Dubai's free market capitalism

shogun, are you still trying to claim china is not a mixed capitalist economy? are you dense?

Get in the fucking real world for a second. Where in this country is any company plucking people off the street and forcing them to work for them for seven years for little wage. Last time I checked I got to decide if I want to work for my current employer or not.

Clearly, you are familiar with history and the kind of "employment opportunities" which would give your kind the proverbial hardon. Indentured servitude was another system which took advantage of the desperation of labor in order to rationalize near slavery. You have no problem assuming that I want everyone to be lazy so go fuck yourself if you can't take a little crow yourself. After all, if you can rationalize the type of labor conditions in China just because it's cheaper to import than finding regulated local labor then...

Indentured servant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jesus this is exactly the stupid java programmer argument you keep arguing is so damn impossible. You BUILD a type writer. A computer has to be PROGRAMMED. Two vastly different things moron. YOU are the one who said it was so unreasonable for a laborer (someone who builds things) to retrain himself to become a programmer. Get your fucking doomsday scenarios straight.

yea dude! when I'm literally inserting a fucking cpu into a mb and doing the same with ram, HDs, video cards and cd drives I"M CLEARLY PROGRAMMING THE FUCKING COMPUTER.

wow. That is an epic fail on your part, BE$N. Maybe you can tell DELL how to program their fucking hardware since you've walked three miles already and refuse to use the adjective "wet" to describe water.


This is not an ideological argument. This is basic fucking math. Gee Shogun thanks a ton for increasing my salary from 50k a year to 60k by and saving all those jobs. Nevermind the house I was gonna build now costs an extra 10k to build because you deemed I don't have the right to choose who I want to build my home.

It certainly IS an ideological arguement, pussy. YOU think that it's kosher to import scab labor to undermine the price of AMERICAN LABOR despite the AMERICAN SOL that it supports. That you leap to another foot and try to assume that this is just a math issue tells me that you've run out of steam. Like I said, go ask a fucking home builder who can't sell a fucking house that no one can afford to buy on a SERVICE SECTOR PART TIME JOB how mind-numbingly stupid your input is. Trust me, they and auto workers will see you coming a mile away.

hey, maybe we should just import mexicans to build american homes for a burrito a day, RIGHT BE$N? After all, that extra 10k price sure as FUCK beats sitting on an empty lot with a brand new EMPTY fucking house on it, doesn't it BE$N? You don't know any contractors, do you.

Do you understand why said surveyor got out bid? He got out bid because whoever needs that particular skill either A can't afford him or B can find someone else to do the same job for less. It's like your stupid ass tariff argument where we should make every Honda cost at minimum what a Ford does. The American consumer wants to keep as much of their income as possible. If buying a car made overseas helps do that, great. Tell me how you are helping that person by forcing him to pay that higher cost no matter what. You think you saved a job. You also made an American consumer less wealthy than he would have been otherwise. Your Utopia is a zero sum game at best Shogun. it won't help this country prosper. All it does is make sure that if one suffers all must suffer.

He and I both know why he got outbid: because motherfuckers like you tip the scale to benefit international companies instead of supporting fellow Americans. It's not a matter of being unable to afford him, stupid, THESE ARE STATE CONTRACTS. And yes, I guess we can find some fucking mexicans willing to work for a burrito a day instead of supporting local labor but.. hey, THERE GOES ANOTHER AMERICAN WHO CANT AFFORD THE CONSUMING MULTIPLIER THAT THEY USED TO REPRESENT. Gosh, I wonder how many houses and cars HE"LL be able to afford next year.

and, no, buying that cheaper toyota made in japan isn't great; it's the exact cause of the reduction of the AMERICAN SOL which makes this nation the consuming capital of the world. As above, ONE MORE AMERICAN WHO CANT AFFORD A FUCKING CAR AT ALL will be out of business by next spring while you sit in your warm office and cry foul that he would react to an appeal of protection policy. Well BE$N, on behalf of the type of people who would gladly see your kind move to Calcutta: fuck you and enjoy the socialist ride that we both know is looking pretty fucking temping this side of every failure granted by your rotten, dangling carrot.


America has no obligation to starve it's own population just so your bitch ass can cry that you don't make enough money on international markets. Go clean up the trade deficit and get back to me while a Canadian company is benefiting from state contracts and an American goes out of work. Like i've said: you have absolutely no credibility with economics this side of Greenspan being thrown under the bus.
shogun, are you still trying to claim china is not a mixed capitalist economy? are you dense?

probably less dense than a STATE OWNED ENTERPRISE is, uh, owned by the state and used to regulate their economy.



how did you like that list of no less than 150 state owned entities which are used to regulate China's economy? Clearly, it must have looked like a fucking small business home show to you.
Clearly, you are familiar with history and the kind of "employment opportunities" which would give your kind the proverbial hardon. Indentured servitude was another system which took advantage of the desperation of labor in order to rationalize near slavery. You have no problem assuming that I want everyone to be lazy so go fuck yourself if you can't take a little crow yourself. After all, if you can rationalize the type of labor conditions in China just because it's cheaper to import than finding regulated local labor then...

What is the fucking point of this. Where are all of these currently indentured servants you keep whining about?

yea dude! when I'm literally inserting a fucking cpu into a mb and doing the same with ram, HDs, video cards and cd drives I"M CLEARLY PROGRAMMING THE FUCKING COMPUTER.

wow. That is an epic fail on your part, BE$N. Maybe you can tell DELL how to program their fucking hardware since you've walked three miles already and refuse to use the adjective "wet" to describe water.

And you are being obtuse for the conveneince of your argument which is just plain chicken shit. A typewriter is a mechanical device. It does not have software. Computers do have software. They have this thing nowadays called an operating system. Putting the pieces together is one aspect. Those two things may be similar between a typewriter and a computer. But somone still has to program Windows to use that ram chip that took no more brain power than a monkey has to install.

It certainly IS an ideological arguement, pussy. YOU think that it's kosher to import scab labor to undermine the price of AMERICAN LABOR despite the AMERICAN SOL that it supports. That you leap to another foot and try to assume that this is just a math issue tells me that you've run out of steam. Like I said, go ask a fucking home builder who can't sell a fucking house that no one can afford to buy on a SERVICE SECTOR PART TIME JOB how mind-numbingly stupid your input is. Trust me, they and auto workers will see you coming a mile away.

I think I have the right to look out for my own best interests. And again, home BUILDERS don't SELL homes you twit. They build them. One of my best friends is a home builder. He doesn't go around asking people 'hey you want me to build you a house'. Do you not get when you force someone to pay a higher price than they could otherwise you are doing EXACTLY to them what you claim to want to prevent from happening to the laborer? THAT is why this is indeed just math. The laborer gets paid more and the consumer saves less. Or they the consumer can find the best deal they can and the laborers can compete. Fortunately the facts of the success of the later are on my side. We aren't hemoragging jobs you dishonest piece of shit. We didn't go from 5% unemployment to 10% because 5% went overseas.

hey, maybe we should just import mexicans to build american homes for a burrito a day, RIGHT BE$N? After all, that extra 10k price sure as FUCK beats sitting on an empty lot with a brand new EMPTY fucking house on it, doesn't it BE$N? You don't know any contractors, do you.

It is again noted that reality is not your strong suit.

and, no, buying that cheaper toyota made in japan isn't great; it's the exact cause of the reduction of the AMERICAN SOL

Again not good with math either. Please explain with your math system how me spending less on something than I would have to (see: keeping more of my money) reduces my SOL.

America has no obligation to starve it's own population just so your bitch ass can cry that you don't make enough money on international markets. Go clean up the trade deficit and get back to me while a Canadian company is benefiting from state contracts and an American goes out of work. Like i've said: you have absolutely no credibility with economics this side of Greenspan being thrown under the bus.

One American is under no obligation to sacrafice their standard of living for another American. You don't have the right to tell me what I can and can't buy. ESPECIALLY when it winds up being detrimental to me.
shogun, are you still trying to claim china is not a mixed capitalist economy? are you dense?

probably less dense than a STATE OWNED ENTERPRISE is, uh, owned by the state and used to regulate their economy.



how did you like that list of no less than 150 state owned entities which are used to regulate China's economy? Clearly, it must have looked like a fucking small business home show to you.

you dont think the US has a long list of reg agencies? notwithstanding that there are state-owned agencies, that there are private, moreover free market activities in china makes it a mixed economy. theres two goddamn stock exchanges in china. what, you think the NYSE isn't regulated by a list of public and private firms?

get wid it, kid...

What is the fucking point of this. Where are all of these currently indentured servants you keep whining about?

it's just a matter of time before you find yourself making the same excuses for another inch along your side of the spectrum, BE$N... whatsa matter? Don't like being pegged as the child labor loving, "osha costs the consumer", semi-slave wage bastards? I bet you are real popular among blue collar events.

And you are being obtuse for the conveneince of your argument which is just plain chicken shit. A typewriter is a mechanical device. It does not have software. Computers do have software. They have this thing nowadays called an operating system. Putting the pieces together is one aspect. Those two things may be similar between a typewriter and a computer. But somone still has to program Windows to use that ram chip that took no more brain power than a monkey has to install.

you LITERALLY just stated that bulding a computer is a matter of programming. I can quote you if you'd like to see it again. hey, guess what motherfucker... even though a cpu is not as mechanical as a typewriter IT STILL GETS BUILT. I guess we can see why your model T epiphany kinda fizzled too... After all, you DO realize that, software or not, THERE IS A HARDWARE COMPONENT TO COMPUTERS, right? That SOFTWARE ALONE IS NO EQUIVALENT TO TYPEWRITERS?

wow. no, really. just WOW.

and, I'd be willing to bet money, marbles and chalk that YOUR pansy ass is not out installing network servers and manning the fucking tech support desk. Tell me more about a monkey's work you little desk junkie juggling a pencil sharpener, stapler and pen knife from the comfort of a plush chair.

I think I have the right to look out for my own best interests. And again, home BUILDERS don't SELL homes you twit. They build them. One of my best friends is a home builder. He doesn't go around asking people 'hey you want me to build you a house'. Do you not get when you force someone to pay a higher price than they could otherwise you are doing EXACTLY to them what you claim to want to prevent from happening to the laborer? THAT is why this is indeed just math. The laborer gets paid more and the consumer saves less. Or they the consumer can find the best deal they can and the laborers can compete. Fortunately the facts of the success of the later are on my side. We aren't hemoragging jobs you dishonest piece of shit. We didn't go from 5% unemployment to 10% because 5% went overseas.

uh, builders DO SELL their fucking product, dumbass. Did you think developers who construct a fucking neighborhood just MAGICALLY wave a wand and families appear? I bet your friend will tell you that he must SELL what he builds. Indeed, if he's collecting his last years worth of labor you might want to ask him why the real estate fairy hasn't SOLD THE FUCKING PROPERTY YET.

and no, stupid. it's not the same thing given the direction that compensation flows; domestically or foreign. Profit for a Canadian Survey company doesn't get multiplied by the consumption of Canadian Surveyors HERE IN THE US, dummy. Nafta loving mexicans are not out buying AMERICAN GOODS AND SERVICES, dummy. When India takes another call center away from an American location those employees are not going to dinner HERE IN AMERICA or buying a house of off your builder friend HERE IN AMERICA, genius. The cost of INVESTING BACK into America is the price of our elevated SOL. If you can't fathom that then take your fucking ass to India and "look out for your own interests" there.

It is again noted that reality is not your strong suit.


*yawn* lemme guess.. it takes an education and opinion that agrees with yours to count, eh? typical free market capitalista: when the natives stop picking fruit time to call them criminals and disregard them for brand new, imported natives.


Again not good with math either. Please explain with your math system how me spending less on something than I would have to (see: keeping more of my money) reduces my SOL.

When your business fails because your customer base cannot afford your services because THEIR source of income has been marginalized to that of a Chines pauper you'll understand. Trust me, BE$N, home builders understand this. CAR makers understand this. by directing your lack of economic contribution to Japan instead of America you enable JAPAN to consume more.... but hey, that brings me back to those trade deficits that your kind like to ignore, doesn't it. Tell me more about your mad math skillz, BE$N.

One American is under no obligation to sacrafice their standard of living for another American. You don't have the right to tell me what I can and can't buy. ESPECIALLY when it winds up being detrimental to me.

Which is why your kind stoke the kind of nationalism and socialism that we see catching on today. Don't like it? GTFO. go live in India and tell them about how unobligated you are while you don't enjoy the protective nature of the united states like a tick does the blood of a dog's nutsack.

and yes, indeed, we can tell you what you can or cannot buy. Go find a Cuban cigar and come back with the punchline of your silly little joke. While you are detrimental to the culture you hide behind you really have no room to cry foul.

true story.
shogun, are you still trying to claim china is not a mixed capitalist economy? are you dense?

probably less dense than a STATE OWNED ENTERPRISE is, uh, owned by the state and used to regulate their economy.



how did you like that list of no less than 150 state owned entities which are used to regulate China's economy? Clearly, it must have looked like a fucking small business home show to you.

you dont think the US has a long list of reg agencies? notwithstanding that there are state-owned agencies, that there are private, moreover free market activities in china makes it a mixed economy. theres two goddamn stock exchanges in china. what, you think the NYSE isn't regulated by a list of public and private firms?

get wid it, kid...


tell me.. what is an american state owned enterprise that is not labeled socialist in nature?



Did you think that no commerce happened in Russia either? That people sold goods to other people in commie germany? Seems to me you focus on a convenient half-assed definition despite the massively different label you'd be applying were the same Chinese gov interaction at play in the US. Clearly, when a state owns a business.. well, that just means it's really capitalism because Chong's corner rice shop sold a pound of rice to someone..

theres private property in china. there are privately owned businesses, hence the stock market. it is a considerably mixed economy. my company, an american small business, was working as a subcontractor for an american firm working a contract for a private chinese company developing houses for free-hold sale in nanjing in 2002. that would have never happened in the '70s, be it china, the cccp, or e.germany.

that it is emerging from communism, a different divergence from the US adding progressive infrastructure to become more mixed, of course china's different.
It would be interesting to to work out how those resources got into private hands. I have a sketchy idea but nothing solid, it would be interesting to bat it around a bit.

Hard to say. I'm not sure it's relevant though. The only way I can think that it would be is you wondering under the premise that it somehow isn't fair that one has a resource like coal for example and can make people pay to get it from him. So follow me on this make believe society. How is everyone going to get their goal? Well one way would be the collectivists way. Everyone is only alotted so much coal and everyone has to go dig their own. Johnny over here though has a way of mining more coal than Joe. Why he can His ration of coal AND Joe's in the same time it takes Joe to just his. But since Johnny is only allowed his 'fair' share there is no point in using this ingenuity.

Now the free market way: Johnny still has better means of obtaining coal. Maybe he lives closer to the source. Maybe he invented a way to mine it faster, who knows. Regardless, it doesn't make much sense for everyone to keep digging their own when with a little investment Johnny could free up people's time by having them pay him to do the work for them. People will sbstitute work for convenience more often than not. This is where the 'evil corporate America' crowd jumps in and says Johnny isn't is always gonna gouge people for the coal. But the reality is most businessmen are a bit smarter than that. Johnny can't charge more than what someone can pay. And he can't charge such a high amount that people's money only goes toward coal. If he did the people that can't heat their homes die and Johnny has no market.

Cuba. It's a poor country, its standard of living is below that of many industrialised countries. But then it doesn't have the sort of poverty that can be found in somewhere like Detroit or in various aboriginal camps in outback Australia.

That is the trade of right there. We'll use the extremes for examples sake. In a more social or collectivist society things will definately be 'safer' for everyone. The best to look at it is on spectrum of standard of living the system would afford. One one end you would have a poor SOL, middle mediocre SOL and right high SOL. Collectivist societies are going to do their best to make sure no one winds up on the poor side of the spectrum. That I guess is a good thing. I think it is far outweighed by the negatives however. The fact that such a system requires considerable government control and they fact that it takes human behavior for worse AND for better off the table. Their is no initiative to achieve more because there is nothing more to be gained by doing so. There is liklihood of sustained job growth, this less liklihood of wealth accumlation thus less liklihood of SOL improving for people. It would be an all around mediocre or just 'okay' society.

Free market society is the opposite using the extreme unregulated kind as an example. There is no safety net. Without some kind of system in place to protect them people that for whatever reason simply aren't able to contribute to their SOL they would slip through the cracks and be at the poor end as would the people that simply don't want to put forth the effort or rise to their potential. I don't think you would have a lot of that in the extreme cases because the options are basically work to survive or die. You also have the positive opportunity for people to attain as much wealth as they want. That would create jobs for other people and the possibility of wealth accumulation for them. More likely than not you are going to end up, similar to our society, with a few people in the poor SOL side, a lot in the middle and a lot on high SOL side.

The question boils down to what you're more comfortable with? A society where can you feel safe an knowing that everyone is going to be okay SOL wise (also knowing there is little opportunity to improve it? Or a society where your SOL is only limited by you, know that there are risks involved for failure?

Capitalism rewards the capitalist. The motivated and driven can be anyone, from a labourer to a doctor. If greed is the motivator and driver then the best economic system to use those motivators in is capitalism. If being socially useful is the motivator then socialism is the best economic system for someone who has those particular drives.

See here's the paradox I am seeing in you and Shogun. You claim you want a decent SOL for everyone. Then you complain about the so called greedy people actually improving there SOL and about the system that provides the best opportunity for doing so. Are doctor's not socially useful/ Do other countries have more socially useful people than we do? What does that even mean - socially usefull? That they improve society? Isn't a measure of whether people have improved society, societies SOL?

Their is also the topic of greed. People want capitalism because they are greedy, eh? Sorry Di. WRONG. People want capitalism because they want freedom. They want as much control over their own lives as possible. They want to be able to achieve whatever they want. Amazingly and unarguably that method here has still provided more 'social usefullness' than most any other country.

Coal - I appreciate the illustration but I was wondering about how natural resources got into private hands.

Cuba and the issue of standard of living - It's about how the means of production distributes what is produced. Capitalism relies on the laws of supply and demand in a market mechanism. Socialism requires a planned approach. The upshot is that capitalism produces an inequitable distribution while socialism produces not just an equitable distribution but also a rational distribution.

Standard of living and the issue of freedom - I want a decent standard of living for everyone, yes. Capitalism can't do that because of its inherent flaws. Socialism can do it.

Freedom. Depends on how it's defined. Capitalism, the freedom to be wealthy, the freedom to be poor. That freedom?
shogun, are you still trying to claim china is not a mixed capitalist economy? are you dense?

Who owns the means of production in China? If it's private corporations then it's capitalism. If it's corporations owned by the Chinese government/Party/PRA then it's state capitalism. But it's not socialism, not even with Chinese characteristics.
theres private property in china. there are privately owned businesses, hence the stock market. it is a considerably mixed economy. my company, an american small business, was working as a subcontractor for an american firm working a contract for a private chinese company developing houses for free-hold sale in nanjing in 2002. that would have never happened in the '70s, be it china, the cccp, or e.germany.

that it is emerging from communism, a different divergence from the US adding progressive infrastructure to become more mixed, of course china's different.

If you believe that China is capitalist then you have a surprise coming. Watch what happens when someone allegedly tries to interfere in commerce in China:

An Australian executive of mining giant Rio Tinto, detained in China since Sunday, is being held on suspicion of being a spy and stealing state secrets.

"State secrets" were allegedly what capitalists would call "confidential commercial information". In China they're state secrets because the state owns those corporations.

Rio Tinto officer arrested for spying in China

China has a totalitarian government that practices state capitalism in order to grow its dominance in the world's economy and to protect that dominance, in its military. It is using capitalism's methods to strangle capitalism itself. I don't know if Marx had this in mind when he referred to capitalism having the cause of its own destruction embedded in it but I'll put money on it that he would regard China as a monstrous aberration.
Coal - I appreciate the illustration but I was wondering about how natural resources got into private hands.

Umm coal is a natural resource. Unless you're driving at something else. And I explained how it got into Johnny's hands. Maybe he simply claimed it because he was closest to it. Maybe the society he was in decided it was in everyone's best interest to allow him to supply because he was the best at it. Just a couple of examples

Cuba and the issue of standard of living - It's about how the means of production distributes what is produced. Capitalism relies on the laws of supply and demand in a market mechanism. Socialism requires a planned approach. The upshot is that capitalism produces an inequitable distribution while socialism produces not just an equitable distribution but also a rational distribution.

Another term for planned would be controlled. Typically by government. That is EXTREMELY dangerous. Say what you want about the corruption of capitalism, at least if it becomes to much so you can have government regulate the unfairness out of it. If the government is corrupt, which there is always some level in any country, who will you turn to then to protect you from those that have the means of production?

There are a couple of more fundamental issues at play here. One this idea of equitable distribution. You chastise capitalism for not doing that. Therefore I have to assume you believe all 'stuff' should be equally distributed. I know it's cliche but socialism is indeed a system that only looks good on paper. It has failed whenever used. It fails because labor becomes valueless. If at the end of the day everything is going to get divided up among everyone equally there is no incentive to have to work for anything. Maybe you can get a handful of people to agree to give 100%, but not millions. Socialism fails, or at best can only produce at level equal to its least productive worker. It is system that CAN NOT reach greatness, only mediocrity

The problem is how you view the poor. The left tends to believe they are mostly victims who simply CAN NOT compete. The right tends to believe that the majority of the poor have chosen to be that way. Naturally you know I believe it is the later that is true. You would see it's true as well if you opened your eyes because it is observable by the truck load of people every single day. I know and I'm sure deep down you would admit too that you know very, very few people that could not achieve more if they wanted to. You can't tell me that you know most of the people in your life or that you see everyday are simply 'tapped out' potentntial wise. The TRUTH is being in a bad position in life is more often than not a result of bad decisions.

But hey maybe you don't agree with that premise. Maybe you don't think people should have to work to their full potential to maintain their standard of living. Okay try setting up that society and getting anything produced. Your position would be you are entitled to a standard of living. Problem going back to socialism is if your entitled to something you don't have to work for it. How will anything get provided to anyone? You have as much right to say 'I'm entitled to that food, I'm not the one that's gonna slave over growing it', just as much as I do.

Standard of living and the issue of freedom - I want a decent standard of living for everyone, yes. Capitalism can't do that because of its inherent flaws. Socialism can do it.

Can it garuntee one to everyone? no. But you can not deny that America is proof that it provides a better standard of living than most places in the world for almost everyone. A standard of living that simply is not possible, as we saw from the soviet effort, under socialism.

Freedom. Depends on how it's defined. Capitalism, the freedom to be wealthy, the freedom to be poor. That freedom?

The freedom to pursue what you want to pursue. The freedom to not be deprived of your property to be given to someone else because you think equitable distribution of stuff is the only real definition of FAIR. You want to start getting into flimsy definitions of terms then you better start with that f word first.
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shogun, are you still trying to claim china is not a mixed capitalist economy? are you dense?

probably less dense than a STATE OWNED ENTERPRISE is, uh, owned by the state and used to regulate their economy.



how did you like that list of no less than 150 state owned entities which are used to regulate China's economy? Clearly, it must have looked like a fucking small business home show to you.

Many of those businesses are being run off. Many of the SOEs in China are unprofitable and have been firing workers. The unemployed are being absorbed by private factories in the coastal regions. The reason why China is so hell bent for growth, and a big reason why they are keeping their currency pegged to the dollar, is so that private enterprise can grow fast enough to take on all those workers. The communist party sees this as absolutely necessary to keeping itself in power and perhaps the country itself from being ripped apart as tens of millions of unemployed would threaten the stability of the nation.
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☭proletarian☭;1820981 said:
So you think we can only enjoy a fine standard of living by exploiting poorer peoples? Nice justification- reminds me of the justifications for slavery.

who ELSE is going to grow bananas or sugar? Gosh.. I wonder why CUBA wasn't a big fan of capitalism and the pieces of shit who keep making excuses for cheap labor.
I'm not sure whether you're arguing or agreeing with me :eusa_eh:

We got rid of slaves and sharecroppers and we still have people- farmers- willing to work the fields of their own accord and seek as much profit as they can on the open market.
If this system heralded by "conservatives", republicans and corporatists is so unshakably sound and the best system out there - and self-correcting... what the heck happened? Dubai is the "shining Jewel" of free market capitalism in the middle east. Now it is pretty much bankrupt and having to be bailed out by the Saudis.

Also, this came out today:

BBC NEWS | Special Reports | Free market flawed, says survey

Let me say it in "Cowboy terms" Bull-shit. Right now--this country has all the energy resources it needs. We have clean-green energy at our fingertips if we can get YOU liberal enviromental waccos off of our asses. We can drill here, drill now that would put millions of Americans--right now back to work. We can build NUCLEAR POWER plants that would put millions of laid off construction workers back work. We can DRILL for an already known source of CLEAN--NATURAL GAS supply--that would heat our homes for the next four years that is off the coast of Santa Barbara. Off shore has only been explored by 7%,. So while you liberals complain about the the lives & money we spend fighting WARS over oil--kick yourselves in the freaking ass--because it is you, & only YOU that prevent us from doing what we always been able to do--right here in our own dam country.

NOPE--it's you liberals that have totally f....ked this country & it's energy supply--along with the jobs & WARS that we have fought overseas, BECAUSE OF YOUR LIBERAL BULL-SHIT.
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☭proletarian☭;1823008 said:
☭proletarian☭;1822974 said:
I think he means a mixed economy

OK, but a mixed economy is a FASCIST economy.

Fascism is not an economic system

Hey--while these little thumbsuckers on this board--" most of whom probably get an allowance from thier parents" & have never worked themselves a day in their life or actually recieved a "pay check" what can you expect--:lol::lol: They don't know the difference.

Just put them on IGNORE.
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