandemic were any of it contagious

And if you're a senior w/out a script, you're a rare bird in this country

If anything, we've proven to be a bad example to any teen , along with a FDA &CDC being bend over advocates any of big pharma's offerings during this bullsh*t pandemic

And so now the useless goofballs in Washington want to play partisan games, and blame it on each other or mexico?


but I was telling those around me not to trust Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J, since they had previously been fined billions for massive fraud. Although that information was easily available from places like Wikipedia, most people brushed me off as a conspiracy theorist.

Yes , nine out of ten so called Conspiracy Theorists are actually Critical Thinkers , and though difficult to quantify, it seems something like 90%+ of what is initially termed Conspiracy eventually morphs into consensus because of evidence .
Hypothesis becomes Theory once the right evidence is gathered .
And then that Theory remains consensus only as long as new evidence does not arrive to refine it further .

It just takes time to re-educate even the hardest hit sufferers of Mass Formation Psychosis who need time to slowly wake up. ---- providing you punch them enough times with evidence based on the scientific process plus real open discussion ..
the very same time Johnson&Johnson was pushing its Covid vaccine as safe and effective, it was part of a $26 billion dollar fraud settlement nationwide, brought by state Attorneys General for its part in the opioid crisis.


Drug overdoses among teens DOUBLED in past two years - fueled by fentanyl epidemic​


  • The number of drug overdoses among US teens surged from 2019 to 2021
  • Experts warn that fentanyl is contaminating illicit drugs and causing deaths
  • Over the study period, use of illicit drugs among US teens actually dropped
Drug overdose deaths among US teens doubled from 2019 to 2021 - even as use of illicit substances declined - as fentanyl fueled a nationwide crisis.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported today that teenage overdoses increased 109 percent over the two years. Deaths caused by fentanyl alone increased 182 percent.
Officials warn that many US teens are dying after ingesting drugs like cocaine, Adderall or Xanax that are contaminated with fentanyl. They also warn that social media platforms have become a new marketplace for illicit drugs.
The nation's drug overdose crisis has struck everyone, with a record 107,622 Americans dying of a drug overdose last year. More than 70 percent of deaths were caused by synthetic opioid like fentanyl.

By the courtesy of open borders with Mexico, brought to you by Joe Biden and is merry Maoist Democrats.
As I've stated before, each year since Biden and his Maoist Democrats fraudulently took the presidency we have lost nearly twice as many American youth to Fentanyl as we lost during the 20 years we fought in Vietnam.

But but but they have been replaced by many more who the left want to turn into Americans.

Drug overdoses among teens DOUBLED in past two years - fueled by fentanyl epidemic​


  • The number of drug overdoses among US teens surged from 2019 to 2021
  • Experts warn that fentanyl is contaminating illicit drugs and causing deaths
  • Over the study period, use of illicit drugs among US teens actually dropped
Drug overdose deaths among US teens doubled from 2019 to 2021 - even as use of illicit substances declined - as fentanyl fueled a nationwide crisis.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported today that teenage overdoses increased 109 percent over the two years. Deaths caused by fentanyl alone increased 182 percent.
Officials warn that many US teens are dying after ingesting drugs like cocaine, Adderall or Xanax that are contaminated with fentanyl. They also warn that social media platforms have become a new marketplace for illicit drugs.
The nation's drug overdose crisis has struck everyone, with a record 107,622 Americans dying of a drug overdose last year. More than 70 percent of deaths were caused by synthetic opioid like fentanyl.

By the courtesy of open borders with Mexico, brought to you by Joe Biden and is merry Maoist Democrats.
As I've stated before, each year since Biden and his Maoist Democrats fraudulently took the presidency we have lost nearly twice as many American youth to Fentanyl as we lost during the 20 years we fought in Vietnam.
Another 200,000+ deaths on the hands of No Border Joe.

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